
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasie
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234 Chs

Monsters appear

The thunder shook, the storm raged, and the bleak shadow of the gods finally dissipated.

Time flies, and the giant thunder bear wiped out Talos' residual will without any risk, and the divine fragments turned into pure divine power, suspended above the consciousness space, and there were no longer any fluctuations in spiritual thoughts.

The giant bear composed of the power of thunder is more and more solid, just like a real giant bear, the hair on the body is exposed, the back hair is thick, and the body is majestic and thick. Swallow in one bite.


In an instant, crossed lightning bursts out from all over the Thunder Bear's body, turning into a dazzling light group, covering the entire consciousness space.

Outside, the giant bear, which had been peaceful, had also undergone amazing changes.

The power of divinity erupted from the body and spread to the limbs and bones, and even the surface of the body erupted with thunder and lightning, and thunder and lightning continued to burst out.

The thunderbolts hit the surrounding ground indiscriminately, causing violent explosions.


The power of the thunder that spilled out was astonishing, and it easily penetrated the ground and fell very deep. The Nightmare Spider not far away could not help but get hit a few times and be whipped.

Under the bombardment of thunder and lightning, the body was as fragile as tofu, the carapace exploded, the body was scorched by electricity, and it was quickly cooked.

Slaughter was shivering with fright, shrinking into a ball, trembling instinctively, if it hadn't been combined with Zhao Xiong and possessed within his body, he would have been struck to death by these scurrying thunder and lightning.

Zhao Xiong still closed his eyes, and his huge body began to grow crazily under the fusion of divine power.

The tyrannical aura permeated wantonly, and his own aura became even more terrifying.

An evolutionary lizard that hid in the ground and survived an earthquake dug a hole from here. As soon as it emerged, it was hit by the breath, and was immediately scared to death.

However, although the divine power contained in the divine fragment is extremely violent, this time it failed to tear Zhao Xiong's body apart. The body was easily torn apart like the original fusion bloodline inheritance.

With the support of his strong physical fitness, Zhao Xiong has withstood wave after wave of divine power, constantly absorbing divine power and integrating it into his body.

The power of the bloodline was stimulated, and the deeper inheritance appeared, allowing Zhao Xiong to absorb it greedily.

Next, you just need to calm down and absorb all the divine power.


The farther south of Yangchuan City is the epicenter of the earthquake, where the earthquake caused the most severe damage.

The building collapsed, the ground sank deep, and large cracks spread in all directions. I don't know how many bodies were buried under the collapsed and damaged buildings. They have survived the cataclysm until now, but died in the natural disaster.

Some people crawled out from under the ruins covered in blood, struggling to find their family members under the collapsed buildings, and some people stared blankly at the devastated city in front of them, kneeling on the ground, dazed and desperate.

However, this is not the most desperate thing. In this post-catastrophic world, something will soon approach this side.

It's not the rescue that the survivors are waiting for, but monsters that smell blood.


A huge boa constrictor swam from above, smashed through the obstacles along the way, opened its huge mouth, and swallowed a helpless crying woman crouching in front of the ruins.


The strange bird in the sky hovered, swooped down, and its sharp iron claws penetrated a survivor and took him to fly.

Before it could reach a height of several dozen meters, another strange bird came to **** it.

Stab it!

During the battle between the two strange birds, the survivor who was still crying for help was torn in half, and blood spurted out.

But not all humans are so miserable, and the awakened humans are also fighting back.

A mutant cat is hiding behind the ruins and is about to attack an unaware survivor ahead.


Under the cracked ground next to it, several wrist-thick dark green vines suddenly grew, covered with thorns and thorns, and wrapped around the mutant cat as quickly as a living thing.


The mutant cat let out an angry cry, trying to struggle out, but these vines were so tough that they couldn't break free for a while, and some of the thorns even pierced into its flesh, oozing blood.

"Hurry up, I can't control how long it takes."

A sturdy female Awakener poked her head from the crooked roof and shouted.

While talking, he also took out the plant seeds from the special pocket and threw them to the mutant cat. After a while, the seeds sprouted and grew at an extremely fast speed, and grew into a cage-shaped tree, shutting the mutant cat. go in.

"Look at me!"

Soon there was a voice in response to the woman, and a figure jumped down from the second floor and headed straight for the mutant cat that was barely locked up.

On the way to jump down, his clothes were torn, and iron-blue hair quickly grew on his body. His body was tall, his nose and mouth extended forward, and his head changed, turning into a wolf's head.

After the figure fell to the ground, it had already turned into a strong werewolf. A pair of wolf eyes revealed a faint fierce light.

"Tsk, this is a puppet cat? How did it become so ugly after a mutation."

Looking at the trapped mutant cat, the werewolf couldn't help but complain.

"Don't talk nonsense, don't you think you have a long life, hurry up and make a quick decision, in case a more powerful monster appears, we all have to die here." The woman said angrily.

"Alright alright."

The werewolf immediately started, and the sharp wolf claws cut a deep incision on the mutant cat, and blood flowed.


The trapped mutant cat let out a shrill cry, its muscles twisted, and the entangled vines couldn't restrain it. The sharp claws pierced into the tree trunk and tore it off. Half of the mutant cat's body had to break away from the tree trunk.

"Zhang Yunming, hurry up!"

The female awakener shouted, "I can't control it anymore."


Before the mutant cat was about to get out of trouble, the werewolf's claws penetrated its head and finally killed it.


Seeing that the monster was killed, the female awakened was relieved.


At the end of the battle, the two Awakened were just about to have a conversation when their expressions suddenly changed. There was a loud rumbling sound not far away, and the ground shook again.


A terrifying roar like a dull thunder came from the ground, making the two of them pale, ruling out the possibility of aftershocks.

I saw a huge cave appeared in the center of the earthquake, and a huge creature crawled out from below.

This giant beast is more than 30 meters long, and its body is actually burning with flames. Its huge head has two huge horns facing backwards, its body is covered with thick black scales, its limbs are thick and short, and its huge tail is powerful , like a terrifying monster crawling out of the heart of the earth!