
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasie
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234 Chs

Go out

The next product update time: 1 day 19 hours 32 minutes.

Opening his eyes in the morning, Zhao Xiong glanced at the store, and in more than a day, the products would be refreshed.

Next, we have to work hard to hunt monsters. Although there are less than 400 soul stones in our pocket, it is not a small amount, but it is definitely not a lot. Except for instant bargain products, basically you can't buy good things. Thousands of soul stones at every turn.

For example, the missed [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] and the soon-to-miss [Queen of Blades] Kerrigan are worth thousands to tens of thousands of soul stones. If you can't afford them, you can only watch them go away. I don't know if they will be in the future. Will not be listed again.

But it's a pity that there will be other good things in the store, you can't miss it anymore.

"Master... good morning."

A mass of blood-formed monster heads condensed, extending from Zhao Xiong's left claw, and uttering human words, it was the new symbiote he named "Slaughter".

Over the course of the night, his language ability has improved a lot, and he can already communicate in a simple way.

The learning ability of this thing is still quite fast, which makes Zhao Xiong quite satisfied. The combat ability needs to be cultivated for the time being, but the IQ must be improved. I plan to use it to fool the Blood Council at that time. The IQ is too low.

Continuing to communicate with the massacre, knowing that it has not completely absorbed the energy essence of the pus and blood, he immediately drove it back to the left claw, and it was not allowed to come out until it absorbed the energy left by the blood food.

Slaughter obediently returned to Parasitic's left claw and fell silent.

The circus was not deserted, and the people in the troupe also got up early. Except for Chen Tianlei who was unable to move and took the cook and a few people to take charge of Zhao Xiong's diet, the rest of the people were busy, starting to make simple weapons and armor, and exercise their physical fitness. Prepare for the battles you may face later.

There is not much food left in the regiment now, and it will not last for a few days, and there are animals that are difficult to deal with. Sooner or later, they will go out to find food and living materials, and face those dangers.

During the period, someone proposed to let Zhao Xiong go forage and bring back living materials to the regiment, but Zhou Yunguo rejected it.

During this period of time, he did not sit idle. He carefully analyzed Zhao Xiong's habits and personality, and felt that it was unrealistic and completely impossible for Zhao Xiong to be a nanny for everyone. It would only anger him and make him angry.

And for a long time, Zhou Yunguo has not completely pinned his hopes on Zhao Xiong. He very much hopes that humans with evolutionary or awakening abilities will appear, lead everyone out of the predicament, defeat monsters, and truly start a new life and rebuild their homes.

Until he met the big goose Qin Shou, his heart went from hot to cold, and his hopes were dashed.

Only then did I discover that not all Awakeneds are powerful and have the ability to use waste wood, such as turning into a goose. This big fat goose can be eaten and made. At present, the only function is to use it for stewing in iron pots. Other than that, it's useless, an old-fashioned rifle left by my grandfather can't kill even a dog.

For those who are still chattering, Zhou Yunguo said that if you are not afraid of being eaten, just go to Xiong Da to communicate.

It's just that these people didn't have the courage to face Zhao Xiong, so even though he ran outside all day, no one dared to ask him to bring back the supplies.

People can only comfort themselves, this increasingly terrifying giant bear can stay in the circus all the time, provide them with shelter, and make monsters dare not approach here, it is already a great luck.

However, shelter is shelter. In everyone's eyes, Zhao Xiong is always an animal. No matter how intelligent he is, and he can even speak, he will never be treated as a human being.

"Gah! Another beautiful new day!"

The busy voices of everyone woke Qin Shou up. He stretched out from the male dormitory of the circus, as if he had just woken up.

It's just that he didn't know when, he had changed from the shape of a big goose back to a human, standing naked at the door, and he didn't know it.

"Ah! You pervert!"

Suddenly, a woman's scream came from outside.

"Damn it! When did I become human!"

Qin Shou lowered his head to see his appearance, exclaimed in surprise, and hurried back to the dormitory.

There's no way, the big goose can't wear clothes, and there's no need to wear clothes.

"Nice ass."

Looking at the back of Qin Shou's hurried escape, the baby-faced Yanyan couldn't help sighing, but she suddenly realized that what she was doing seemed wrong, and quickly covered her eyes with her white and tender hands.

Next to her, Feng Yan looked at the little friend whose fingers were leaking, and didn't bother to pierce her.

When Qin Shou came out of the dormitory again, he changed back to the form of a big fat goose. He was a little frustrated, and he kept muttering not to be excited, to be calm and so on.

Zhao Xiong ignored this and ate quietly.


There was barking outside, and the dogs came to report.

"You can continue hunting."

Zhao Xiong's big claws pulled the map, chewing a lotus pod in his mouth, absorbing that weak energy, better than nothing.

After eating the nutritious meal made of lion meat and lotus pods, it's time to go.

The silver-white giant bear as huge as a hill came out of the circus and walked towards the dogs.


Bian Mu's limbs were a little weak. The hair started to rise.

In addition to feeling the normal terrifying pressure on Zhao Xiong, there is an inexplicable fear. It seems that there is a malicious stare at him, and there is a sense of crisis that will be swallowed up at any time.

Bian Mu quickly set his eyes on Zhao Xiong's scarlet left paw, faintly felt that something was parasitizing there, and couldn't help but back away.

"Master... can I eat them?"

The originally silent Slaughter became restless again, trying to ask, his voice full of greed.


Zhao Xiong replied, "Don't worry, there are so many mutants out there, and your food is indispensable."

The dogs are still very loyal now, and naturally they cannot be eaten by the symbiote. There is no shortage of food outside. Disgusting mutant monsters such as long-necked monsters and giant toads, and disgusting things that cannot be digested, can all be swallowed up by the slaughter.

With the assurance of the master, Slaughter shut up and continued to remain silent.

As the malice disappeared, the dogs relaxed a little.

"Lotus seeds are good for them."

When he came to the group of dogs, Zhao Xiong looked at it at will, and the lotus seeds that could only allow him to absorb a trace of energy were still very effective for this group of dogs, which were mostly ordinary animals.

The three Bianmu dogs who received several lotus seeds yesterday have grown slightly in size, and their combat power has increased. Among them, the giant Ronaway's combat power has exceeded 100. Its fur is black and yellow, and it looks extremely mighty.

In addition, the other dogs that eat lotus seeds also have obvious changes, showing signs of evolution, growing in size, and they can become new evolutionary species when the evolution is completed.

"Go, let's go."

Zhao Xiong waved his big paw and left here with the dogs.