
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasie
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234 Chs

Genetic Enhancement Potion

Xu Xiaoya was sent to the hospital for rescue, accompanied by the driver, Master Zhang, and two colleagues. The rest stayed in the group and waited for news. There were not too many people going. After all, the whole city was blocked.

With such a big mess, everyone in the group was a little uneasy. Except for Xu Xiaoya who was injured, there were only two surviving monkeys left in the monkey cage. The rest of the monkeys were slaughtered. See.

Zhou Yunguo asked people to clean the monkey cage and remove the broken corpses. The people who were arranged had to bite the bullet.

Immediately, he called several stewards of the regiment for a meeting, and even Chen Tian, ​​who had personally experienced the monster attack, was called away together.

As the head of the regiment, Zhou Yunguo has already noticed that this series of things is not right. First, Simba the lion went crazy, then the monkey transformed into a monster and slaughtered the same kind, seriously injuring Xu Xiaoya. In addition to the blockade of the whole city, he was clearly aware of this. It's definitely not just an ordinary serendipitous coincidence.

"Old buddy, wait for me, I'll come back and bring you something delicious."

Chen Tian's condition had recovered, he patted the iron cage and left immediately.

After Zhou Yunguo left, the rest of the group gathered around the monster's corpse to watch. Everyone had different opinions, and they didn't know where the ghost came from.

Although Chen Tian said that the monster emerged from the monkey cage, no one thought it was a monkey.

In the end, the keeper of the monkey cage confirmed again and again that the monster was indeed a monkey named Huanhuan.

The members of the regiment have long seen the topic of monster infestation and animal mutation on the Internet. Most of them think it is alarmist, and the closure of the city is still a fluke.

Now that the monster corpse is in front of them, they have to believe it.

Some people looked at the big iron cage with suspicious eyes, not knowing what they were thinking, but Zhao Xiong ignored them and was researching plug-ins.

"Killing the monster will explode the soul stone, which can be used to buy things in the mysterious store."

This is a cycle. There are many good things in the mysterious store. Of course Zhao Xiong wants it, but if he wants to get it, he has to keep hunting monsters. Kill a monkey monster to get 10 soul stones. God knows how many. Only one can afford [Blue-Eyes White Dragon].

At present, the explosion rate of the soul stone is not clear. Zhao Xiong is not sure whether the soul stone will explode after killing the monster, or there is a certain probability that it will explode.

This must be clarified. If you try your best to kill a monster, but nothing comes out, wouldn't you be mad at the bear.

Also, can ordinary creatures explode soul stones?

Zhao Xiong was a little curious. He looked at these ordinary humans outside the cage and glanced back and forth. These people are much easier to kill than monkey monsters.

A group of people were still watching the lively around the monster's corpse. They didn't even know that the seemingly solid iron cage was just nothing in Zhao Xiong's eyes. They were in the same cage as the beast.

However, Zhao Xiong didn't take any action, just go back and experiment slowly.

"The mutant monsters have already appeared under my nose. There are definitely not a few monsters in the outside world, and the monkey monsters alone are so powerful that they can easily kill humans. Once the mutant monsters appear, they will definitely be more fierce."

Zhao Xiong felt a sense of crisis in his heart. Although he killed the monkey monster with ease, don't forget that this creature was just an ordinary monkey with a body length of less than one meter and a weight of several tens of kilograms before the mutation. gigantic difference.

And Zhao Xiong is still a little worried. His evolution is not over yet. Will it fail to evolve one day in the future?

As a brown bear with ordinary bloodline, if it fails to evolve and mutate into a monster, wouldn't it be a complete calf.

This is not an alarmist. The evolutionary creatures that he has come into contact with so far are not only himself, but also the monkey monster and the escaped \man-eating lion Simba.

Not to mention the monkey monster, Simba was influenced by the blue moon and was different from ordinary lions. He was bigger than before, with stronger jumping power, two less obvious bulges on both sides of his shoulder blades, and his temperament also changed. Very aggressive.

Even if it didn't fail to evolve, there were obvious signs of mutation.

It seems that the probability of evolutionary mutation is not generally high, which is really staggering. Zhao Xiong is already used to this body and feels that it is good to be a bear, and he does not want to wake up and become a horrible monster.

"It's not all about luck. It's better to use gene-enhancing potions to enhance your physique."

Zhao Xiong made a decisive decision, opened the mysterious shop, and bought the [Gene Enhancement Potion].

This thing does not have any side effects on the body, and can strengthen the physique. Although it is not particularly strong, it should be able to ensure his normal evolution in the early stage, and will not mutate or fail to evolve.

{The purchase is successful, the current consumption is 10 soul stones, and the remaining soul stones are 0.}

10 Soul Stones are consumed and returned to zero.

{Inventory slot *30 has been unlocked.}

{You have successfully purchased the 'Gene Enhancement Potion' and sent it to the inventory.}

Thirty small grids appeared in Zhao Xiong's consciousness space, and a bottle of crystal purple mysterious liquid occupied one of the grids.

Staring carefully, two lines of small characters appeared.

{The inventory is available 29/30.}

{Consumables in the inventory can be used directly or taken out by yourself. Note: The inventory can only store items purchased from the store.}

"Use immediately."

Zhao Xiong felt that it would be better not to take out this thing. If someone saw the big brown bear taking out a tube of potion from his body, he had to grab it and slice it.

Immediately, the gene-enhancing potion that occupied a grid in the inventory disappeared, and a warm heat rose from the lower abdomen and spread to the limbs.

This mysterious energy kept attacking the nerves, and Zhao Xiong's whole body showed a slight soreness like the bite of an ant.

But this kind of soreness is tolerable, not to mention that it is accompanied by a slow increase in physique. Zhao Xiong can feel his power is being activated, every inch of cells is full of energy, and the body seems to start a new round of growth and development. , the senses have become more acute.

Zhao Xiong was crawling on the ground, motionless.

No one paid attention to the changes here, everyone was still more interested in monsters, and some people tried to take pictures and post them on social platforms.

However, the monster's corpse was still lying on the spot, no one dared to move. After looking at it for a long time, the photo was almost finished. People began to lose interest in it, and the people dispersed. Although some people glanced at the iron cage, but No one noticed the strangeness on Zhao Xiong's side.

The efficacy of the gene-enhanced potion reached its final stage. As his body was hot like fire, Zhao Xiong closed his eyes and entered a shallow sleep, allowing the genetic-enhanced potion to temper his body.

During this period, Chen Tian, ​​who came back from the meeting, came to visit Zhao Xiong and wanted to express his gratitude, but he didn't bother when he saw Xiong Da was resting, and walked away with interest.