
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasie
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234 Chs

Dangerous Pond


Zhao Xiong, who had harvested 50 soul stones, was so happy that he finally had another deposit.

He was too lazy to deal with the finishing touches. He didn't even look at the corpse of the monster on the ground, turned around and left, looking for the next hunting target.

A long-necked monster provides 50 soul stones. As long as you kill five mutants of the same level, you can save enough soul stones to buy "Indestructible Thunder" and achieve the ambition of a demigod.

It's beautiful to think about.

Zhao Xiong's heart is very excited, but he still maintains his calmness and vigilance at all times, and enters a fighting state at any time.

He knows that he must not be careless in the next battle with the monster. After all, the mutant's combat power is not weak, and it is much higher than the monkey monster that fails to mutate. If you are not careful, you may capsize in the gutter.

Moreover, the life forms of mutants are extremely strange, such as the vertebrae of monsters with long necks. The mutants are like scorpions. Even if the head is crushed, it does not die immediately.

If it wasn't for absorbing the gene-enhancing potion and improving the combat power, it might not be possible to deal with it.

What's more, it is estimated that there are more powerful monsters in the city, so I can't be too crazy for the time being.

It has been quiet for a long time outside. In the house of the family that was attacked by the long-necked monster, a trembling head stuck out from the broken window.

Seeing the long-necked monster with a tragic death on the ground, the man couldn't help but rejoice and turned his head to look, just to see a giant brown bear turning the corner and disappearing from sight.

"There seems to be something here."

Sniffing the smell in the air, Zhao Xiong continued to look for prey.

The brown bear's sense of smell is several times that of dogs. In the wild, it can smell the smell of rotting corpses more than three kilometers away. After evolution, the sense of smell has been greatly improved. Even in cities with complex environments, it can smell far away. smell.

I don't know if it's because there are too many monsters in the city today, or if Zhao Xiong is lucky, he found out again before he went too far.

A small park with urban greenery appeared in front of it, with only a small circle of cobblestone-paved paths, several sets of fitness equipment and a small calm pond.

A sturdy dog ​​the size of a bull is hanging its head down, foraging in a litter box next to the park.

The canine teeth are sharp, and the tendons of the limbs are well developed, but the dirty black hair is all sticky together, almost gray, and exudes a bad smell.

Probably a stray dog ​​that hangs in the garbage heap all the year round.

{Name: ? ? ?

Race: garden dog

Bloodline: Evolution Species

Status: Normal (completed initial evolution)

Skill: Bite

Combat Strength Assessment: 40~70

Threat Assessment: Low}

"Hey, it's actually a dog that has successfully evolved."

Zhao Xiong was a little surprised. He had seen so many monsters recently, and finally saw a precedent of successful evolution, even though this dog's combat power level was a bit low.

Shall we attack it?

Zhao Xiong is pondering, this dog is not easy, he has successfully evolved and is still rummaging in the garbage can for food.

Moreover, with the developed sense of smell and hearing of dogs, he may not be able to touch the other side before the dog finds it.


Before Zhao Xiong had any idea about it, the black dog suddenly raised its head and let out a nervous whimper.

With his white teeth bared, he seemed to sense that some kind of danger was approaching.

Zhao Xiong was stunned for a moment, then reacted without any action. The reason for the other party's nervousness was not because of him.

The black dog bared his teeth and stared at the park on the other side.


A thick black shadow shot out from the pond in the park and headed straight for the black dog at a very fast speed.

Fortunately, the well-prepared black dog immediately evaded and avoided the attack of the shadow.

The black shadow flew into the air and turned back to the pond, but left a one-meter-square pit where the dog stayed before, and the original cement floor and soil were all swept away.


This evolutionary black dog that escaped the catastrophe seemed to be out of anger. Instead of running away with its tail between its tails, it barked angrily and hopped back and forth around the pond, looking very angry.


Under the pond, the shadow attacked again, but unfortunately it still missed and swept away a piece of turf that the black dog had stepped on.

The black dog was even more angry, and the bark was even more harsh, and continued to circle around the pond, with the momentum of jumping into the pond to fight.


The calm water made waves, and the things under the pond were enraged.

Two rounds of huge scarlet frog pupils lit up.


The water waves exploded, and a monster as huge as a hill jumped out of the water and landed on the ground. The ground near the park shook violently like an earthquake.

Lurking beneath the pond was a huge toad-shaped monster. The shadow that attacked the dog just now was just its mutant tongue.

The monster toad squatted on the edge of the pond. It was more than ten feet tall. The terrifying mouth was full of fangs, and the uneven back was filled with disgusting sarcoid abscesses.

The pus viscous liquid dripped to the ground along the **** hardened skin, and the turf below made a screeching sound. Obviously, the pus contained severe corrosive toxins.

Seeing that the attacker was provoked ashore by himself, the evolutionary black dog the size of a bull ran away immediately, obviously knowing that he could not beat him.

The giant toad monster jumped up with its extremely developed hind limbs and chased. It could travel dozens of meters in a few jumps. However, it was still difficult to catch up with the extremely nimble dog. In the end, it had to make an unpleasant croak and gave up the chase. Return to the pond.

{Name: ? ? ?

Race: Giant Toad

Bloodline: Mutant Species

Status: Mutation

Skills: Big Tongue Lash, Poison Gland, ? ? ?

Combat Strength Assessment: 270~410

Threat Assessment: High}

"This horse is a toad!?"

Zhao Xiong was shocked. The small pond in the Minxin Park in the district could actually raise such a scary thing!

After a palm-sized toad has mutated, it can jump to such a big size, bigger than Lao Tzu, how about martial arts!

Since the second development, Lao Tzu has even knocked on the potion, and until now he has not grown enough to two meters, okay?

Compared with evolutionary species that grow slowly, mutant species are so unreasonable.

Zhao Xiong was very vigilant, staring at the giant toad in the distance. This monster's combat strength assessment is very high, and it is very dangerous. In addition, it hides insidiously under the pond. There is no movement at all. , being dragged into the water, he may not be able to come up alive.

"This guy can explode a lot of soul stones at a glance, but the problem is that he can't beat it."

Looking at the giant toad, it was like seeing a bunch of soul stones waving at him, Zhao Xiong was a little unwilling, but he couldn't help it.

This is an amphibious monster. No one in the pond is its opponent. It can only be killed by bringing it ashore. However, there are still new problems that cannot be solved. There is simply nowhere to touch.

He could only watch it return to the pond, lurking again, and quietly wait for the new prey to pass by.

"It looks like I can only go elsewhere to find prey." Zhao Xiong felt a little regretful.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

But just as he was about to turn around and leave, there was another burst of barking from the street in the distance.

Dozens of stray dogs of various sizes are approaching the park, and the number is still increasing.

The evolved black dog that escaped unexpectedly came back, and not only did it come back, but also brought a group of dogs to help out.