
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasie
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234 Chs


Oh? Is the **** of the sea about to be born?

Hearing the news brought by someone from Atlantis, Zhao Xiong was a little bit interested.

He heard the news some time ago, so he was not surprised that this **** was about to be born. Besides, many new gods have appeared in the recovery of spiritual energy, and it is normal for another **** of the sea to appear.

Although the newly born new gods are weaker and weaker in background, they are temporarily inferior to those of the remaining old gods, but they have great potential. They are the products that appear in line with the current world rules, the incarnation of the laws, so their strength is improved. Soon, such as the original sin of gluttony and the **** of war, Aremons, who was killed by Zhao Xiong before.

But among the many new gods, the one that attracts the most attention is naturally the ocean **** who is still in the process of being conceived.

The ocean is magnificent, occupying more than 70% of the earth's surface, and it is an incomparably huge system in itself. The gods nurtured by the power of the ocean are definitely extremely powerful, and it will not be strange even when they are born.

As marine creatures, the major aquariums cannot ignore this situation. The temperament of this **** of the ocean will affect the pattern of the entire ocean, and the forces in the ocean are likely to change again.

Among them, the deep diver reacted the most. Dagon, the king of the deep sea, already regarded himself as the master of the ocean. If Zhao Xiong hadn't led the dragon clan to emerge, he might have already sent troops to invade the coastal waters.

Many aquarists believe that sooner or later the deep diver will break out into conflict with the dragon, and have been waiting.

I just didn't expect that before this day came, the **** of the ocean was born first and became a new unstable factor.

The king of the deep sea will never allow this new **** to rule the ocean and affect his own power, and has begun to call for people to prepare to attack the **** of the sea before it is born, strangling it in the cradle.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Atlantis. They call themselves the children of the **** of the sea and have a strong worship of the sea. They must not watch the plan of the deep diver succeed.

The Atlanteans believed in the **** of the sea.

Zhao Xiong knew this. When he went to the city of Atlantis, he did see a lot of sculptures and cultural beliefs about sea gods.

At this time, he also wanted to understand why the ruler of Atlantis, the Sea King, expressed his kindness to him, just to let himself help when the God of the Sea was born.

However, Zhao Xiong felt that it was nothing. After all, at this level of power, he would not release goodwill to others for no reason. Everything happened for a reason, and Atlantis really helped him.

Atlantis not only informed Zhao Xiong Council that he wanted him, but also passed on the information about the original hunting operation of the God of Merman and sent it to him.

Before the arrival of the four racial gods, Zhao Xiong already knew their numbers and general strength analysis, so he could make an accurate battle plan.

Not to mention whether the hunting of the God of Merman will pose a threat to Zhao Xiong, but it is indeed a love of the Atlantis people, and Zhao Xiong will seriously consider their request.

What's more important is that Zhao Xiong still remembers the inexplicable entanglement he felt when he learned of the existence of the God of the Sea. He had contact with this guy, no matter whether it was good or bad, it should be unavoidable.

According to the current situation of the ocean, in addition to the three mythical sea monsters, there are two major forces in the ocean, namely the deep diver and the dragon race. Zhao Xiong also believes that there will definitely be a battle between the two sides in the near future, and they have been exploding. , kill this so-called king of the deep sea when you are ready to go to war.

The appearance of the **** of the sea is an opportunity to start with the deep diver. Atlantis's technological power is very strong, and many aquariums have purchased the weapons they sell, and the powerful weapons are even enough to hurt nightmare-level creatures.

Therefore, Atlantis can be regarded as a powerful ally. Now, he still has the original sin of gluttony and the slaughter of two nightmare grades. He is indeed qualified to break his wrist with the deep diver.

But there is one more thing to confirm. Zhao Xiong lowered his head and stared at the Atlantis general named Dim: "In addition to inviting me, who else did you invite? The deep diver will definitely not fight alone. Who will fight on their side?"

The terrifying coercion made General Dim's breath become extremely coercive. Although the nobles of Atlantis had strong bloodlines, they still mainly focused on technology. The flesh and blood faced nightmare-level creatures, and they came from instinct. trembling.

"In addition to inviting Your Excellency Inextinguishable Kuanglei, my king also sent messengers to the waters of Iceland to contact Lord Sea Monster."

Ram replied truthfully: "The information on the deep diver's side is not clear, but it seems to be in contact with the earthly python and Leviathan."

"It's really been a world-shattering battle."

After listening to Zhao Xiong, he couldn't help thinking that the three sea monsters had all been contacted. If all the mythical creatures invited by both sides were present, it would definitely be a huge war.

Almost all of the top mythical creatures have appeared, and the battle will be earth-shattering, and even the sea will be turned upside down.

This kind of big scene made Zhao Xiong's blood heat up. Of course, he had to participate in it. Not to mention hunting soul stones, his war priesthood was born for the war, and it was impossible to choose to avoid it.

However, the battle is the battle, but the benefits that should be requested still have to be given. Zhao Xiong will not let Atlantis's mouth be fooled into the war. The benefits must be given in place.

Atlantis is famous for its wealth. Almost all aquariums trade with them, buy technology, and after some communication, in addition to regular fire resources, Atlantis also gave Zhao Xiong Something that cannot be denied.

So the deal was reached, both parties expressed satisfaction, and then General Dim declined the dragon's banquet and returned with the battleship.

After the Atlanteans left, Zhao Xiong also acted, summoned all his men, and began to prepare for the battle.

At the same time, there was instability everywhere in the ocean, all of which were fluctuations caused by the imminent appearance of the **** of the ocean. Deep divers frequently sent troops out, and Atlantis was also asking for help from all directions.

Even the deep diver visited Longyuan and invited Zhao Xiong to kill the **** of the ocean together, but he was rejected unsurprisingly.

However, the messenger of the deep diver who was rejected was not surprised, he just expressed his hope that Zhao Xiong and the Dragon Clan would not intervene in this matter.

Looking at this guy who vaguely revealed a threatening tone, Zhao Xiong let it go to the west as he wished.

This is a real conflict with the deep diver, but I don't think there is anything, anyway, sooner or later, I will fight with them.

But as the situation in the ocean became more and more severe, the originally warlike murlocs died down and all retreated to their own territory, trying to reduce their sense of presence and make themselves unnoticed. This was an order from several murloc race gods. At this level of war, even they dare not participate in it.

A war centered on the **** of the sea is about to begin.