
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasie
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234 Chs

Blood of the Ancient Gods

The ancient god's fingers lay on the ground, no longer moving, and the ancient god's breath lingering here is also dissipating.

The power of the ancient gods was completely wiped out.

However, this unknown area deep in the ground did not become calm, but the qi became more and more vicious.

A giant bear with a height of more than forty meters, with red eyes, stood on the spot, and the bear's eyes were filled with a tyrannical desire to kill.

The huge giant bear seems to be shrouded in rich blood light, and it looks very unstable, as if it will attack the surrounding things at any time.

It wasn't until the butcher knife was dropped that Zhao Xiong's eyes gradually returned to clarity.

"This butcher knife is really magical."

Zhao Xiong looked down at the murderous soldier stuck on the ground with lingering fears.

This thing is really strong. He was able to exert such a powerful combat power just now, and the butcher's knife was a big part of it.

As he held the butcher's knife, a powerful **** force spread out, seemingly endless, like a sea of ​​blood.

Even the butcher knife itself has a magical power, 'Blood Demon Slaughtering God', which was transmitted to Zhao Xiong's mind.

However, the power is strong, but at the same time, the butcher's knife is also extremely dangerous.

After the battle, Zhao Xiong felt that the **** and tyrannical chaotic will still flooded his mind, and he refused to disperse, so he couldn't help but want to kill wildly. It took a long time to suppress this impulse and throw away the butcher knife. . .

This butcher knife has a terrifying magical nature. If he used this weapon for a long time, Zhao Xiong would not dare to guarantee that he would not become a puppet controlled by the butcher knife.

Even Zhao Xiong's bloodline power will be affected, which shows how evil the butcher's knife is.

However, after the butcher knife that he lost fell on the ground, there was nothing unusual, nor did it fly away by itself. It was inserted obliquely into the rock formation, and the rich blood light quickly converged, and soon it was completely absorbed, and the brilliance was lost.

From a distance, you can only think that this is an old butcher's knife full of gaps. The huge blade is rusted and stained with dried and blackened blood.


Zhao Xiong let out a breath of turbid air, shrinking his body, and canceling the transformation effect.

With the ancient god's finger being slaughtered, the battle finally came to an end temporarily.

The successive battles also made him feel a little mentally exhausted, and the journey to the mountains was almost over.

Not in a hurry to check the harvest, Zhao Xiong first looked at Laton's situation.

Raton blocked the attack for him just now, and was severely injured by the annihilation light. He cut a huge wound, and the lava blood flowed down, which made Raton look very sluggish. It does not have the abnormal recovery ability of gluttony.

Zhao Xiong immediately took out an immortal bean and fed it to treat the injury.

Raton is still very useful. Zhao Xiong doesn't want it to be abolished so early, and this battle has no credit or hard work. Feeding fairy beans makes sense.

Although Raton seemed to be a little stretched in the face of the ancient god's finger, but there was no way, let's not talk about the shortcomings of the ability, the more important point is to know that this is underground.

The king of the sky simply cannot exert his own advantages and can only resist damage.

The vast sky is its home.

Xiandou took the stomach, and the effect was extremely obvious. Raton, who was seriously injured, began to recover quickly, and there was a look in his eyes.

It's just that the parts damaged by the annihilation divine light are a little slow and suppressed, and it will take a while to repair them completely.

As for the gluttonous beast standing in the distance, Zhao Xiong ignores it directly, you can just rely on your self-healing ability to recover, there is no need to waste fairy beans.

After solving the problem of his companions, Zhao Xiong thought about it, and finally did not allow Butcher Dao to stay here and put it into the space imprint.

This murderous soldier has an extraordinary origin and has a powerful strength. It is possible to kill the finger of the ancient **** so neatly and swiftly.

Zhao Xiong decided that unless he encountered a strong enemy, he would never use this double-edged sword easily.

Whose bear uses a knife, it would be great if it could be turned into a claw, Zhao Xiong thought silently.

All is done, the next step is to count the results.

The ground above is where the pit of the fire source mine is located, and it is also the place where the fingers of the ancient gods slumber. There are a lot of fire crystals. Although a lot of energy has been absorbed by it, some of the fire is still intact and preserved.

With the fall of the abyss, they also fell into the depths of the abyss, and they need to be patiently searched to find them back.

Zhao Xiong decided to leave this task to the slaughter.

Killing the three creatures of the Ancient God Council, he got tens of thousands of soul stones, and the wind element core of the wind element also gave Zhao Xiong a little boost.

It is a very good gain, but the ancient god's finger body makes him a little disappointed.

No soul stone!

This is one thing that made Zhao Xiong feel very painful after slaughtering the fingers of the ancient god.

But there is no way, who made this just a finger, no soul, the real ancient **** is still sleeping somewhere underground on this planet.

Zhao Xiong couldn't help feeling that this battle was a bit of a loss. It was the most difficult battle since his debut, but at the beginning, who would have thought that the thing here was just a finger.

But I can only accept it. Fortunately, although there is no soul stone, speaking of it, this ancient god's finger itself is actually a good thing.

A revived finger has reached the nightmare level. It is conceivable how terrifying such a powerful existence must be.

Even the flesh and blood of fierce monsters can enhance the bloodline strength, there is no reason why the ancient gods can't.

It's just that the ancient god's body, which is similar to the metal texture, is not easy to eat, so he is not taboo on the original sin of overeating, and he can eat everything.

Searching along the fingers of the ancient god, after a while, he really found something for Zhao Xiong, and found a good thing.

In the depths of the wound of the huge ancient god's finger, an extremely rare golden liquid flowed out, and the golden light was radiant, filled with an ancient and mysterious charm.

"The blood of the ancient gods, derived from the golden blood of ancient alien creatures, contains a huge amount of essence and can be taken. Note: absorbing the blood of the ancient gods has certain dangers, and may even be targeted by the ancient gods, please Choose carefully."

The feedback from the insight technique quickly appeared in Zhao Xiong's mind.

Seeing these golden blood flowing, Zhao Xiong was immediately heartbroken.

You don't need to use the insight technique to feel the energy contained in it. Taking it will definitely increase your bloodline greatly, and even breaking through to the nightmare level is not impossible.

As for the danger, there is nothing to fear, Zhao Xiong has become accustomed to it, whether it is the fusion of the blood of the indestructible thunder or the use of the divine fragment of the storm lord Talos to enhance his strength, there is always danger.

Especially when the bloodline inheritance was integrated, Zhao Xiong, who was just an ordinary evolutionary brown bear, almost couldn't hold on, and almost exploded on the spot.

But in the end, the desire to grow bigger and stronger overcomes the pain, making him grit his teeth and successfully push it over.

Now facing the same situation, and Zhao Xiong also has a reason to break through the nightmare level.

This trip to the Taiyun Mountains has offended the three councils again. They don't want to improve their strength and have no means of self-protection. I'm afraid they will be cool before they get out of the mountains.

Although the inextinguishable mad thunder will not die in the true sense, it will be resurrected after thousands of years. But at that time, God knows what the world has become, and what kind of threats will be waiting.

Therefore, the blood of the ancient gods must be absorbed without even thinking about it.

Nightmare level, this time is bound to win!

As for the threat of being targeted by the ancient gods, it is directly ignored, and the reason does not need to be repeated.