
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasie
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234 Chs

Become the master of the sub-plane?

A huge blood light penetrated the abyss and rose between the mountains and the sky. The fierceness made the entire Longyuan world tremble. It seemed that this sub-plane could not withstand such terrifying power.

A rusty butcher's knife full of gaps flew from the top of the dragon king's head, which was transformed into an underworld creature, causing a huge penetrating wound on the huge dragon's head.

The Dragon King didn't even have time to cry out, and the terrible blood light instantly wiped out its entire consciousness.

The nether flame in the eye socket gradually extinguished, and the Dragon King was beheaded by a knife in this way. The pale and terrifying huge dragon corpse fell straight into the underworld passage that was blocked by the enchantment below, passed through the heavy netherworld, and completely disappeared from the Longyuan Realm. disappear in.

A huge amount of soul stones emerged above the abyss, and after a long time, the blood in the sky slowly dissipated.

"Tu Dao is indeed a murderous soldier."

Zhao Xiong was full of admiration. Even to the Nightmare level, this murderous soldier of unknown origin was able to exert a terrifying power.

Originally, he didn't want to use the butcher's knife, but he watched the Dragon King escape into the abyss and was about to escape through the passage. At that time, he was still far away, so he could only use the power of the butcher's knife.

All the power was integrated into the butcher's knife, and the power that erupted was terrifying. It spanned dozens of miles and killed the Dragon King in an instant, which was simply shocking.

Although the Dragon King has just been transformed into an underworld creature, he is not familiar with his own control, and was injured by lightning bombardment, but in any case, it is a nightmare level, and being able to kill in one blow already shows the horror of the butcher's knife.


The butcher's knife that had lost its brilliance crossed an arc in the air and fell to his feet, like an enlarged ordinary butcher's knife.

A trace of tyrannical blood red flashed in Zhao Xiong's eyes, which soon disappeared.

After reaching the Nightmare level, the impact on him after using the butcher's knife is much smaller, but it is still not recommended to use it frequently, because some of the effects are subtle and you can't even realize it.

Immediately, Zhao Xiong released his supernatural powers and returned to his normal body shape from a state of being hundreds of meters high.

It suddenly became smaller, and the gap was a little big, which made Zhao Xiong a little uncomfortable.

But there is no way to do this, although Fa Tianxiangdi can greatly improve its own combat power, far exceeding the more than 40,000 combat power under normal conditions.

However, while the combat power has been greatly improved, the consumption of its own mana is also extremely large. Even if it continues to absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world to supplement it, it will not be able to make ends meet, and it will not last long if it is replaced by ordinary nightmare-level creatures.

"100,000 soul stones have been collected, and you currently have 174,000 soul stones."

Not long after, Zhao Xiong came to this abyss

As expected of a Nightmare-level creature, it has dropped 100,000 soul stones. When the store is refreshed again, you can buy products of the same level like 'Fatianxiangdi', and then you may be truly invincible at the same level.

However, Zhao Xiong still doesn't know where the limit of the Nightmare level is. After all, he is just at the Nightmare level. The Nightmare level he has fought against is either the finger of the ancient **** who has not yet awakened, or the old Dragon King who has not yet fought with the Nightmare Level. The real nightmare-level existence has played against each other.


Zhao Xiong felt a little regret that the dragon corpse could not be picked up.

There was a short distance from the abyss before. After killing the Dragon King from a distance, he could only watch the dragon corpse being engulfed by the abyss.

This is the corpse of a Nightmare-level creature, and it is still the Dragon King. It is an extremely precious material and has great value. It is a pity not to get it.

However, thinking that the Dragon King has been transformed into a ghost creature and can no longer be eaten, I finally feel better. After all, Zhao Xiong usually brings his prey to enjoy food.


The dragon corpse has been sunk into the abyss for a long time, and the power of the nether in the depths suddenly surged inexplicably, as if someone manipulated it and began to attack the barrier of Longyuan.


As the creepy and weird roar sounded, a terrifying nether force lifted the enchantment to form a huge evil ghost face.

The evil spirit seems to be breaking through the barrier and descending here.

This is a powerful evil existence. On the face of the huge evil spirit, Zhao Xiong felt an aura similar to the transformation of the Dragon King.

It was the power of the underworld that this unknown underworld existence gave the Dragon King.

Suddenly Zhao Xiong felt a deep malice, it was the face of the evil spirit staring at him.

This terrifying existence in the underworld is going to hate Zhao Xiong to death. Originally, in its plan, he would never fail.

Because the Dragon King has already taken the bait and accepted the power of the Nether, although the Dragon King has resisted transformation before, but its lifespan has reached the limit, it will not last long, and will definitely choose transformation in the end.

At that time, the Dragon King will become a puppet controlled by it, destroying the enchantment from the inside and opening the passage.

However, the bear that suddenly ran out killed the Dragon King just when the plan was about to succeed, making it a terrifying rage.

"hold head high!"

The spirit of Longyuan emerged from Zhao Xiong's body and made an angry look towards the evil ghost.

As the incarnation of the will of the Longyuan Realm, the underworld opened up the Longyuan Barrier, which itself was hurting it, let alone breaking in, and suddenly the energy rushed from the sky and the earth into the Barrier.


Zhao Xiong also attracted thunder from the sky to help the spirit of Long Yuan.

Since the time is not yet ripe, this underworld exists only to vent his anger, and the power of the underworld that quickly spreads and rises is suppressed again.

The huge and terrifying face of the evil ghost was also under pressure, and gradually retreated into the passage.


A terrifying roar echoed in his ears, this is the terrifying sound made by the existence of the underworld when it retreated.

Killing the Dragon King and strengthening the barrier has made Zhao Xiong deeply hated by this underworld existence.

"Don't worry, wait for a while, and I will take the initiative to invite you over as a guest."

Zhao Xiong didn't panic at all, very calm, watching the evil ghost's face completely suppressed by the enchantment, and returned to the underworld.

After the abyss enchantment was completely calmed down, Long Ling lay on Zhao Xiong's body with no energy, and the translucent dragon head hung down, looking very tired.

It is obviously not easy to resist the invasion of the underworld, and with the passage of time, the improvement of aura recovery will become more difficult.

However, this little guy did not guard against Zhao Xiong at all, and completely opened his heart, which is why Zhao Xiong was able to use the power of this world to suppress the Dragon King.

Why does the Spirit of Longyuan trust him so much?

For this reason, Zhao Xiong couldn't think of it for a while, but it can only be attributed to the fact that the bloodline of the Dragon of Equilibrium is much stronger than that of the East China Sea Dragon Clan, which made the Spirit of Longyuan think that they are the real kind.

"It looks like I can accept a younger brother."

Looking at the sleepy Dragon Spirit, Zhao Xiong couldn't help but have an idea in his heart.

If you do it properly, you might have the opportunity to become the master of this sub-plane.

This is a very attractive result. Although the area of ​​the sub-plane of Longyuan is not large, about the area of ​​one province, it is still a small world. After a long period of evolution, the laws and wills of this world have been born. Incarnated spirit.

This is extremely rare. If there is a chance in the future, Longyuan may even become a real world and evolve life alone.

With such a sub-plane in front of him, coupled with the treasure house accumulated by the East China Sea Dragon Race for countless years, as well as hundreds of dragons, it is difficult for Zhao Xiong not to be moved.

But before getting this world, there is still a very acute question waiting for him, that is, the passage to the underworld connected here.

This is a potential threat. If you don't get rid of it, this sub-plane will always be under threat. Once the channel is opened, the army of the underworld will be killed, and it is very likely that this place will be destroyed.


After thinking for a moment, Zhao Xiong made a decision. Although it was a little troublesome, if he could harvest this sub-plane, the value of the income would definitely be worth it.

Anyway, he has already faced the underworld, and he can get the territory and fight for the soul stone, so why not do it.

And as long as you can completely control Long Yuan, you can also bring your own mad believers here. When you believe in the conferred gods, you can directly promote them and convert them into your own kingdom of God, which will improve a lot of efficiency.

Of course, it's a bit too early to think about this now, but we still have to see if the spirit of Long Yuan is willing to obey, such a well-behaved and obedient little guy, Zhao Xiong can't bear to refine it.