
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasie
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234 Chs

Baby, are you sure?

"Who are you! Why did you break into Longyuan!"

Facing the silver-white giant bear, the old dragon on the opposite Dragon Island questioned.

It is the third elder of the dragon clan. After learning that a creature broke into Longyuan, he sent the dragon clan to investigate.

In the reported information, it has realized the seriousness of the problem, and even realized that this giant bear is not good, so it called the soldiers of the whole family to prepare for battle.

It stands to reason that Longyuan is the territory of the dragon clan, and the importance of Long Island is more equivalent to the imperial capital of the Kaiyuan Dynasty. Zhao Xiong broke into this place, which is definitely a provocation to the dragon clan, and he will be greeted by an endless battle.

However, this scene did not happen. Although there are a large number of dragons on Dragon Island, they have not taken the initiative to attack until this time, and they are all facing the enemy.

In addition to the fact that many of the same clan, including the Golden Dragon Prince, fell into the hands of this giant bear and became dragons, it was more because Zhao Xiong was more terrifying than the dragon clan imagined.

This giant bear with a body length of nearly 50 meters stood there like a majestic mountain.

The golden streamer lingered around, the wheel of God slowly turned, and many dragons felt the power of the dragon in a trance.

There are also some powerful dragon and beast relatives around the island. They are the guards who guard the Dragon Island. As a result, they can't bear the pressure of the blood. They knelt down in the direction of Zhao Xiong with a posture of submission, let alone guarding the Dragon Island. , it is impossible to say whether it will be a mutiny or not.

"Who said I broke in, don't slander the bear, okay, I walked in with dignity."

Zhao Xiong said: "Although your old dragon looks quite old, you know that your tongue will be ripped off if you talk nonsense?"

There was an uproar among the dragons, and many young dragon warriors glared at him, but Zhao Xiong didn't care.

I was thinking about killing them.

He has just learned about Chilong's situation. The second prince of the dragon family has always been inconsistent with the old dragon king and the elders of the dragon family. He has a withdrawn temperament and is not close to other brothers and sisters.

This time, in order to go to the Taiyun Mountains, he even stole the treasures of the dragon family, the dragon scales and the dragon hood, and left Longyuan without authorization, which made the Dragon King furious and designated Chilong Ao Xuan as a traitor.

It seems that ordinary dragons are likely to be unaware of the cooperation between Chilong and the Blood Council.

And more importantly, most dragons are weak and pitiful. They have lived in Longyuan from childhood to adulthood and have never been in contact with the outside world. Killing them has no soul stone and will not get any sense of accomplishment. .

Zhao Xiong thought about it, and finally decided to lead the old dragon king out first, after all, he killed the old dragon king's son.

The attitude of the old dragon king determines the survival of this dragon clan.

Facing Zhao Xiong's poisonous tongue, the third elder of the dragon clan was silent for a while before saying: "Since you can enter Longyuan, you must have the blood of my dragon clan on your body,

Is there anything wrong with coming here?

Zhao Xiong did not deny the dragon bloodline. This is the characteristic of Venerable Shenlong's skin. As long as he doesn't take it off, anyone will think that he has the dragon bloodline.

Although there is nothing like a dragon on his body.

"Oh, no big deal."

After thinking about it, Zhao Xiong immediately said: "I heard that you have a lot of treasures from the Dragon Clan, so I came to borrow some treasures from you."

"Borrowing treasures? What treasures do you want to borrow?" the third elder asked.

Zhao Xiong said: "Whatever, as long as it is a better treasure than dragon scales and dragon hoods."

"Shenlong hood? Isn't that the treasure stolen by the second prince? How did he know!"

"Is this bear sent by the second prince, third elder, let's not wait, let's capture him directly, and hand it over to the patriarch and the first elder to deal with it!"

Zhao Xiong's words caused a commotion in the dragon group. Some guy dared to come to them to ask for treasures, and the dragon family immediately proposed.

There are even dragons who think that Zhao Xiong is a thug sent by Chilong Ao Xuan and must defeat him.

But despite this, the third elder did not dare to make a decision easily after repeated consideration, because he had a terrible intuition in his heart, once he ordered to attack the giant bear, it was very likely that the dragon clan would be directly exterminated!

It has sent guards to inform the old dragon king and other elders, hoping that they can hurry back to Dragon Island.

In order to stabilize Zhao Xiong, the third elder thought about it and said, "The treasures can be given to you, but can Ao Geng be put away first."

"No, if you want to let them go, you have to exchange treasures."

Zhao Xiong shook his head and said, "Otherwise I will tear up the ticket."

The third elder was speechless. This guy just said that he was borrowing treasure. How could he reveal his true colors so quickly, and the word tearing votes appeared.

But it has no choice. Right now, the Dragon King and the Great Elder have not come to the highest battle strength of the dragon clan, so they can only drag it on.

So under the orders of the third elders, several dragon warriors reluctantly went down to the treasure house in the depths of the Dragon Island, and it didn't take long for them to fly with a blue bead.

Immediately, Jinlong threw the beads to Zhao Xiong, who was caught by him with invisible power and hung in the air.

The whole body of the bead is azure blue, as if there is surging sea water in it, and a little urging can divide the water flow.

The third elder introduced: "This is a water-type dragon ball bred by the ancestors of the dragon race. It is extremely powerful. It can split water and split the sea, and it is extremely powerful."

After confirming that there was no restriction on the bead, Zhao Xiong pinched the dragon ball in his paws and played with it. He could indeed feel that it contained a strong power, which could cause damage to the fierce level when released.

However, it is far from the divine dragon hood that can withstand a nightmare-level blow. It can only be regarded as a good thing.

"Are you satisfied?" the third elder asked.

I just didn't expect Zhao Xiong to ask back: "This baby, is it true?"

The third elder was stunned for a while before trying to understand what he was talking about. He never imagined that there would be a problem with the dragon's treasure.

Jin Long, who was bound next to him, couldn't listen anymore, and said angrily, "Could my dignified dragon clan give you fake things?"

"You talk too much."

Zhao Xiong rolled his eyes at it, and the slaughter turned into a blood-colored long whip and threw it on Jinlong, and a bloodstain appeared immediately.

Jinlong screamed in pain, causing the dragons to be furious.

However, Zhao Xiong ignored him at all and continued to stare at the elder of the dragon clan, waiting for his reply.

The third elder also said angrily: "If it's fake, I'll eat this, and then I'll get you a few more."

Just waiting for it to finish, the dragon ball quickly dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and all the energy contained in it was inexplicably drained.

Then Dragon Ball no longer had any power, just like an ordinary big glass ball.

Zhao Xiong said calmly: "It's fake, you can eat it now."

"Bullying the dragon is too much! I fought with him!"

Qunlong was furious. Naturally, he could see that Zhao Xiong was deliberately trying to find fault, abolishing Dragon Ball, and staring at each other with almost fire-breathing eyes.

If it wasn't for the shock of his strength, he would have been torn to pieces by the Dragon Clan and eaten alive.

"Your Excellency is doing this a bit too much." The third elder was also a little annoyed.

"What? Don't want to borrow it? Then go crazy and call your Dragon King out."

If this can be called, am I still angry here.

The third elder was very angry, but his endurance was surprisingly good. He suppressed his anger and continued to let the clan dragon go to the treasure house to get treasures.

However, one after another dragon treasures were taken out, and all of them were sucked up by Zhao Xiong without exception, and they were reduced to waste products, which were judged to be fakes and not counted.

The three elders had to continue to dig out the treasures.

I don't know how many things I got, until after absorbing another commodity, a strong golden light appeared on Zhao Xiong's body, and a layer of shield emerged.

"The dragon family does have a lot of good things."

Zhao Xiong said in his heart that after using so many dragon treasures to absorb divine materials and energy, he finally succeeded in raising the body protection shield to the second rank, and the defense was greatly improved.

"This time, you will be satisfied."

The third elder said coldly, "Let Ao Geng and them go."

The continuous teasing has made the Dragon Clan suppress their strong anger, and when they are on the verge of eruption, it is estimated that it will be difficult to end if they are squeezed.

It's just that Zhao Xiong was trying to find fault on purpose, as if he didn't see the dragon's anger at all.

Immediately, he threw a dragon warrior guarding the entrance to Long Island, and continued: "A treasure can only be exchanged for one dragon. Nuo, I have already released the dragon. If I want the other ones not to tear up the tickets, I will continue to exchange treasures for them. Bar."