
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasie
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234 Chs

Ahead of the East China Sea, all races are forbidden to travel

After returning Raton to the summoned beast space, Zhao Xiong then returned to Longyuan and began to arrange tasks.

Except for some of the weaker dragon warriors to train as usual, some dragon warriors were released as sentinels to leave Longyuan, and let them conduct detectives in the East China Sea to find the source of fire.

Although the God of Merman claimed that the fire source mine would appear in the East China Sea, it was impossible to tell the exact location. The area of ​​the East China Sea is too large to be found so easily. It must be searched in advance to seize the opportunity.

Regarding the orders issued by Zhao Xiong, although the Dragon Clan did not know why, they were quickly mobilized. During this period of training, all the Dragon Clan were severely honed, both in terms of strength and temper.

A few dragons are even more aware that they may soon experience a real battle.

While releasing the dragon clan, Zhao Xiong also used his will to come to the imperial capital and let the eldest prince use artificial satellites to fly over the East China Sea.

Although human beings are currently in a relatively weak position in the rise, many technological instruments are still very useful. Technology plus awakening, as long as it is used well, there may be the possibility of overtaking in corners.

It should not be difficult to find the source of fire. When the source ores are born, they often cause violent geological changes and are noticed by the outside world.

When Zhao Xiong was in the imperial capital before, the human satellites noticed the geological changes in the East China Sea, so they came here. They found the dragon clan by accident, entered Longyuan, and became the so-called co-owner of the dragon clan.

He once thought that the source of the changes in the East China Sea was this unknown island, but now that he thinks about it, this is not the case.

I just don't know the size of the fire source mine that attracted the attention of the marine aquarium, and whether it gave birth to the body of the ancient god.

The ancient **** has always been the target that Zhao Xiong wants to kill. The ancient **** has nightmare-level power with just one finger. Obviously, in the ancient times, he was an absolutely terrifying powerhouse.

At the beginning, Zhao Xiong fused the blood of the ancient gods to make it stare. If it was reorganized and born, it would definitely be a more terrifying creature than those councils and the existence of the deep sea.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is Zhao Xiong's number one enemy, and he definitely does not want this guy to be born safely.

As all the search power was released, the East China Sea became lively, and dragons of all sizes searched for suspicious places under the ocean.

And this task is actually a challenge for the dragon clan. After all, most of the dragon clan have never left Longyuan since they were young. This time out, everything in the outside world is novel.

The world is boundless and endless, so young dragon warriors should have infinite yearning, and they should stay in such a vast world.

It's just that these dragon warriors didn't think so soon. When they were looking for the source of fire, they were attacked by many monsters.

Those dangerous mutants are not afraid of the majesty of the dragon race at all, and attack them as prey.

There are also some mimetic creatures that are almost integrated with the surrounding environment. If it is not for the dragon warriors who have experienced blood puppet-like training, their reactions are extremely fast, and they almost become their meals.

The dangers of the outside world have caused the dragon clan to suffer a lot.

When the Dragons were looking for the source of fire, the artificial satellites were also flying over the East China Sea, and the images of the Dragons were photographed many times, which surprised the high-level human beings. After all, only a few people knew about the existence of the Dragons.

But what surprised humans even more was that they found that a huge number of creatures were heading to the East China Sea from other sea areas.

The satellite took photos of the underwater creatures emerging from the water. It was a group of half-human, half-fish creatures, with **** fins on their backs, tall bodies, and fish tails covered with fine scales on their lower bodies, holding weapons.

There are intelligent races in the ocean!

This discovery is extremely shocking, and it is still a huge aquarium army!

According to calculations, there are at least hundreds of thousands of troops in the army. Obviously, this will not be the result of the recovery of spiritual energy. The intelligent marine race must have existed a long time ago.

Looking at the pictures captured on the satellite, people can't help but fall into contemplation and realize that they know too little about the world.

The news was soon passed to Zhao Xiong, but it was not too surprising. This army should be the mermen.

The number of mermen is really huge, and a fire source mine that is about to be born has mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops to come, and the strength of the **** of mermen should not be too weak.

In comparison, the dragons, plus the old, weak, sick and disabled, only have a mere thousands of them, which is really pitiful.

However, no matter how large the mercenary army was, Zhao Xiong did not take it to heart, reaching the Nightmare level, and the quantity could no longer defeat the quality.

It is almost impossible to grind the nightmare-level creatures to death through human sea tactics, and he wants to know whether the body of the **** of merman has come.

If you can kill the **** of merman, you can definitely get a lot of soul stones, but if it doesn't come and still comes through will, then it doesn't need to think about the source of fire.

After several days of searching, it was finally discovered that the dragons found the location of the fire source mine in the East China Sea.

On the seabed of a trench, a huge gap opened, and the vibrations have become more frequent in the past few days. It was discovered by the inspecting dragon clan and reported to Zhao Xiong.

Slaughter also sensed the scent of a large amount of fire under the trench, and it was undoubtedly the source of fire.

However, Zhao Xiong did not go there immediately, but moved in the opposite direction and appeared at the edge of the East China Sea, because those aquarium troops had also arrived one after another.


The ocean currents were turbulent, and countless figures were cruising in the sea. After a few days of trekking, the army of mermen finally arrived in the East China Sea.

Their number is huge, with hundreds of thousands, and they control many powerful sea beasts, as well as a large number of warships sailing underwater. They are an amazing army.

They didn't care that the East China Sea Dragon Clan's territory was ahead, and they didn't have any plans to stop.

In addition to the merman race, there is a small number of humanoids with extremely strong individual strengths who have arrived here. They are huge, with a lower body like a large snake, scales all over their bodies, and several pairs of arms. They are the gods of mermen. The previously mentioned Naga.

In the other direction, there are also a huge number of troops gushing out from the bottom of the sea, some with carapace, and some with crab-like claws, looking terrifying, like mutated arthropods. The powerful water tribe of the mermen and the Naga tribe is called the life of the salt water tribe.

They are more savage and brutal than other aquariums, wielding their pincers, and even followed by projections of the will of a giant crab-shaped racial god.

The coercion and shock, causing countless sea beasts to flee in terror along the way, is unprecedentedly powerful.

The three aquarium armies met on the edge of the East China Sea. Although battles often broke out before, the leaders of the three parties restrained their impulses at this time, and no conflict broke out.

After all, the source of fire has not been found, and it is not yet time for them to go to war.

"General, the front is the East China Sea area, which is the territory of the East China Sea Dragon Clan. If we enter directly, will we anger them..."

"Don't worry about them, the East China Sea Dragons are dead, they have long lost their former glory, they are just a weak and backward race.

The eldest prince of the dragon clan was imprisoned on the warship of the merman at this moment. They didn't dare to say a word. What were they afraid of, they drove directly into the East China Sea and searched for the source of fire! "


The three aquarium armies marched towards the East China Sea at the same time, marching hand in hand, mighty and mighty, like a terrifying torrent.

However, when the army was about to step into the East China Sea, a giant figure appeared in the waters ahead.

"Ahead of the East China Sea, the tribes are forbidden to travel!"