
Cassandra's Demons

Four demons get banished from Hell. They are placed under a curse to worship man and the curse is sealed by a book. Cassandra was just a child when she finds a demonic book and gets possessed. A book that has the power to destroy a nation, past great kings used it to conquer till it vanished. Because of the laws of the book and due to the help of a Sorceress, Cassandra possess the demons and controls them by owning their powers. She becomes the demon while they become immortal humans. Four charming demons must obey her according to the laws of the book. Cassandra starts to get close to one, and feelings arise. The book paves way for her journey of revenge, royalty and love. She becomes the greatest Queen the kingdom of Tiwan had every beared but would she last long when the rightful heir of the throne comes back? He uses the fastest way to Cassandra's heart, love. Would she be able to break the spell and set these Demons free? or would she be the one needing their help?

_Adeola_ · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter Nine

Cassandra could not sleep well at night. Her mind was everywhere thinking of the past. She had to be prepared for the worst. Rumors had definitely reached the king that strange visitors had arrived. Tamina also came into her mind, Cassandra was scared that she would want to check up on them and find out about everything. Also, she feared Tamina would no longer be her friend, after what she will do today. A life without Tamina, Melissa and Edgar would certainly be miserable.

But how would it be with these demons?

For her to know she would have to continue moving. If she gives up now and remove the gem from her head, the demons would posses her. Back to stage one and Melissa's sacrifice would be wasted. She wondered how one mistake can change a whole life, but she remembered that Luz told her it was not a mistake. The book found her, she did not find it. It was destiny!

Destiny?, Cassandra sighed

By the first rooster crow, Cassandra stood up and had her bath. Washing away every dirt, every fear, every thought, every past. She was not only avenging Edgar's death, she was going to cleanse the city of every evil that remained but at the same time, she felt like the only evil was her.

How quickly will I change from good to evil?, she asked herself.

Cassandra had no suitable cloth to wear to take over the throne but then she remembered one of Melissa's old cloaks she hardly wore. After searching for it, she found it but it was a little big for her.

Cassandra got a dagger and cut open two clean slits for her to walk freely in them. It looked perfect for revenge. Black, sexy and bold.

When Ruby was done combing her hair, Cassandra told her to reduce the length.

Cassandra divided her hair and styled it into a side fringe to fit her round face. The Fringe did not really cover the gem well but it made it less noticable. As she stared at the mirror, she knew she was different. She looked different in the oversized black cloak and she felt different.

"Am I beautiful?" She asked Ruby now that she was beside her, not inside her head

"Very" Ruby commended

" How beautiful am I?"

" So beautiful that the Prince is not worthy of you"

Cassandra smiled to herself. " Why are you always involving the prince?"

" You can ask Titan, I do not know. It was never my idea to bring up the prince"

Cassandra turned to her " I thought you were the only one speaking to me before"

" No, your highness. We all spoke to you"

Edgar had a special spot in his room where he kept his swords. Cassandra went there and took his original sword, she gave the rest to her demons but Only Ruby got a dagger.

It was day break when they walked down to the castle. Some people who had woken up early to continue with their business, stared and mumured as they watched Cassandra go.

Though it was not her intentions, different emotions were rising in her. The powers she had received were effortlessly simple to control with her mind. Her emotions and mind were the two factors that determined how well she'd potray her powers. So as they walked, a fierce wind was blowing to protect them as if it wanted to rain. It carried the dust from the ground and blew it into the eyes of the people around them.

She led them to the castle, remembering every time she begged Edgar to let her follow him. As she walked her flawless legs were revealed by the two long slit up her mid thighs.

The thought of attempting the first coup ever recorded In Tiwan made her more confident. She walked with pride and she exuded confidence. This was like a dream to her but we do not know yet if she would want to wake up. Avenging her father's death never crossed her mind. The king was so powerful and she was so vulnerable that she never thought of revenging.

" What defensive technique does the castle have?" Ruby's words came sharp cutting through her confidence and the wind died down.

" Huh?"

Ruby chortled in disappointment " How does the castle protect itself from invaders like us...or did the king give you an invitation letter to come and kill him?"

Cassandra shrugged " I've got powers. What's the worst that can happen?"

" You haven't trained or mastered your powers yet" Ruby almost face palmed

"That is why I am going to the palace, so I can practice with the king's men...but anyways I do not want anybody dead, okay?" She turned back to look at them " Nobody, dead"

" Except the King and his family" said Andre

" Leave the king to me, and his family? Leave them to rot with their souls. You haven't earned anything yet. And Ruby... watch your tone"

They finally reached the castle that was far from the town, by the side of the path. The gigantic, high, gothic castle was set deep inside, surrounded by a moat which is a defensive ditch with step sides, filled with water.

The castle was also guarded by curtain walls made of bricks and it included wall walls, where some guards stood in their armor. The castle looked ancient and portentous, built with strong bricks. It had high towers that could easily be seen from outside.

Ruby gasped " The king knows he is brutal and so he built all these to protect himself The people are poor and pathetic and he builds a magnificent castle?"

" How are we going to penetrate?" Titan asked, scanning the wall walks " I see four guards spread out In front. Five by the left and probably five by the right"

Cassandra swallowed hard her fear, it was not going to stop her. She walked casually as she passed through the drawbridge. As expected two guards were behind the portcullis. A portcullis is a heavy metal gate made of metal stribs that form a grid.

" Two guards, Two gates" Titan kept examining

" Can you keep quiet?" Cassandra muffled

Before she even reached the portcullis, the guard by the left side, barked.

" Who are you and who have you come to see"

A smiled appeared on Cassandra's face " Well, I am Cassandra and I have come to see the king...let me in"

Immediately the two guards heard her, they were not in control of their minds. The guard's eyes never shut close as he watched himself raise the chains attached to the internal winch.

The portcullis lifted up slowly, allowing Cassandra and her demons to walk in. The guard also raised the second portcullis and they went in.

The castle was deep inside, a little bit far from the gate house. There was a straight passage to the castle on the field.

The man in charge of all guards was named Cliff. He rushed down and jerked one of the guards.

"Et quis tibi?, who did you let?"

The guard was baffled as he was trying to gain back his memory.

" Who are those people? The king never mentioned he wanted to see anyone!" said Cliff

" Ca-ca...Cassandra" he stuttered.

Cliffs dark eyes widened and he released him immediately.

" Cassandra!" He yelled and they all turned back.

The Queen's maid, Veronica was coming out of the palace to deliver a message to Cliff, when she was startled by the strangers. She quickly hid behind one of the tall pillers to spy on the them.

" Cassandra!" Cliff yelled again coming closer to them " What do you think you are doing?"

" I have come to avenge my father, do you have a problem with that?"

Cliff was Edgar's bosom friend. And one of the last words of Edgar was that Cliff should protect Cassandra like a father will. Cliff was not surprised by her statement but rather, he looked at her with empathy.

" Cassandra" he said again and stretched forth his hands to hold her face

" Don't touch her!" Aiden barked. The remaining demons looked at him in surprise.

He dropped his hand and stared deeply at Aiden, noticing his alluring face.

" Who are these strange beings?" He asked Cassandra " what have they done to you?"

"Are you with me or against me?" She asked bluntly.

" I can't possibly allow this, the king would-" before Cliff could finish his sentence, Aiden, Titan and Andre already drew out their swords. The guards on the wall walks became alert.

Cliff chortled sadly " You do not have much time, Please go home before the king hears about this"

" Go home to what? Melissa is dead"

Cliffs jaw dropped in shock " How come?"

" Tell your guards to stay out of this" she widened her eyes and repeated herself louder.

Cliff froze, used his hands to gesture to the guards to stand down. The guards at the wall walks relaxed when the demons kept back their swords.

" Licuit omnia?, Everything alright?" One of the guards asked from the top

" Tell him everything is alright and we are the king's visitors"

" Omnia est bonum, everything is fine. They are the king's Visitors"

" Then what's with the swords?" The guard asked himself and went on telling the other guard beside him that the king was not expecting anyone.

When Veronica saw how cliff stood strangely still, she quickly ran to make the king aware of the strange visitors. King chester was having a meeting with his sons in the dinning hall as they ate. It was a private meeting so a hefty, huge guard stood in front of the door to stop anyone from interrupting them.

" Please, I need to speak to the king!"

His bariton voice came out loud " The king is having a meeting with his sons.

" It's important, some people-"

The guard growled and pushed her aside.

When she saw he would not budge, she quickly ran to Queen Anna. Queen Anna was in her room, admiring her face in the mirror although her face was very wrinkled.

" Your highness! Some strange people are in the Palace"

She turned back to look at Veronica "Strange?"

" Very strange and very big. They wanted to attack Cliff. I do not know how they got in but Cliff is letting them.

She stood up immediately " who are they?"

" I do not know your highness but one is called Cassandra"

Queen Anna stopped, " Red hair?"

" Yes, red hair with four other...hmmn...giants"

" Gia-" the words flew out of her mouth as she hurriedly went, lifting her heavy white dress up. She ordered the guards to lock all the doors.

Queen Anna grabbed one of the guards by the hall " Take Sabastian, use the tunnel and take him far away from here and never return"

The guard wore a puzzled expression and then a slap flew across his face.

" Don't look at me like that! Cassandra would kill us all. I said take Sabastian and use the secret under ground tunnel. Go and never return. Now!!"

He quickly went and took the last sickly Prince.

" I knew she'd come. I knew she'd come" Queen Anna kept muttering to herself as she walked towards the dinning hall. Veronica followed and kept asking who Cassandra was.

Someone had earlier prophesied to the Queen that she would die by hanging because of her husband's sins and a red hair would become Queen. King chester was too proud to believe so he let Cassandra live.

" Out of my way!" She yelled at the guard

" The king-"

Queen Anna shoved the guard aside and flung the door open. Veronica sputtered on him. King chester and his two sons had their attention on the Queen.

Chester grumbled " I thought I said-"

" Cassandra is here!" Anna interrupted.

" Who is cassandra??"

" Edgar's daughter"

King chester wiped his mouth with a napkin and rose up. " It is my fault, I spared her life. But today, no mercy"

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