
Carnage Overlord

The day started like any other in the bustling metropolis of New Haven. People rushed to and fro, going about their daily lives. But amidst the hustle and bustle, a sense of unease settled over the city like a shroud. Andy, a high school student, felt it too. He had a nagging feeling that something was off, like the world was holding its breath in anticipation of something big. He tried to shake it off, thinking it was just his imagination playing tricks on him. But the feeling only grew stronger as the day wore on.

Abills · sci-fi
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: The Search for Safety

Max's soothing voice and gentle gestures calmed Nova, the dog, and its glow dimmed. Andy let out a sigh of relief as Max embraced his pet.

"It's okay, boy," Max whispered. "We'll get through this together."

Nova nuzzled Max's chest, her eyes fixed on Andy. Andy smiled, feeling a sense of comfort wash over him.

As they journeyed through the desolate cityscape, Andy and Max suddenly heard a strange noise. It sounded like the howling of wolves, but more menacing.

"What's that?" Andy asked, his voice low.

Max's eyes scanned the horizon. "I don't know, but it doesn't sound good. Let's find cover."

They quickly scanned their surroundings, spotting a nearby alleyway between two buildings. They sprinted towards it, Nova close behind.

As they hid in the alleyway, the howling grew louder. Andy peeked outside, seeing a pack of primitive beasts emerging from the dust cloud. They were unlike any animals he had ever seen, with razor-sharp claws and teeth.

"We need to find a safe place," Max whispered urgently. "Those beasts won't hesitate to attack us."

Andy nodded, his heart racing. "Let's move. We need to find a way around them."

They carefully exited the alleyway, keeping a safe distance from the beasts. Andy's eyes scanned the area, spotting a small building nearby.

"There," he whispered, pointing to the building. "We can use that as cover."

Max nodded, and they quickly made their way towards the building. They hid behind a nearby dumpster, watching as the beasts passed by, mere feet away.

As the beasts disappeared into the distance, Andy and Max let out a sigh of relief. "That was close," Andy said, his voice still shaking.

Max nodded. "We need to be more careful. Those beasts are just the beginning. The System's evolution is creating more dangers by the minute."

Andy's eyes locked onto Max's. "We need to find a safe place. Somewhere we can hide and regroup."

Max nodded, his expression grim. "Let's keep moving. We don't have much time."

As they journeyed on, the cityscape grew more treacherous. They navigated through abandoned streets, avoiding deadly traps and toxic gas leaks.

Nova, sensing their tension, stayed close, her eyes fixed on the surrounding area.

After what seemed like hours, they spotted a strange structure in the distance. It was a small building, surrounded by a futuristic force field.

"What is that?" Andy asked, his curiosity piqued.

Max shook his head. "I don't know, but it looks important. Let's check it out."

As they approached the building, they noticed a small sign: "Mae's Kitchen 2.0".

Andy's eyes widened in confusion. "Mae's Kitchen? What's that?"

Max shrugged. "No idea, but it sounds like a place to get food. And we could use some supplies."

Andy nodded, his stomach growling at the thought of food. "Let's check it out."

And with that, they cautiously entered Mae's Kitchen 2.0, unsure of what to expect.

As they entered Mae's Kitchen 2.0, they were greeted by a holographic display. "Welcome, Andy and Max! We've been expecting you. Please, take a seat, and our service will attend to your needs."

Andy's eyes widened as he scanned the menu:

Mae's Kitchen 2.0 Menu

Healing Items

- Healing Potion (Restores 20 HP): 50 Beast Bounty points

- Basic Meal (Restores 10 HP, 10 SP): 20 Beast Bounty points

- Beast-B-Gone Burger (Restores 30 HP, 20 SP): 50 Beast Bounty points

- Post-Apocalyptic Pizza (Restores 40 HP, 30 SP): 80 Beast Bounty points

- System-Upgrade Smoothie (Restores 50 HP, 40 SP): 100 Beast Bounty points


- Quantum Quesadilla (Folded space-time tortilla with gravitational cheese)

- Chrono Chicken Tenders (Time-traveling tenders with a side of temporal sauce)

- Wormhole Wings (Spicy wings that will transport your taste buds)


- Gravitational Grill (A burger that warps the fabric of flavor)

- Quantum Burger (A patty of pure energy, served on a bed of entangled greens)

- Spacetime Salmon (Pan-seared salmon with a side of cosmic quinoa)


- Black Hole Fries (Fries so good, they'll pull you in)

- Event Horizon Onion Rings (Crispy rings that will leave you on the edge)

- Parallel Universe Coleslaw (A side that exists in multiple dimensions)


- Time-Traveling Tiramisu (A dessert that will take you back in time)

- Quantum Cake (A cake that exists in multiple states at once)

- Wormhole Waffles (Waffles that will transport your taste buds to another dimension)


- Quantum Quencher (A drink that will satisfy your thirst in multiple dimensions)

- Chrono Coffee (Coffee that will keep you awake across all timelines)

- Spacetime Smoothie (A blend of fruits from across the galaxy)

Max grinned. "I'll take the Quantum Cake, please. And make it snappy, Zeta!"

Zeta nodded. "Excellent choice, Max! And for you, Andy?"

Andy smiled. "I'll take the Gravitational Grill, please. And can we get some water for Nova?"

Zeta nodded. "Of course! I'll put that in for you right away."

As they waited for their food, Andy couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder. "Max, this place is incredible! I've never seen anything like it."

Max grinned. "Told you, Andy. Mae's Kitchen 2.0 is the best!"

Just then, Zeta returned with their food. "Here you go, gentlemen! Enjoy your meal!"

Andy took a bite of his Gravitational Grill, and his eyes widened in amazement. "Wow, this is incredible!"

Max nodded, his mouth full. "Told you, Andy. Mae's Kitchen 2.0 never disappoints!"

As they finished their meal