
Entry 26 - A secret plan?! (Sora)

When the news broke to us about performing on an actual stage, everyone immediately got worried because even though our training was fruitful, I thought we needed more time to practice as a group. Apparently, that wasn't the case, or at least for the most part.

According to the siblings we were more than ready to perform and it was just a matter of shocking us into it. Well I can only say it worked since we were in a panic for a while. Luckily thanks to Kyrell, we found a place to practice without fear of coming short on time.

For who knows how long we trained for, but all I know is that it was long enough that our bodies ached constantly that we needed to return to the inn to rest on the hot springs.

While back in the inn, I overheard Kyrell talking with his siblings about our health. He was scolding them for pushing us to the brink of breaking. Our teachers said they were treating us fairly with plenty of rest and food, but Kyrell wasn't having it, he said that it wasn't the conditions that were the problem but our management. He stated training every day was going to wear us out mentally even if it meant we were getting food and breaks. So he basically told them to give us a day off.

The other three agreed to this and so we took a day off where we just pretty much relaxed, played games and hung out with Coco-chan and Aloe-chan.

However, that's not why I'm writing a week after the concert.

The reason why I need to put this down is because I've been thinking a lot about my future in Hololive. This concert really showed me the joy of performing live in an audience, and thanks to Kyrell's and everyone's support, we were able to finally perform like a true idol group.

Dancing and singing as one whole. It was magical.

Not only that Kyrell even went above and beyond and got A-chan, Yagoo and 6th gen to come and watch us perform. He said that it was important that everyone who's been by our side could see our growth while under the care of his siblings.

He's so sweet.

Oh, I got sidetracked… I meant to talk about my future and instead, I ended up praising Kyrell.

Though it was him who got me into the situation I am now.

It was right after the concert during the after-party, I saw Kyrell slip out to be on his own and I decided to follow him so that I could thank him. I couldn't do it during the concert or just after it because all the other girls clung to him and it was the same during the party. Now that he was alone though, I could give him my gratitude as well, it was only fair since he ran around for us and he didn't even get paid.

But now that I think back on it, Kyrell has been distancing himself from us ever since his siblings came. The only time he ever communicated with us was when we were training under him, but other than that we've barely seen him.

I'm no mind reader, but I had a feeling something was off about him ever since we returned from our training sessions. He just seemed down as of late, but he did seem to slightly brighten up during our performance, but afterwards, he slipped back into his old mood.

That didn't stop me from trying to talk to him though. However, when I did find him I couldn't immediately approach him since he was on the phone.

I wish I didn't follow him now, because I wouldn't have had overheard his words.

Kyrell… what are you planning?

Wait I completely didn't even write what I wanted to write! Not only that I completely forgot what I wanted to write in the first place. I only kept thinking about Kyrell!

Maybe I should stop for today.

Now I wonder what's going on with Kyrell? I mean I know the answer, the question is more for you all than me.

Anywho unfortunately for all of you, you lot have to wait for a bit more because I'm taking a break, only a week though. So next week there's no update for Caretaker since I've been backed up with some other things and I want to focus on those for a bit. Don't worry this ain't me saying I've got some deeply personal stuff going on, which I feel most fanfic authors tend to have, which is concerning but I wouldn't know much. I am genuinely just busy and allocating time to other things.

Anywho for those who love to speculate hope you have fun wondering what the hell is going on. I'll see you all two weeks from now, Bye!

Monochrome_Librarycreators' thoughts