This is the story of a boy who lived a secluded life in the mountains, tending his farm, rearing his fish, and dreaming his dreams. Eh? Did I suddenly conquer all worlds and become the big boss? Or am I still in a dream?
Demon Gorge.
Urias and Sauron walked together, side-by-side.
In this age, when the Night Family Clan is withering, day by day, and there's the occasional news of Evil Demons being killed, they're the only few surviving Evil Demons.
"Those humans…"
Sauron's voice was vicious and was accompanied by a slight hint of fear.
Even Sauron couldn't imagine that the humans, who were originally their source of food, were so frightening once they unleashed their potential.
Even though an ordinary Evil Demon Hunter definitely wasn't considered a worthy opponent against it, the people that Sauron is currently dealing with are no longer considered ordinary people. They're able to develop immunity against "chaos" and the influence of the "evil" domain, and they can operate different kinds of powerful weaponry.
On top of that, if you add on a hundred Elite Evil Demon Hunters, then even an Evil Demon will run away at first sight.