
Card Master of the Multiverse (New)

A reincarnater is past reborn as a baby in the world of High School of the dead and other crossover worlds. He gain the ability to use [Card Magic] and it's the ability to create any spells he imagines, but uses his magic as the source. If he doesn't have the amount of magic, he can't create it. ------------ -Netori -Hentai

Creepy_Ewok_kills · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs


"Hiro, did you pack some extra diapers?" She asked her husband from the closet, looking for a sweater to keep away the chill.

"Yes, honey." He replied.

"Then did you pack..." She continued talking, making sure they have everything before they left, since they will be staying at the hospital for hours, giving support to Ami and her husband. Like they did when his mother gave birth to him last year.

While his parents are getting ready, he was taking a 'nap', at least that what his parents' thought. Actually, Shiro is monitoring the vitals of his aunt Ami and Saeko when he receive the alert in his mind.

A nifty trick he found out by combining two cards together temporary to form a more powerful version of the spell he wants to make. Like healing his aunt or Saeko when they are close to death, while also giving him real time status of their vitals.

Unfortunately, that is all it can do as Shiro barely had enough mana to create a basic version of this thing without taping into his life force to create it.

When he was rudely interrupted by someone picking him up. Frowning in displeasure he open his eyes to see who disturb him at this time, only to blink in surprise to see it was his mother who woke him.

"Ah~ Did mommy wake you up? I'm sorry little Shiro, but we have to go to the hospital now. Your aunt is giving birth and she needs us." She explained to her son, not even minding that he can't understand her.

It's just to help ease her nerves as she is worried about her sister and can sympathize with the pain she is going through. It took a long time for Shiro to come out and when he finally did, she felt exhausted.

Then she began picking out some warmer clothes for him to wear as it will be chilly tonight, just in case it will take hours. Like his birth did.

She proceed to spend the next few minutes changing his pajama's and checking if his diaper needs changing. After that she wrap him up in a blanket and took him with her out of the house with her husband carrying the stuff.

"Did you pack everything we need?" She asked her husband again as she strapped Shiro in the baby carriage. "Yes, I got everything you asked for and I didn't forget a thing." He stated proudly, puffing up his chest, feeling so sure of himself.

"Oh, really?" She said, skeptically. Not believing him one bit as he sometimes leaves out one or two things they need for their son.

"Yes, I got everything here." He reassured her, patting the bag confidently. "Ok, then. Can you hand me his favorite pacifier from the bag then?"

"Yeah, just a sec." He began rummaging through the pack, not even paying attention to his wife anymore. If he did, he would of seen her handing their son his favorite pacifier with an amused smile on her lips.

"Diapers, blankets, baby wipes, powder, um..." He began listing stuff as he move it around, trying to find the pacifier. Not even realizing his wife took it minutes before, when he suddenly stopped in place.

Fearing his wife was right about him, he began searching in an erratic manner, shaking out the blankets and then taking stuff out of the bag.

When he failed at finding it, Shiro decided to end this as his mother was having trouble holding in her laughter. With a loud sucking sound, *SCHT, SCHT, SCHT*, his father stop in place before he could tear the bag apart trying to find it.

Turning his head ever so slowly he was shock to see their son's favorite pacifier was already with him. Then his mouth dropped wide open as his wife burst out laughing, holding her sides as she lean heavily against the car. "Hahaha~"

Releasing a sigh of defeat before joining his wife, chuckling at his own expense as he placed everything back inside the bag and made his way to the front. "Ok, Yuki, you made your point. I will check to see if I have everything before and after we leave the house."

"So-sorry, haha, h-honey, b-but your f-face, haha~" She said, trying apologize to her husband about their little prank, but she couldn't stop laughing. Sighing once more, he started up the car and carefully made his way to the hospital.

Meanwhile, Shiro was wondering if it was possible to create actual conceptional forms of magic like Sword magic, Card magic, Alchemy, etc just by stacking three or more cards together just like he did to create the healer/monitor spell.

'That's another thing I need to figure out as I am barely scratching the surface of what else these cards can do.' He sighed exasperation, having another experiment he had to do when he is older as he doesn't have enough mana for it right now.

Luckily, now was a good time as any to see if he can actually create the card he wants, while there are tucked away in his personal space. He was going to practice later tonight when his parents' fall asleep.

Drawing a card from his personal space causes a small light show to happen, but not too bright as any other bright can masked it, but in a dark room it will be easily noticed.

And besides, it is a good question to ask. If he can do it, it will give him the element of surprise to any enemies he fought and leave him unpredictable. Closing his eyes in concentration, he slowly let himself be pulled towards the space where he has the strongest connection with his cards, the ones he filled with magic.

Frowning in displeasure, 'These are not the one I am looking for. Now focus, Shiro!' With grim determination, he pushed those marked cards aside, trying to feel the connection he has to the blank cards in his personal space.

After a few of minutes, he finally felt it, but it was very faint. If he wasn't very familiar with how it felt, he would of missed it. Focusing on the faint connection he felt, it soon became clearer and clearer. And after a sometime, he finally felt them, the blank cards and just in time too.

"We're here."

Opening his eyes in surprise, he glanced around, catching a glimpse of the hospital sign as they went deeper into the parking lot. "It will be alright Yuki, nothing is going to happen to your sister."

"Yes, I know dear, but I just can't help it. My sister is finally pregnant after 5 years and I don't want anything bad happen to her or my unborn niece." Sighing in restlessness, she continued, "I just hope I'm worrying for nothing."

Shiro couldn't keep the frown off his face as he listen to her words. 'Huh, she can also feel something bad will happen to her sister. Does she have that famous sixth sense which gives them a feeling of something bad will happen?'

He grew quite curious to know if his mother has it as only 8 percent of the total population in the world has the potential to develop it. 'Does it mean I have it?' He thought as he looked at his tiny hands, before shaking his head.

'It's not the time to think about it, I need to think of a way to insert the card without drawing suspicion towards me.' Closing his eyes in concentration, he decided to test his theory now as it would be almost impossible to go unnoticed by either adult.

(A few hours later)

"That it! Now push!"

"GAAAHHH!" Screaming for the last time, Ami used all of her strength to push her daughter into the world. She lay back down in a boneless heap as she then gave a tired smile when she heard her daughter wailing.


"It's a girl!" Wrapping up the baby in a blanket, a nurse handed her to Ami and her husband who was crying tears of joy.

"She is so beautiful, just like her mama." He said, gazing lovingly at his newly born daughter before Ami a kiss on her sweaty head.

"Yes, she is."

Shiro watch all of this happen with a relieved smile on his face as he swim/phase through the walls in front of him. Going back to his sleeping body as he passed a few rooms.

Not even noticing a pink haired women is going into labor as the doctor check her over. If he had paid attention, then he would have notice she was really familiar. It was the mother of Otome Sakuragi.