
First sight!

How would I have known this would have happened?.It was just a tiff and could have ended had it not been for her last word.I had walked out as it had always been the norm.Today,I had a message to put across.I didn't realize until I saw her bleeding profusely on the floor.How did she die? I pushed her slightly and so simply.The rate at which her devil's were calling her propelled her to exaggerate her reaction and now,she was no more.

I met Caren on one of those rare occasions that I had gate crushed.It was minutes past two in the wee hours and I had been walking late in town.The reason as to why I was in town cannot be explained or supported by any words.I had been running away from myself for a while now.Love had made me run away from me!.This same love that I still found in town while running away from love! This love that has me seated next to the corpse of my crime.!

I was almost boarding "nganya" number 18 to my single,almost-empty room in Soweto.Any normal visitor could fear me for walking in that neighborhood at that time but who cared? Everyone was busy.including the criminals in that estate.

I saw a shadow approaching me on quite a high speed.Then a whisper! I took to a normal Kenyan perspective and begged my already shaking legs to perform some athletic miracle.It worked but on being sure this guy was following me,I branched into Club TEE ESS.For a while I have been thinking why the owner didn't think of making it T.S. I found my way to the busy guy at the entrance after rushing through the first floor staircase.My "friend" was disappointed and walked a block or half before turning back to find another unsuspecting Nairobian. He was praying for his daily bread in a very unfriendly way but in this city,survival was meant for the fittest and to middlemen only.

I patted way with three hundred Kenyan shillings to save my life from the already suspected outside! I paid to attend a show which was already past climax.Painful enough,I had to buy a bottle of beer so that I could not look odd.I sipped the beer in such a slow way that made me hate my ever speedy life.Cold beer is sweet when taken slowly.That,ni testify.

When my beer was almost loosing respect and making me drunk,I excused myself from my bottle to roll on the dancefloor with the old men who had young girls rubbing their bellies.Life is tough for a poor man indeed.I masked my fear of lacking a way back home with a greatly processed monalisa smile.It was at this point that she came!

it was on this dancefloor that I met Caren,the girl I call Car-hen.the girl lying on my floor dead!