
Captured My Dead Wife

Adam Gardner is a photographer and a Fil-Am businessman. He enjoys photographing beautiful scenery. He wants every memory to be treasured in the same way as he treasured his wife, Erela Tivona Villamonte-Gardner. He stayed in the United States and ran their own business. Because of his past, he does not want to return to his hometown in the Philippines. Unfortunately, his father orders him to return home and oversee their beach resort. He is adamantly opposed. He does not want to return to the place where he lost the most significant person in his life. He doesn't want to return to the worries that led to his early widowhood. It's all his fault, which is why he told himself for almost 5 years that he would never look for someone else to love because he didn't want to take his wife from his heart. He remained devoted to his attractive wife. But what if he accidentally captures the same faces as his wife while taking a picture? He examines her features. Her beautiful and innocent face is recognizable from her eyes, petite face, pointed nose, lips, and even her body. What the hell happened?! Is his wife still alive? What caused this to happen?

Vixius_Vixxen · Teenager
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6 Chs

Assuming the Mantle

Adam stepped into the main lobby of the beach resort, the familiar scent of saltwater and tropical blooms enveloping him. His heart felt heavy with memories of Erela, their shared laughter echoing faintly in the corners of his mind. He glanced around at the staff bustling about, each face a blend of curiosity and respect as they acknowledged his return.

Isabel, Erela's sister and now a pivotal figure in managing the resort, approached Adam with a warm smile. Her presence was a bittersweet reminder of the family ties that bound them together.

"Welcome back, Adam," Isabel greeted, her voice a soothing melody amid the gentle hum of activity. "It's good to have you here."

Adam returned her smile with a nod, grateful for her unwavering support. "Thank you, Isabel. It's... it's good to be back," he replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of nostalgia and apprehension.

Isabel gestured for Adam to follow her towards a secluded corner of the lobby where they could talk in private. "I've been managing things as best as I can," she began, her tone serious yet tinged with optimism. "But having you here... it means a lot to everyone."

Adam glanced around, taking in the familiar sights and sounds that once felt like home. "I want to help," he said quietly, his gaze drifting towards the beach beyond the glass doors. "For Erela."

Isabel placed a comforting hand on his arm, her touch a silent reassurance. "She loved this place," Isabel murmured, her voice thick with emotion. "And she believed in its potential to bring joy to others."

Adam nodded in agreement, memories of Erela's passion for the resort flooding his thoughts. "I want to honor her memory," he confessed, his voice steady despite the ache in his heart.

Together, Adam and Isabel spent the rest of the day meeting with department heads, reviewing operations, and discussing future plans for the resort. Adam immersed himself in the responsibilities that awaited him, finding solace in the routine and the opportunity to make a difference in Erela's name.

As dusk settled over the horizon, Adam stood alone on the balcony of his room, overlooking the tranquil beach below. The waves whispered their ancient lullaby, a soothing cadence that seemed to echo Erela's gentle presence.

"I'll make you proud, Erela," Adam whispered into the evening breeze, his words a vow to the woman who had forever captured his heart.

Adam's days at the beach resort blurred together, each one a delicate balance between honoring Erela's memory and managing the demands of the present. The mornings began early, with Adam rising before the sun to capture the ethereal hues of dawn through his camera lens. Photography had become his refuge, a silent communion with Erela's spirit and the natural beauty that surrounded them.

As the days turned into weeks, Adam found himself immersed in the intricacies of resort management. He met with the staff regularly, listening to their suggestions and concerns, and implementing changes where necessary to improve guest experiences. Despite his initial apprehension about returning to the Philippines, Adam began to forge connections with the dedicated team that upheld the resort's reputation.

One afternoon, Adam sat in his makeshift office, poring over financial reports and upcoming renovation plans. The door creaked open, and Isabel stepped inside, a folder in her hand and a determined expression on her face.

"Adam, I have some updates on the renovations for the beachfront villas," Isabel said, her voice a blend of professional efficiency and sisterly warmth.

Adam set aside the reports and motioned for Isabel to take a seat. "How are things progressing?" he asked, genuinely interested in her insights.

Isabel opened the folder and spread out architectural sketches and cost estimates across Adam's desk. "We've received proposals from several contractors, but I've narrowed it down to two options," she explained, pointing to the detailed plans. "Each has its strengths, but I wanted your input before making a final decision."

Adam studied the sketches intently, his mind racing with ideas and considerations. "Let's go with the one that focuses on sustainable materials," he suggested after a moment, tracing a finger along the blueprint. "Erela always cared deeply about environmental conservation."

Isabel nodded in agreement, a fond smile touching her lips. "I'll get in touch with the contractor and finalize the details," she said, her voice filled with determination.

Their discussion shifted to other aspects of the resort's operations—guest feedback, upcoming events, and strategies to promote local tourism. Adam felt a sense of purpose swell within him, a newfound clarity that had eluded him since Erela's passing. The resort wasn't just a place of business; it was a sanctuary where memories of Erela thrived and flourished.

Later that evening, Adam stood on the edge of the beach, the sky painted in shades of crimson and gold as the sun dipped below the horizon. The serenity of the ocean mirrored the peace he felt within, a quiet acceptance of his role in carrying forward Erela's legacy.

"I'm doing this for you, Erela," Adam whispered into the wind, his voice a tender echo against the crashing waves. "To build something beautiful in your name."

As he turned to walk back towards the resort, a flicker of movement caught his eye—a lone figure standing at the water's edge, watching the sunset with an air of quiet contemplation. Adam's heart skipped a beat, a fleeting sense of familiarity stirring within him.

But before he could approach, the figure turned and vanished into the twilight, leaving Adam to wonder if it had been a trick of the light or something more elusive—a reminder of mysteries yet to unfold.