
Captured In My Eyes

Imagine living in a regular world, a regular school, a regular everyday routine, and just an over-all regular life. The only thing that is not regular is your environment. That typical feeling that everywhere you go, you see lovers everywhere! Samantha Nicole's life is just as the same, having 2 older brothers kept her away from that love-zone-life. She does not know anything about it or how it feels to have a lover. Not until she met George, as simple guy but not having that simple life that he wanted. Discover as to how Samantha will change both of their lives in this three-part-story. Unraveling the true nature of what love really is and how everything will turn out with different circumsances.

antisepticsammy · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
10 Chs



I woke up with another banging at my door and I didn't expect that it was my eldest brother Sage who woke me up this time. I grabbed my phone before I went out of my room to have breakfast first and also my small notebook so that I can read some of my notes while eating. I looked at the time and saw that it was only 5:30AM which shocked me for a while because it's really rare for Sage to wake up this early.

"It's their anniversary." my other older brother Sky whispered and I just nodded with an 'oh, so that's what it is' look on my face.

Then a sudden thought popped out of my mind: 'I really don't think George would be the guy who takes so much effort like this, does he?' but I just shook that thought off because I don't want to jump into conclusions yet and I still don't know anything about him that much. I just know that he has that hidden personality that I am really curious to discover.

While drifting off with my thoughts and just staring at my notes, I didn't notice that I was already finished in eating my cereals and the time already passed by it was already quarter to seven o'clock in the morning! I rushed upstairs to the bathroom, and good thing that Sky used the downstairs bathroom, and I just quickly took a shower and got dressed and prepped up. Past 7 in the morning, Sky and I already walked to school because Sage went out early to pick-up his girlfriend.

We just reached school right on time before Day 2 of the examinations starts and I also still have time to read some more of my notes. But while I was in the middle of reviewing my notes, Monique suddenly called my attention:

"HEY SAM! George's already here!"

"What? Where?" I asked while I was still reading my notes not even looking at her.

"Come here! Quick!" she said and I can see that she was waving her hand at me signaling to come near her by the door so I did but still looking at my notes while walking towards her.

"Over there." she said when I finally stood beside her and she pointed at the tall guy walking with his headphones on and towards our building. 'He's taking this path again as usual' I thought. Then after I stared at him for a while I walked back towards my seat because I still need to finish reading my notes for the exams today. But seconds later I walked back towards the door because I can't help but look at him before he goes up the flight of stairs to his classroom on the 6th floor. I also didn't notice that Monique was still there so when he was about to pass by the door of our classroom she suddenly called out to him! Good thing I still got the chance to cover her mouth before he can hear but I also realized that he has his headphones on so I felt relieved that he just kept on walking but I was surprised to see that his eyes switched gaze towards me for a split second then he slightly smiled once again! I suddenly felt all my adrenaline rushing again so I quickly went inside the classroom and back to my seat then just waited for the examinations to start.

Hours passed then it was finally recess time, I was about to decide to spend my free time to review my notes but suddenly Daniel, a friend of Anthony's, called out to me by the door saying that Anthony was calling for me. Geez, why won't he call me by himself then? So I stood up and went out for a while, maybe I also needed for some fresh air for a while.

"What do you want?" I asked once I saw him outside of their classroom.

"Huh? Nothing." he said to me looking arrogant as ever I just sighed in frustration.

"Daniel told me that you were looking for me." I just said and crossed my arms.

"Oh, that.. Treat me for some snacks again!" he excitedly said.

"You wish" I said and rolled my eyes. I was about to go back inside the classroom but he suddenly grabbed my wrist to stop me from walking away. That surprised me for a bit so I slowly looked back at him and saw that he was looking away.

"W-What?" I asked. Then he let go of my wrist and just said "Nothing" again then just walked back inside of their classroom which was just beside ours.

Still weirded out by his actions, I just shrugged it all of and went back to reviewing my notes before time runs out. Minutes later, the second half of the the examinations begun and I just read and answered all of the questions not minding the time. Seconds, minutes, and hours passed then it was finally dismissal time. I hurriedly packed up all of my stuff before going out of our classroom. Monique already went home so I believe that it's only me today who will be going to my mom's classroom to help her with the test papers. So I quickly went up the stairs but I suddenly heard footsteps coming from the second floor so I slowed down my pace because it might be a teacher and I might be caught running. But then I saw this familiar figure coming down the stairs:

"Chris!" I called out.

"Let me guess, going up to the 6th floor again huh?" he said proudly and I smiled and nodded. Then I just suddenly dragged him up the stairs so that I can have a companion already.

"Not again!" I heard him complaining but I didn't mind because I just really need a companion in going to my mom's class today. I feel so shy going by myself with hundreds of senior students up there on that floor. It didn't take long and we got there within just 5 minutes and I saw that was really exhausted.

"Hurry up!" I called out to him.

"Calm.. down.. will ya?!" he said in between his breaths.

I walked towards my mom's classroom and saw that the other classes were already dismissed but my mom's class was still inside the classroom but I saw that they were already fixing up. I guess I got here just in time. So I sat on my mom's desk again while Chris just got here after he caught all his breath back. Then Marjun suddenly came out of their classroom walking towards Chris' back and slapped it so hard.

"You gay-" he was also about to slap him also at the back when I just stared at Chris devilishly so he just lightly punched the wall beside him.

"Hey baby gurl!~" Marjun greeted me and I just smiled back at him and gave him a hug. Then he suddenly showed me his mobile phone and saw a mobile number flashing on the screen. Then I saw the name beside the number and read that it was George's!

"You want it?" he asked me with a teasing look and I just looked at him with a puzzled look.

"W-What? NO!" I denied. I have that belief that if a girl makes the first move to the guy it makes the girl a big flirt and that's really a big no no for me. I just pushed Marjun's phone away from me.

"Okay~ suit yourself" he said teasingly and slowly walked away from me but still looking at me. So I followed him and then jokingly punched his arm but I suddenly looked away because George suddenly stood beside Marjun! I was slowly walking away when Marjun called out to me again. 'What is it now?' I asked myself before looking back at them but saw a girl with the same height as me in between George and Marjun.

"This was the girl I was talking about that looks just like you!" Marjun told me.

"Hi" I softly greeted her and smiled then she smiled back and saw that he was hitting Marjun already.

"You crazy gay! Are you kidding me? What do you mean we look alike? She's way more pretty than me!" I heard her say.

"Well yeah, I agree with you on that. Sam, baby gurl, this is Xienna." Marjun introduced and I just smiled and nodded. I really can't talk that much right now because George was still listening to our conversations. Everytime I try to look at him, he keeps on looking back at me that's why I can't look at him that long enough.

"Hey George! Don't you think they look alike?" Marjun asked and made me and Xienna stand side-by-side. I got shocked when George suddenly points out to me then back to Xienna and then back to me again which was much longer than the first one. So I looked at him without hesitation and I saw that he was just staring at me.

"Right George?" we both got startled with Marjun's question. Then he lowered his hand and looked at Marjun.

"Ah... yeah." he simply said and then walked away. I suddenly felt my face turning red again because that was the first time that I heard his voice! I shook my head so that the others would not notice.

"Oh yeah, so Sam, would you take his number or not?" Marjun asked.

"Hmm.. I'll think about it."

"Alrighty then. Just text me, okay?" he assured then we finally bid our good byes.

Time passed by and I'm still here in my room waiting for dinner to be cooked and I'm just looking out of my window staring at the bright moon. I was just thinking and fighting with my thoughts whether to get George's number or not. 'It doesn't mean that I would text him all the time, right?' I ask myself. I jumped on my bed and grabbed my phone and quickly texted Marj. I asked for his number, not to text George always, it was just worth saving I guess. Then Marjun quickly replied and I saw George's number on my phone screen.

After that, I heard Sage calling out for dinner so I left my room to eat dinner with my family and then prepared to go to sleep to take some proper rest for tonight. Studying for the exam was really tiring as hell! Good thing also that it's Saturday tomorrow so I can get all the rest I want.