
Capture That Feeling

With the never-ending holiday party at home, no one will miss her if she takes the same flight with that tall boy, right? All she has to do is get on the plane, never mind that the plane will bring her from Oslo to China! ------ "Would you like to come into my room, join me with some drinks and hear what I want?" she drunkenly said it at that time. "Don't worry, I don't mean any harm," she said assuring the man before she dropped herself to the couch. "Are you traveling alone? Don't you have any adult companion with you?" he carefully asked as he stood in front of Ellise. "Hey, mister, you must have difficulty understanding, I already said, I'm alone, right?" she answered back. "You're clearly too young to be drinking alone in a hotel room, in a country where you don't know anybody and on top of that you invited a stranger in your room," he said with concern. "Why, you're also too young to be having an affair with a married woman, meet her in a hotel away from the city in the middle of the night. How old are you, anyway?" she sarcastically answered back, avoiding the issue of inviting a stranger. "I'm twenty, and I'm not having an affair with a married woman," he answered with a straight face. "If you're not having an affair why the two of you clearly look like you're hiding," she said, not planning to lost an answer and question interrogation. "Listen, little girl. You better stop drinking because you're already drunk with all of these expensive wines," he said in annoyance. "You see, I have a credit card that has no limit, paying for all of my expenses here. I've been here in Shanghai since the first week of January, and today is my birthday. It's almost two months already, but nobody has come or asked my family if I'm okay." she said in a broken voice. ------- Bookcover by: Sendaline_16

Jyojiko · Urban
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62 Chs

An Advice From A Player

“Wooh! … Oh, hey Asya!”

Ellise heard Grand’s startled voice when Asya popped out of the corner without warning.

She heard Grand tried to talk to Asya but she didn’t hear any noise from DT. She was dying to know how he would react when he saw Asya after he said Asya wasn't his girl.

She wanted to know what DT's reaction was to seeing Asya, but the only way to find out is to let them know of her presence, which she has no intention of doing!

She wouldn't deny it but hearing his words made her heart leap out of her chest. She couldn’t help but hope that, just maybe -- DT has some sort of feelings towards her.

“I need a moment with DT, Grand,” Asya said in a voice laced with irritation.

Grand scoffed, "I came here first. DT followed me, and now you want me to scram like you own this place. That's not cool. I just want a puff before the game to calm my nerves."

There was silence after he spoke. She was holding her breath and straining her ears to hear everything they were saying.

She was about to give up eavesdropping because she felt silly with what she was doing when DT spoke.

“Follow me,” he said in a gruff voice.

She heard Asya's stiletto echo in the corridor and her steps were loud as if she were announcing she intended to leave with DT.

As she huffed and folded her arms across her chest, she rolled her eyes in irritation.

“Wooh! Why do you girls keep on popping everywhere?” Grand was surprised to see Miss E leaning on the wall with her arms crossed over her chest.

“I wasn’t popping anywhere, I just happened to be here.” she clicked her tongue.

He raised his eyebrows at her and lit a cigarette, “Ah,” he said, nodding as he blew a ring of smoke, “you mean, you are eavesdropping.” he chortled.

“I wasn’t eavesdropping!” she said in clenched teeth. When he saw the disbelief in Grand’s face she kicked his shin.

“It wasn’t considered eavesdropping when I happened to be here when you started talking shit.”

“Sure,” he kept on nodding, “Whatever you say, sweetheart.”

“Shut up!”

He laughed softly, shaking his head watching Miss E’s annoyed face.

“Do you still have some?” she nodded to the cigarette in between his fingers.

“You smoke?”


Grand pulled out a pack of opened cigarettes and tapped them against the back of his hand. When a stick popped out of the pack, he handed it to Miss E, who put it between her naturally red lips.

Despite shaking his head in disapproval, he lit his lighter for her and cupped it in front of her face, lighting her smoke.

Like her, he leaned against the wall, and together they blew rings of smoke in silence.

They were almost done with their cigarettes when they heard DT’s voice who suddenly appeared.

"What's happening with people today?" He shook his head, flicking the ash of his cigarette to the floor, pressing it against the wall, killing the ember, and then throwing it into the trash can.

“What are you two doing here?” DT asked Grand but his eyes were looking over his shoulder to Miss E who was casually leaning against the wall, puffing her cigarettes.

Grand looked over at Miss E, expecting her to respond to DT, but she just stubbed her cigarette on the wall she was leaning on and threw it in the trash can.

She started talking to her phone, raised her hand in goodbye, and went in the direction of the waiting room.

Their gazes followed her retreating back until she disappeared through the doorway of the waiting room.

“Why did you come back?”

“Asya told me Ellise was here,” he said, gritting his teeth, throwing an accusatory look at Grand.

“What is it this time?” His eyes widened in confusion. He couldn’t understand why he kept on involving him with his shit over Miss E.

“How long was she here?”

“Don’t look at me like that! I am here to fucking smoke. Why do you keep involving me with your love affairs?”, he asked in sarcasm.

“Please, just give me an answer.”

Furrowing his eyebrows and leaning to one side, he wore an expression of disbelief over the abrupt change in DT’s voice.

“Dude, you are in a really bad spot with your women,” he shook his head while clicking his tongue. He walked slowly along the same path that Miss E took.

“I’m only interested in one.”

"Well, advice from a player," he grinned, patting his chest as if he was quite proud to call himself a player. “It would be better for you if the girl knew what your true intentions were.”

His eyebrows were knitted into a line as he hesitantly asked "What if it doesn't work?"

“Dude!” he scoffed sarcastically. “I'm an outsider in your mess, and from where I sit, you were dilly-dallying over things and making things complicated.”

DT said nothing and just kicked an imaginary stone in front of him.

"Bro, sorry to tell you this but -- I am beginning to sympathize with Miss E after seeing what I saw today. You are a fucking jerk.”

DT looked up from staring at his shoes and stared at Grand.

“Yeah, let me say it again. Just in case you didn't hear me. You are a fucking jerk!”

He was confused when instead of getting angry, his shoulders slumped with a dejected look.

"I know," he whispered as he pushed the door of the waiting room open.

He stood in front of the door, flabbergasted by what had just happened.

And that was the situation Mr. Wan returned to.

After seeing him stand there absent-mindedly, Mr. Wan whacked him on the back of the head.

“What are you doing here Grand? Why are you outside, looking like a retard?” he asked after hitting the back of his head with his palm.