
Capture A Husband: My Asian Mother's Quest

"What the fuck did you send over, Nicky?" Laurie is screaming over the phone at six fucking o'clock in the morning. "It has a note. And I believe that the message was clear." the name Nicky answered. "Well that's exactly, why I am asking!" she exclaimed angrily, glaring at the innocently looking red leather pill box, that is instantly recognizable as a famous jewelry brand, sitting on her kitchen counter, with a note that says - I heard you cry over a guy, here's a small gift to let you know that I'd marry you anytime. With the familiar scrawling penmanship in the white piece of paper, she would know who sent her the note, even without calling the guy on the phone. *** When the guy you confessed to rejected you, and your two exes came back running—declaring they would marry you any time, what would you do? Would you choose a familiar old love or the one that has your heart but doesn't want you? And to add to the chaos, her mother is on a mission to marry her nearing thirty-something ass to any man who breathes. What should a girl do in such a situation? Run away, of course! But then, how far can you run away until all the life's decisions you screwed up in the past caught up with you and you ended up with no choice but to face them. Welcome to Laurie’s adventure and just to be clear this is not a love story BUT a quest. [WARNING: Some chapters may contain mature R-18 content.] --- Book cover by Sendaline_16

Jyojiko · Urban
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237 Chs

Please, Stop!


"I was thinking that I won't get a piece of this drama, but then, life has a way of surprising you when you least expect it."

Andrei was smirking with glee at Laurie's rage. She looks like she's going to stab Hideaki from behind the steering wheel at any moment.

"Get in the car," Hideaki glanced at Laurie's friends that were gawking at the curb with Laurie's drunken tantrum.

"NO! No one will get in the car!"

She raised her hands up in the air as if she was being apprehended by some law enforcement.

"Uh, uh!" she shook her head, Her hands were still up in the air. "We are not getting in this car because the driver is a whining jerk that had a taste of -- heh," she grinned, clearly drunk out of her wits. "...ME and he liked my ass sooo much that he can't move on and let me go."

Hideaki got out of the driver's seat to stop Laurie who was already making a spectacle out of herself, but her friends were just standing there watching her like she was not doing anything wrong!

"Laurie," he called her in between clenched teeth. He regretted giving in to his impulsiveness.

His sister was in his office together with her husband because they were discussing the business deals that they have with the Yamaguchi and how what happened to Rina Yamaguchi would affect the business the two families have; when Laurie called Mei to ask her to send a driver because she wanted to go home but does not want to use public transportation.

She asked his sister to provide a driver. And he must have gone insane to offer to drive her home.

He doesn't understand why Laurie was making a big fuss about it.

"Get in the car."

"I don't want to. You manipulative jerk!"

She balled her fist and started attacking him. People were already giving them a strange look. He turned to her friends who were standing with their arms hooked with each other.

They had an amused look on their faces. An expression that you would see on people who were watching a good television drama.

"Please, get in the car. We are already getting too much attention," he said to Laurie's friend. He turned to Bella and gave her a small smile.

Bella slowly stepped sideways to the passenger door but her eyes were not leaving Laurie that had her arms flailing in the air. If she would bounce on her feet it would be like she was in a concert.

Hideaki realized that Laurie's friend won't get in the car unless Laurie gets it. And she has no plan to get in the car.

He did what he thought was the best choice. He grabbed Laurie's flailing hands, dragged her to the car, and shoved her in the passenger seat.

He thought that since she was too drunk anyway, she wouldn't take it personally if he would do that. However, she must have hated to be with him in the car that she started banging the car window when she couldn't open the door.

"Please get in the car," he told Bella and the other guy that he forgot the name for he has no plan to remember his name anyway.

He walked to the driver's side when finally they got in the backseat of the car.

As soon as he got in the driver's seat, Laurie cursed him in his language. He glanced at the rearview mirror and gave the two passengers at the backseat of Mei's car a small bow of apology before he raised up the partition, separating the driver seat from the backseat.


"Huh! Why would I stop? And why are you here?!" she poked his shoulder with her index finger as she spoke.

"My sister was in my office when you called for a driver." He said in a low tone. Hearing himself, he couldn't feel embarrassed at how lame he was, especially when Laurie roared in laughter in the passenger seat.

"My, Hideaki! It may have been a mistake for your father to make you as the CEO of his empire!" She yelled at him and punched his shoulder.

"Stop it, Laurie!" He said gritting his teeth. He could feel the base of his neck heat up with what she said.

"You are a fucking CEO of your father's company. We both know you don't have the time to drive my pretty ass back home," she scoffed at him.

He kept his mouth shut for Laurie was right. Both he and his sister have a driver. It is more appropriate to let his driver or his sister's driver drive Laurie and her friends home. But no, he thought it would be a good idea to play a driver with this drunk girl.

His sister didn't say that Laurie was drunk.

"What? Aren't you going to say anything?" she asked, clearly taunting him.

He ignored her and just kept his eyes on the road, thus he didn't see that Laurie already unbuttoned her shirt and unfastened her jeans.

"The drive home is more or less an hour, we can get over this because I really hate dealing with you."

"The drive would take about --" his eyes widened in shock to see Laurie's brasserie, molding her globe perfectly.

His eyes slowly went down and found her jeans unzipped and he could see a red panty, the same color, and design of her brassiere.

His throat became dry. He remembered he had been able to get more than just a glance in the past.

"Like what you see?"

Her throaty voice halted his memory to go further down memory lane, however, her throaty voice did jolt him out of his daydreaming, only to bring a bigger problem.

The crotch area of his jeans now has a small tent.

Laurie's observant eyes noticed his predicament. "Let's do something about that," she said, leering at his crotch.

She unfastened her seatbelt and grabbed his jeans. He was so shocked by her action, he stepped on the break and made the car into a screeching halt.

A scream was heard from the backseat, but I didn't appease Laurie, who started kneading his groin.

"Yamete," he said in a tone without conviction.