
Captain Capitalism: The Money-Maker System

Born with the wrong kind of talent, shunned from his family, removed of his succession rights and made the guardian of the lowest of the low dungeon─the infamous, most terrible, dungeon that no one visits unless they have to...that was Moros' home. Until a certain wall crumbles, and a new realm sends out its deadly invitation with Moros name on it. It was a hell that was made for him. A hell he will soon call home...and best of all, there is a lot of money to be made.

Fearmongering · Fantasie
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103 Chs

A manager

While Moros was having fun just being himself and letting his creative insults flow out, the Kinder headquarter agent responsible for his stream was eyeing the situation with great interest.

He was charged with paying close attention to the mood of the crowd and intervening if necessary. The entire strategy that this streamer employed was a gamble.

As such they restricted the flow of audience to his streams, in small dosage more would come to the stream.

If the dynamic between the streamer and his chat worked out, they would slowly introduce more people. At first, they simply let in viewers that paid a little.

These were the first test subjects, how would any streamer react to a donation. Would they do everything for more or did they play cold to make the viewers get desperate to get their attention.

Next were the trolls, the kind of viewer that would try to derail any stream by typing comments into the chat that aimed at provoking the streamer into saying things that irritated other viewers.

So far, so great. The strategy of Chickwithbigdick had paid off as the trolls were just met with banter and insults, causing them to be beaten in their own game.

The agent found it refreshing to see these kind of people at the loss for words. It did not happen often that they were told that their mother didn't love them and only got them to trap their father in the soulless marriage.

Or the last one was told to go to a lower realm and search through all the goblins tribes, since with his face his mother must be one.

He could not forget the time when a famous troll, who had caused multiple streamers to rage quit their stream in tears. This time it was him, who just left the stream without saying another word.

This woman in front of him had a mouth that cut more than any sword or knife. Every word that left it caused serious cuts to the psyche of the viewers.

It was an impressive display of skills and wit to roast people to such a degree.

The manager watched and he liked what he saw. People donated steadily and Moros gave them something for their money, without making them feel too great for donating or feeling too bad.

To him, it felt more like the people were spending money to enjoy the attention of the princess and to be roasted to hell and back.

In the corner of the eyes, he saw a viewer bragging about being roasted the hardest.

Which others vehemently denied. It did seem very strange, but the viewers took pride in being insulted the hardest.

They all spammed how Moros had insulted them in the chat, each arguing about who had had it the worst. It was a passionate debate, where the losers took pride in being the biggest amongst the others.

That too was not something the manager had seen in his 12 years of working here.

It even started that they throw more monster cores in Moros in hopes of being made fun of more. And to everyone's luck Moros was on a roll as he spat insults after insults around.

This competition created a steady stream of income, which the manager happily noted down. Without knowing it, the streamer was creating more and more good reasons why a premium contract would soon come knocking at their door.

Of course, they would watch several streams and conduct several in depth tests, but this was a good indication that the streamer had a talent and the skills to make it big on their platform.

Even though, no one could really tell why the insult strategy was working as well as it did.

Time would tell if this was just a fluke or if the masses would enjoy being insulted as much as these special few people there. The manager could not tell whether or not he wanted them to not do so or wanted to laugh at them if they did.

Despite all his positive feelings, there was a certain sense of lingering doubt for the manager. He knew that the whole concept was fun and worked for the time being, but he knew first-hand just how rough and cruel the market could be.

If a proven concept worked, soon copycats would fly on and copy the new thing, until it was stale again, before moving on to the next trend.

If one wanted to stay at the top and be popular one needed to have many things, things that could not easily be replicated by other streamers. While insulting the viewers might be a niche today.

He could not tell what the future would hold since the success of this tactic was more than evident.

The streamer before him, Chickwithbigdick, was very creative, there was no doubt about that, but did that suffice alone? The manager was not certain, he would with for her to have a few secret cards to his name, ones that would only be used to beat all the vultures lusting after the strategies.

In the end, he could only wish the streamer the very best, but he could never interfere in the matter.

A streamer like chickwithbigdick would either make it, become the biggest star of the platform, or disappear the moment things gets hard. There were only these 2 cases and for every first case there were hundreds of the second.

It was a hard and cruel business, but they were in it for the money, not for pity, compassion or all the other useless emotions that you could not buy things with.

Everyone knew about that fact, so everyone did their best to be the best. No questions asked, nobody would think about morals and all these other concepts when the others would do everything to get to the money they think they deserve.

The only real loser were the people paying them, though he would never discredit his customers. These lovely people enabled him and the kinder workers to live a wealthy lifestyle.

So, the lonely people were not called losers by Kinder, but lonely people with enough means. As such, the female streamers found in them their ideal targets.

It was a win-win situation, unless you were poor.

In that case, ya better just watch on in silence as the rich people were having the time of their lives. Maybe if these people prayed hard enough they did a small piece of happiness too.

Maybe their name would be called or they would get a wink.

But if you had all the money? All the fanservice would be only one donation away, the team of Kinder made sure to connect the right kind of interests to the right kind of streamer.

For a little cut of 30% for the donations received, they all could go home happy and enjoy the day.

Everyone was happy and they too could enjoy the presence of beautiful woman giving them the attention their rich parents never could give. This whole thing had lasted for generations and many more would be able to enjoy such pleasant streams.

Kinder took no liabilities of what the women did in their streams, they were free to do whatever they wanted. They simply provided the space for them to creatively present themselves to the world.

Some even did crimes or other illegal things, although Kinder denies all knowledge about these activities, since they comply with the law and pay all their taxes.

The manager laughed, of course they all paid their taxes, like the good citizens they were..

Especially since they were fined for not doing so the last 10 years. They have turned over a new leaf and were a proper business now, which got much smarter about their finances.

Kinder was trustworthy as one could be, whether you were a customer or a streamer. They never cheated either of them. This was their bottomline.

They could never conduct proper business, if their very foundation was shady.

Profits were important, but they should not be chased after at all costs. They had tried to do that once, but only ruined their foundation for years to come.

The damages lasted much longer than their extra earnings were worth. Many talented streamers were lost in these times, they all got married to their rich donaters.

Hurting them in two ways that took decades for new talent to replace. That is why they were giving the streamers a much higher percentage of the earnings.

If the streamers were happy, they would not throw themselves at the rich man that had enough funds to reach their heart through their wallets.

For a second, chickwithbigdick face flashed past his face and the manager wondered why her face came to his mind at this very moment. She seemed the greedy type, so running off with a rich male viewer seemed to be something that might happen.

He noted his thought down, indicating that they had to ensure proper contracts to keep them happy as the streamer. Of course, that only applied should the stream find enough success to warrant a premium account.

He looked at the stream before him and grabbed a drink…the future, it looked more than interesting.