
saved from the beast

he slamed me against the stone walls. my body powerles to stop him. "is that all you got" i shouted at him as he just smiled, and let out a ghoulish lafter his sharp hook in chain now in my right shoulder. All i cold do was hope for some one to help. when in the distance I saw him standing there. A stranger but a welcome one for sure "do you need help" he asked i quickly sed yes fearing for my life "who are you" the ghoulish fighter asked taking his hook out of my sholder the man walked closer "why im rifty and i think ill take you both as my new plaything".

"get up soyo you have training to go do" i heard my mother say as i got out of bed "ok mom". i rushed down stairs to get breakfast and one i was done i headed out to go training with big bro an a couple of class mate's. too day was my big day time to finally unlock my power. you see everyone has one but they rang from realy good like my brothers to rely bad like my cats rocko. my brothers is he takes stamina and terns it in to strength or defense. my cats is that it can bring bad luck to pople in a small radius.

"soyo hold up" i turn arond to see my friend hugon "what took you so long" i asked with a psy "sorry i couldn't find my sword" hugon sed lokking at his feet "well im here now we shold get going" he sed . i just nodded in agreement. to day was the day i get to unlock my power ,and nothing was going to stop me.