
Cant Remember

A girl named anne who was hearbroken by her boyfriend who then she felled from a high staircase and forgot everything a boy named ryan helps her. and regrets some of it yet he still has developed feeling for her.

Gingerr · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Who are you?

*a woman walks to a door* "....am i ready yet to tell him.."the woman mumbels to her self regreting everyword She says. She releses her hand of,of her chest thinking he would be happy .

the wind touches her light brown hair flowing the same direction the air is. She places her soft hand against the door handle and opens it."VICTOR IM READY FOR OUR MERRIGE-" *a man stands up from hes bed while a uknowed woman is on top of him with sweat runing down to her croch* "v-victor..."anne says while holding the door steping back each word she relises."ANNE IS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE ngh...~stop it kelly"

"we..WE WHERE GETTING MERRIED YOU BASTARD!"anne says while holding back her tears. "ngh..."*the man gets up naked and pushes the unknowed woman away* "whats the problem~ you havnt told her our secret how long we did this for~"the unknowed woman says while blushing. "...."the men shows an expression knowing if he said anything it wouldnt explain what she witnessed.

"i trusted you....YOU NEVER THOUGH OUR RELASHION SHIP WAS SERIOUSE!? your f** other woman behind my back and merrige!"anne says while relising a flood of tears. "Anne-" "DONT YOU DARE SAY MY NAME YOU HEARTLES MEN!..your not the same..." *the unkowed woman gets up and rubs her private spot against hes leg* "agh..~STOP IT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND"*He grabs the woman and pushes her off of the bed* "thats not ganna make me feel better you B*TCH!"*She throws her hand bag at the men in the bed* "i deserve that.." the men says to hes head. *Anne steps back one step and falls* "aaaAAAH!" "ANNE!?" *the men puts pants on and runs down the stair case*

"....eh..HEY YOU DONT TOUCH HER!" victor said while holding hes pants up

"..."an unkowed men picks anne up and runs to the hospital. "HEY!-" "lets have more fun shall we~"

*anne opens her eyes*"e-eh?" "where am i WHO AM I!?" *the men who brought her here opens hes eyes*"your in the hospital, Do you remeber anything that happened?"

"n-no do you by any chance?"

"yes, i saw you were falling of the staircase so i tried to catch you but you landed on me, And no i dont know your name either- well.. i heard a men scream anne?"

"Oh- That must be my name...eh!?"

*anne lifts her hand and sees her finger*

"a ring?" anne says confused.

"you must be marriend?" the men says.

"M-MARIED!?"anne screams in shock

"yes merried.."

"..eh who are you? i dint ask earlier."

"my name is ryan." ryan says while getting up.

"i must go ill come cheack on you later."

"oh ok!" anne says while playing with her hair.

*Ryan walks out the door *

"...eeh this is so confusing~" anne rests her head in the hospital bed pillow.

"i still dont know who im married with and how i fell...maybe i sliped? ah! whos my family thats much more important~"anne says while she rubs her eyes. "was i crying???" she thinks to her self.