

As we high-fived each other, I had the feeling this were a start of another long journey in this place alone, as I chat with cherry for a minute about the competition it would seem that they had finished, eating dinner and seeing as it were late I stood up and then spoke up, "Its getting late, I'm gonna go ask for which room I'm gonna sleep in" I notice Cherry let out a sigh, does she hate sleep that much? "Why'd you sigh?" I ask her just so I don't have to ask again, she responds quite quickly "I get the feeling I know where you'll be in, anyways go ask Kara, I'll be preparing my room for sleep" I nod at what she says, and I decide to not ask which room she were thinking "Oh alright then I'll be on my way" I sense Cherry wave behind me as I leave, though really its just a gut feeling I walked to Kara's room and knock on it, and I began to ask my question "Oh I almost forgot where should I sleep?" She looks at me directly and then looks into her paper works she then said "Room 207" I nod at what she said, understanding where the room is, "Alright thanks" I close the door afterwards and walked all the way to 'Room 207'

I arrive there to the room, though it would seem as if the lights were open being the good man that I am, I'd of course knock first before I enter, "Hello anybody here?" I did not expected a near instantaneous response, moreover the voice I heard sounded familiar "Oh yes please come in" While the voice were muffled through the door, one could only deduce that the person I'll have to live with for my time in the enclave would be.. "Oh Cherry its you, did you actually knew I'd be staying in this room?" I look to the left side of the room to see another bed, it would seem the two beds are at opposite sides of the room, she responded after I had examined the room "Yea I had a clue, I did listened to your conversation with Kara after all" I see then I guess it would make sense, so much for not butting in, I scratch the back of my head, she places both her hands behind her, and does a light bow as she looks at me, "Take care of me then" that were a line I honestly did not expected, though I sense it does not have any other meanings I wouldn't want to know. I lightly laugh at what she said "Sheesh thats supposed to be my line" I set down my bag beside my bed and sat on it, it felt much more comfortable than the other beds, I see her sit down at her own bed looking at me, then asking me a question "Since we are gonna be room mates, lets get to know each other, what was life like before you joined the enclave, of course I'm gonna answer as well" I guess this is a great way to get to know each other, after all I'm not that tired yet so I guess I should give it a shot, but I wonder if she would believe what I say, my life before this was pretty much supernatural after all, Oh well I might as well ask her "Will you believe everything I say then, even if it sounds unbelievable?" I ask her a question like that, and not to my surprise she responded with "Of course, why would you lie about the life you had before, there's no reason to" well she is right, I've got no reason to hide it, time for my second question "Should I summarize it or tell the whole thing?" I wait for her response and I stare at her as she thinks, she responds afterwards "No I think we have to summarize it" With that I am ready to tell her my life before joining, "Alright then, from the day I was born..."