
Can you love me, Dear husband?

A girl tries to change from her dark past when she meets her true love. But her past won't let her go. The more she tries to run from it the more it became more obvious... What would she do? Face her past and tell her love with the consequences of losing him or hide it from him and manipulate him to be with her. Unknown to her, his husband knew some secret that would shock her.

_EverSmile · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Way out

Loveth's joy knew no bounds as her dad help her to caution Mr. Raymond.

"Everything is settled now, I think I don't need to tell Williams again for him not to change his mind," Loveth thought.

Loveth was also happy that partnering with oil and gas favor them a lot. She knew that her father will increase her monthly allowance.

"But what if Williams later knows my past life? What would I do? Will he ever forgive me? But I'm scared of losing him" Loveth said to herself as she pace up and down in her room.

Mrs. Henry came back and discovered that Loveth has come back from work. She thought of checking her before she entered her room.

She got to her room and knocked.

Loveth knew that it was her mother, so she rushed and opened the door.

"Mum! How are you today" Loveth said and jumped on her as she did when she was young.

Mrs. Henry was so surprised that her daughter that was crying few days is very happy now.

I'm happy that my daughter is happy, let's talk, how does it happen?" Mrs.. Henry said as she sat beside her daughter

"Don't tell me you don't know how it is happy mum?" Loveth asked curiously.

"How do you mean? I don't know now?" Mrs. Henry said in a serious tone.

"Stop the joke mum! Do you mean you did not tell dad?" Loveth said looking at her mother in the eyes.

"I didn't! Do you mean your dad intervene!" Mrs. Henry asked.

"Yes, he did. He even made Mr. Raymond sign an area greet that he won't involve in my matter again" Loveth said happily.

"Unbelievable! When was that? Your dad never tells me anything" Mrs. Henry said in surprise.

"Wow! Maybe because you didn't tell him. That was why he didn't tell you anything" Loveth said.

"But did you later explain to him?" Mrs. Henry said.

"No, I didn't. But how did he know? How did he get the information about My Raymond?" Loveth said with her eyes widely open.

"I will ask him. What is more important to me is that you are happy now

How is Williams? I can see that you liked him" Mrs. Henry teased her daughter.

Loveth smiled and nodded in response.

"Are you still friends or he has talked about marriage?" Mrs. Henry asked jokingly.

"He told me that he loved me and wish to marry me. But I've not given him any reply because it came too sudden to me" Loveth explained.

Mrs. Henry smiled and told her not to give him waiting. She explained further that if she want them to access him, she should bring him home.

Loveth was so happy. Not long before her phone rang It was Williams. She didn't want to pick it up because her mother is there but her mother insist that she should pick up her calls and that she won't interrupt. Loveth picked up her call.

"Hello pretty! Good evening" A voice said from the other end.

Mrs. Henry chuckled as she heard the soft voice from the other end.

Loveth smiled and replied to him. They talked for some minutes before Loveth gave an excuse to call him back. She did that because her mother was distracting her.

"Mum! You didn't allow me to pick up my call. Mum! Go to your room" Loveth said jokingly.

Mrs. Henry stood immediately and went to her room.

Williams was thinking of what could have happened if the director wanted to see him early the following morning.

He was scared because he didn't know what could lead to that.

"But the director saw me when I was going home, why didn't he mention anything?" Williams thought.

Just then, Loveth called him. He told me of sharing it with him as he picked up the call.

"Hello pretty! Thank you for calling back. " Williams said calmly.

"You are welcome. But hope you are fine. Your voice is low" Loveth asked in concern.

" Nothing! But I am just bothered because the director called me not long that I should see him unfailingly tomorrow. This got me so worried" Williams said calmly.

"Calm down, nothing to worry about. It will be for good. Just let your mind be at rest"Loveth said from the other end.

" Thank you. Not that I do worry about issues but this one surprised me because I and the director still talked for more than thirty minutes before I left and he didn't mention anything if such"Williams explained.

"The worst that can happen is to sack you. And that is not even a problem because there are many better companies" Loveth said boasting.

"Hmm! I pray that does not happen. I have a lot in my front now" Williams said.

"I still tell you that that is not a problem," Loveth said again boastingly.

"I believe there won't be a problem. How are you today? You said you wanted to tell me something." Williams said.

Loveth began to breadth very fast. She didn't know what to say further.

"Hello! Are you still there?" Williams asked.

Loveth replied and summoned the courage to talk. She told him that she intend to tell him things about her life.

"Okay! But I thought we've done that before?" Williams asked in surprise.

"I mean my past life. There is some part of my past life that you need to know" Loveth said in a serious tone.

Williams burst into laughter, he asked her what is in her past life that made her mood change like that. He explained further that he is interested in her present not her past and that if she wanted to tell him anything he should feel free to do that.

And also nothing can erase his love for her.

Loveth's joy knew no bounds on hearing that. She quickly changed the topic of their talk.

After talking fit some minutes, They bid themselves goodnight and hung up the c.

Loveth heard a knock on her door and moved to the door.

"Dinner is set! The cook said and walk away without waiting for a reply.

Loveth who was seriously hungry rushed out to the dining table.

She already met her mum and dad there.

Loveth greeted her parents and began to eat hungrily.

" What happened? Why are you rushing your food? Are you that hungry?' Mrs. Henry said in surprise.

"Yes, mum! I've been so busy at work. and I hardly eat these dates" Loveth with food fills her mouth.

Mr. Henry who had not said anything before began to laugh.

Loveth announced that she wanted more food. She pounded more food and began to eat. Mr. and Mrs. Henry laughed the more.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry got to their room and began to talk.

The thought of asking Mr. Henry how he got to know about Loveth's issue flooded her mind but she didn't know how to start.

After talking for some minutes. Mr. Henry laid down in the bed and slept off.

"I think Loveth should ask by herself," Mrs. Henry thought as she lay to sleep.

Williams got to the office as early as possible. He went to his office and started to attend to some files that has been lying on her table for some time.

After some minutes the secretary came to announce to him that there would be a meeting by 9 am that particular morning.

"Meeting again? I hope that is not what I'm thinking. Or why the emergency meeting?" Williams thought in fear.

He began to arrange her table to clear anything that can implicate him.

Williams later remember that the director told him that they should see the following morning. He stood up immediately and went to his office but he didn't see him.

"Whatever it may be. But I must not lose my job now because it might lead to losing my pretty Loveth, I don't think her parents would support marriage with someone that is jobless" Williams thought in fear.

Just then Loveth's call entered. He picked it up almost immediately. She asked about his meeting with the director and he replied that he hasn't seen him.

She encourages him not to panic, that the meeting might be for his promotion. Williams smiled and heave a sigh of relief.

"Thank you pretty, I'm not even viewing it from that angle before. Thank you" Williams said and hung up.

It's time for the meeting, and every member of staff is already going to their hall for the meeting.

After a few minutes, Williams came out of his office and went to the hall.

Williams looked around and discovered that the director is not yet around.

"What is going on? Where could the director go?"Williams thought.

Loveth quickly dressed up and went to the dining, she was happy that she met only her dad in the dining"Dad! Good morning sir! Thank you so much for yesterday" Loveth said.

"It's okay, my pretty damsel, you didn't wake up early today. I thought you'd left for work" Mr. Henry said.

"No, dad! I woke up late. I will soon leave" Loveth said

"Dad! How did you know about my issue? Loveth asked her father.

Mr. Henry smiled and did not answer her.

Loveth took her bag and went to her office.

The meeting in the oil and gas company commenced and everyone was already seated. After some minutes. Williams name called to come outside.

" What!" Williams exclaimed.