
Can You Keep The Marriage

What will you do if you have an ex-husband who keeps chasing you and asking you to reconcile? Hana Kaniana, 27 years old. A woman who was divorced from Aksa Mahesa. To get rid of the hurt from the divorce at a young age, she attended acting school for five years and became a popular film actress. The ex-husband of Aksa Mahesa, who still loves Hana, wants to come back to Hana in various ways. In fact, they still love each other. However, too many people don't want them to get back together. No! Aksa Mahesa did not give up. He keeps clinging to Hana even though he has to do the stupidest things.

Van_Theglang86 · Urban
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A Dream

Aksa is dreaming. Could it be that it wasn't a dream but the pieces of his lost memory?

Aksa's eyes twitched as he fell asleep. Aksa couldn't stop it. He remembers crying over the grave of his father, Restu Mahesa. And Aksa saw his mother crying. And Aksa saw the face of another boy who looked at him full of hatred.

"Aksa, I'm sorry, Mama. Let's go home!"

Aksa cries when the boy often bothers him. But he never complained about it to his mother. Because that boy is his older brother, Bayu.

His childhood memories came through his dreams. Aksa sees her mother remarrying to her former husband. Bayu's biological father, namely Tanu Demian. I'm unfortunate and disappointed.

"Mom, Dad!" murmured Aksa crying while looking at the wedding photo of his mother and his father, Restu. Then he hugged the picture while hiding under his bed. At that time, he was hiding and crying alone in his room.
