
Chapter 001

Isn't it's weird the cycle if life first we really really want to learn new things want to experience new things want to see the world wanna be free. But later we started to hate we started to hating the world that small version of ourself lost somewhere in the dark ..hating the promises we make  to our mini version now  not wanting to know what's happening in the  world.. Just want  ourself   surrounded to those people who accept us the way we are..not hiding anymore behind doors just want to be free form everything.  That's how school life feels like promises, learning, growing, falling again falling learning, growing. Realising how friendship love feels like, it's little bit hard to express school how's it feel there where bag were heavy, believing on  promises, where there's just a pure innocent heart and a genuine happiness were hard to find when we grow up ..responsibilities became heavy, promises just became a word, innocent became cold, and fake became permanent. We hate school and later we missed them. Isn't is weird first we hate school then 10years make thousands of memories were we can't forgot even

we try to capture them in camera it's impossible no amount of money can bring back you're happiness even you try to write to describe you're school memories in one word it's not possible. We learn lots of things in school some gets  life lesson over there,some make memories,and some just do study.