
Chapter one

Kara's POV

"So will you do it?" Ms. Grant asked us. I don't know how I ended up in this situation. Let me start it over, I'm Kara Danvers, a reporter at CatCo worldwide media, also known as supergirl, I lied to my best friend about that for 3 years, when she found out, she got mad, started avoiding me, and stopped talking to me. I begged for forgiveness every day, I visited her on work, texted her, brought food, visited in her house. Nothing worked, she just ignored me or yelled at me to go away and leave her alone. And I did, after 3 months of trying, I gave up. I know what you're going to say, "it's nothing like you, you don't give up that easily" but that's the thing, I gave up and I regret it. Lena Luthor didn't deserve me as a friend, I was lying to her, in the face, every day. She deserves more, she deserves the whole universe, and I let her down, I ruined our friendship, she hates me so why try? She has the rights to be mad at me. And every time I tried, I broke her heart again and again, so why keep trying? Why begging for forgiveness if she already made her decision and doesn't want to listen? So yes I gave up. I left her alone, I did what she asked. That was 5 months ago, I haven't seen Lena for 5 months, she made sure of it. But here we are now, sitting in Cat Grant's office, together. It all started today, Monday morning, I left for work, and when I got there...

"Kara! Hey" I heard James's voice

"Hey James what's up"

"Cat wants to see you," he said directly, Miss Grant brought CatCo back when Lena sold it. I was confused, why Miss Grant want to see me? Did I do something wrong? Did I mess up? Was it my article? So I went to Ms. Grant's office. But when I got here, and knocked, I saw Lena sitting across Cat, one brow up, and not looking happy to see me.

"Miss Grant you wanted to see me?" I ask, I was nervous, seeing Lena after 5 months wasn't easy, plus she looked very beautiful.

"Oh yes, Kiera, please sit down" she pointed at the chair next to Lena. I gulped and sat down

"So, how are you both?" She started"Don't answer to that, I don't care. I know you are both curious about why I called you here, so I'm just gonna say it directly. I need your help. My old friend Alyssa Blake went missing. For 3 weeks now. At first, I thought she went to Fiji like she said, but when I called the hotel, they said she didn't show up, I searched everywhere and didn't found her. You two are smart people, and I think with Kiera's reporting skills, and Miss Luthors' mind, you can find her" she casually said, like it wasn't a big deal. Well let me tell you straight, IT IS A BIG DEAL. Searching for this woman with LENA? Yeah sure I feel really bad for her, but working with Lena? No way, she hates me. There was silence in the room

"With all due respect Ms. Grant, you want me to work with Ms. Danvers?" Lena finally asked

"Is that a problem?" Cat asked eyebrows raised

"Yes, there is a problem. First, I don't search for missing people, there is the police for that. And second, if I did, I wouldn't work with Ms. Danvers. I could perfectly do it alone" hearing her calling me by my last name was hurtful, but yeah, I deserved that. And for cat? Well she wasn't amused by this statement

Lena looked like she was going to throw the woman out a window.

"Okay now listen Ms. Luthor, I know when you got here, you fought from head to toe to make your own name, outside your family, You worked really hard for this. And I don't want to do that, but if you will say no, I'd have to make your efforts nothing, I'd have to tell the press that you killed Lex Luthor, your own brother, tried to kill Morgan Edge and had experiments on people, and someone died, also I don't think you want innocent woman to die, when you could do something and help her. and for you miss Danvers, you'll lose your job. We don't want that now do we?" I was shocked, so was Lena, we both stood there still, frozen, you could cut the tension with a knife.

"Are you threatening me, Grant?" Lena asked with her perfect eyebrow raise. focus Kara focus!

"Oh no dear, I speak the truth," Cat answered with a sweet voice, okay this woman can't stop surprising me

"You are unbelievable" Lena said frustrated

Cat smiled, she locked eyes with me and gave me you are in the right look. There was part of me, that wanted to reject it, but the other part wanted to find this innocent person and save her. And even if I'd have to work with Lena

"So will you do it?" She asked


Present time

We walked out of the office. I can't believe Lena said yes. This means that we are all in this together, working to search the missing person. I at least need to say sorry and apologize

"Lena i-" but Lena cut me off

"Shut it, Kara, we just work together, this doesn't mean that I forgave you, or we are friends again. I don't want your apologies, so shut it. When we will finish it, we go on different paths and don't see each other. Understood?" Ouch. That hurts, but I nod anyway

"Yes, of course, Lena" i said disappointed,

this is going to be tough