
the biggest secret

Anna's friends saw the video of Allen and Anna in a press conference and were shocked to find out that Anna is pregnant like that, which actually made them angry. So they wanted to visit her, but couldn't do that because of Harry's condition and can only talk with Anna on the phone, They are so happy for her after hearing about her pregnancy and at the same time, is angry that She didn't tell them anything about this news.

Anna convened them that they had just got to know only a few days before and something like this happened so she couldn't. They just hung up the call.

On the other side: After a Week.

Emma got a call back from the man that she ordered to investigate. "Ms. Emma, I have collected everything that you have ordered, you can check your mail, I sent it". She nodded her head and said "yes". Then she ended the call, opened the mail, and started to read everything. She is the woman that got engaged to James as soon as Emma broke up with James. Her name is Kate, and she is the daughter of Mr. George, who is also one of the richest men in Country C and he is also in the same line as James. Emma started to read all the things about her and her eyes widened in shock because everything seems so coincidental.

Mr. George gave James one of their biggest projects, after their breakup. Soon after they got engaged. That's when Emma started to remember all the things that Kate told her on the phone. Something started to feel different, She need to go and meet Jame's mom to know everything, as Kate mentioned about kate convincing James' mom about the engagement. Emma took a long sigh, feeling guilty that she misunderstood James before.

She goes back to her room and started to pack her thing, without telling anyone, as she doesn't want anyone to know anything that happened in her past, because it is both embarrassing and at the same time, she feels stupid. She just told that she going out to do some research and no one asked her any questions because they trust her.

Emma packed her bag and went to country C. She didn't even go to her hotel room but directly come to meet James' mom in the hospital. She got to know this from the mail. Emma was so nervous because this is the first time, she is going to meet her future mother-in-law. She took a long sigh and entered the VIP ward of XXX hospital. She heard a sound of fighting from one of the wards and went there, worried but stopped, as soon as she heard the same voice as kate.

"Why?! I gave you everything that you asked for?! I convinced my dad when he was rejecting to give that project to James! I made him give it! you used my love for him and made everything! and now, you are telling me that you got a better woman so I should back out?!" She shouted in pain and anger. she did so many things to James so she can marry him. '

Emma was so shocked, as she don't know anything, she took a long sigh, feeling a little guilty. That's when she heard James's mom reply "I know that I hurt you and did something terrible! but we don't have a choice. After I got hospitalized, my son took over the family business even though he was studying to become a doctor, He doesn't know much about anything so everything was going downhill and I thought my son getting engaged with you will be good! so I even forced him to break up with the woman he loves. he was already so sad and you did plan to hurt her even more, which made him hate you! you know that! if you didn't plan to make that girl sad on that day, he could have at least liked you a little!".

"That has nothing to do with anything that's happening now! Why the hell did he break up the engagement and is going to marry any other woman? who the hell is she?! I can give much more than she could ever offer! I will do anything to give him anything he wants! so please tell him to get engaged with me... please! I want to marry him! I love him!" She begged as she can't take this anymore. She has been in love with James for so long and did everything to make him his fiance but she couldn't take the pain when he broke up with her.

"That has everything to do with what is happening now, the woman you made my son to break up with is none other than the daughter of Mr. Leo and his family. I... I don't know how to make you understand this, but she asked my son to get engaged with her and he doesn't have a choice! I am already done with this! I don't want him to suffer! but... but he has been getting hurt because of me, so I am just going stay still and let him handle his life. I just want him to be happy in his life, so let him decide anything that he wants! if you love him so much then go and win over him using your heart and not here! I can't do anything!" She said, giving up on trying to control her son's life. She never wanted to hurt her son but she know this is the only want to keep their business running. that's the only reason for her to force James into the life that he never wanted.

Emma started to realize what happened at that time, She took a long sigh and started to walk out of the ward because she got to know everything she wanted and she know, this is not the right time to meet James' mom. When she walked out of the hospital. She saw James, who parked his car and is walking towards the entrance. He saw her and was confused, he didn't understand, what Emma is doing here in country C and at his mom's hospital.

He walks to Emma and asked "Emma? what are you doing here?!". "is that any of your business?" She asked, as she doesn't want him to know anything. He shook his head and said, "No., if you don't want to tell me, then don't". He was about to walk in, but Emma stopped him, as she doesn't want James to witness what she saw. She took a long sigh and said "come on, let's go out!".

"What? I have worked here!" He said as he came here to meet his mom. James loves his mom so much because he only got her as his family, so he always comes here to visit her once in 2 days. Emma didn't let his hand go and said "I know that you are here to meet your mom! I wanted to see her too! let's come here after having breakfast! I didn't have anything this morning!". James was so confused and shocked, as he got a lot of asking her, but he just kept that aside and said "fine, let's go!". Emma smiled and nodded her head, feeling so happy to be his priority.

As soon as she got inside his car. James started the car, asking "How did you know that my mom is admitted here? I never told anything about her you?!". "I have my own way," Emma said, as she doesn't want to tell him anything embarrassing. James was shocked and didn't like her answer. As he turned to her and said 'I need to know this because she is my mom! If you wanted to meet her then you should have asked me and then investigated it behind my back!".

"Fine! I will ask you next time, then to do it on my own!" She said with a smile. James was shocked as she never expected to see Emma smile. She always gives him the cool look when they are alone because of their past. but seeing her smile made him happy, as he said with a small smile "fine!". Then he took her to his regular place where he always has breakfast and said: "I don't know if you like it here?! I always come here for the breakfast!", Emma looks at the small restaurant, which is not fanny but looks so warm and sweet. She was confused because she know James's taste is not like this. but she nodded her head and said "I never eat out but let me try". James smiled and nodded his head as he looks at Emma, who got down. Both of them walk inside the restaurant.

James started to talk with the owner, who is so friendly with him like they know each other for years. Emma was confused by that as she leaned to him and asked in a whisper "do you come here often?". "Yes, I come here every morning".

"every morning? from how many days?" Emma asked in shock. "From the day I moved to country C!" He said with a smile, as he took the regular seat in the corner. Emma can't believe this because all the time, he was dating her, he always took her to a fancy restaurant and never once here. So she took a sigh and asked "But when we were dating, why didn't you bring me here ?".

"That's because I thought you might find it boring... I have understood something while dating different girls, they love different things and not everyone is the same. They all expect their bf to be different than their previous bf or they wanted to live a different life. when I saw you, I thought you are a poor girl, so I took you to a fancy restaurant to make you feel like you are in a wonder land and then you will fall for me, and you did!" James said with a smile.

"I didn't fall for that! I loved you from the day I saw you so I even did everything!" Emma said, telling her biggest secret that she never told him before. James was shocked because he thought she loved him after all the struggle.