
Can Death Be Kind

Rep1400 · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Ch.4 Who are You?

"So what do you want to know?"

   Questions begin to run through my head like crazy. I keep trying to think of something to ask but nothing is coming to mind. I finally speak "Well for starters, who are you?"

  Her eyes dart around, possibly trying to think of an answer then she looks at me smiles, and says "I guess you could call me a grim reaper."

  I look for any signs in her face that make it seem like she was joking. She was dead serious. "What do you mean a grim reaper, are you saying there's more of you?"

  She smiles "Something like that, there has to be otherwise there would be souls who haven't passed on yet all over the world." "Do you think one person could do this job alone?"

  After thinking for a min I reply"I suppose you have a point."

   Her face suddenly gets serious "Shin now I have a question for you."


   "How is it a normal person as yourself can see me in my Reaper form?"

   "What do you mean?"

   "When we first encountered each other at the hospital, you stared directly at me, no normal person should be able to even see me"

   I thought about this for a while before finally answering "To be honest with you I'm not sure."

  She looks up and down at me looking about as confused as me.

  "It seems like we both have questions with no answers." I thought to myself.

   It gets awkwardly quiet, neither one of us are talking, she breaks the silence "Would you like something to drink?"

  "Um, sure" I reply

   She goes to the kitchen and begins brewing some tea and brings over two cups hands one to me. "Thank you."

  She sits down next to me as we slowly start drinking, it began to get awkward again as it became dead silent.

  I figured since the weird questions are out of the way I would try and get to know her "So Mizuki, do you live here by yourself?"

  She seemed kinda surprised by the question " Yeah it's just me here."

  "I see I bet it gets lonely." She looks over at me and begins to smile, she then says "You have a kind heart, I can tell by your words and actions."

  I look to the ground blushing. "My mom's always working and my sister is usually at different practices and other after school events, none of that seemed to interest me so I stayed here by myself, I usually enjoy the peace and quiet but there are moments where it seems empty."

  She gets closer to me and then lays her head down on my shoulder, her words came out softer than I ever heard but also seemed sad "It's not so bad being alone especially in my line of work."

  I react on instinct I put my arm around her and held her she seemed surprised at first but didn't seem to mind.

   After some time goes by I ask "So, how does one get into your work anyways?"

  Still laying on my shoulder she replies Reapers are made by those who died who's souls has special traits, they're some who even get their original bodies back like myself so in a way, I'm back to life and as long as I complete my duties I get to live a somewhat normal life."

  "Oh, I see must be a pretty hard job then."

  Her head still on my shoulder "You get used to it after a while."

  "Hey Mikazuki"

  " Yes?"

  "What would happen if you didn't do your job?"

   "I would slowly lose myself and eventually become a grim wraith, a monster that eats wandering souls."

  I look over at her surprised

She continues "That's why my job is so important so I can protect those who died and stay the same me."

  She stays quiet for a second then says "I also have one more job I have to kill any grim wrath I come across after I do the souls it devoured become set free and pass on as does the soul of the reaper, the dangerous part is the more souls it devoured the stronger it is."

  I pull her close again "That does sound dangerous we may have only met today but the truth is I would be sad if you were gone."

  She begins to blush and wraps her outside arm around my waist, I'm a bit surprised but I really don't mind.

  We sit there quietly for what seems like a long time. It felt nice her head on my shoulder, our arms wrapped around each other, heck just being next to her was enough to make me feel at peace. I don't realize I'm thinking out loud "I wish we could stay like this forever."

  Mikazuki giggles and whispers "To be honest me too."

  My face feels like it's on fire at this point "Oh di-did I say that out loud?"

  She giggles again and winks at me while saying "You sure did." 

  We hear a knock at the door and then Hina's voice "Mikazuki you in there?"

  I began to panic "Uh oh if she finds me in here I'm dead."

  Mikazuki walks over to the door and answers it while I try to hide "Hey Hina, what brings you here so late?"

  Hina replies "The truth is I haven't heard from Shin since we left for school, so I was wondering if you had seen him?"

  I look down at my phone it's almost midnight! Then I hear Mikazuki say "After school, he showed me around town a little bit but then I went home I haven't seen him since."

  Hina looks down starts to get sad then she sees something next to the door.

  She looks up at Mikazuki and says "Are you sure you don't know where he's at cause his shoes are here."

  "Oh no" I whisper