
She knew about it

[Doctor enters]

Doctor checks Jae-hwan and said,"It's because of stress and little weakness!"

Eun-sook,"Can you tell me the medications!"


Doctor leaves

Eun-sook to Jae-hwan,"I will bring the lunch and then you can eat the medicine after that!"

Jae-hwan stops her by holding her hand and he started to hesitate.

Kang-dae understood that he is stopping her because of that guy.

Kang-dae said,"You stay here!"

"And I will bring the lunch!"


Jae-hwan leaves her hand and said,"Sorry, I know after how I behaved, I don't have the right to do all these things!"


Eun-sook,"The situation was different so..!"

"It's okay!"

"And I will leave now!"

Jae-hwan suddenly,"No!"


Jae-hwan,"I mean, I want a favour!"

Eun-sook,"Tell me!"

Jae-hwan was thinking of an excuse to stop her in the cabin.

Eun-sook said,"You want me to stay here!"


Jae-hwan suprised,"Yes, but how do you know?"

Eun-sook,"I know why are you saying this!"


"How do you know?"

Eun-sook,"I mean your health is not good so you want me to stay with you as a assistant!"

Jae-hwan relaxed,"Yes!"

Eun-sook,"Okay then I will do my work...!"

She was finding a place in the cabin.

Jae-hwan said,"You can do your work on my desk!"

"So, I will just go and bring your chair!"

Eun-sook stops him and said,"I can bring it myself so stay here!"

She then goes out and brings the files first and then she keeps the chair near his desk.

Eun-sook starts doing her work.

Jae-hwan was adoring her all along.

Kang dae enters,

He keeps the lunch on the table and asks Jae-hwan,"Bro, where is your phone?"

"I have been calling you to ask something but you didn't picked it up!"

Jae-hwan,"It's broken!"


"But how?"


"I-I will tell you afterwards!"

Eun-sook stood up from her seat and said to Kang-dae,"You can sit here and talk with him!"

"I will wait outside!"

"As it looks like he is not able to open up just because of me!"

Jae-hwan,"No, that's not the thing!"

"You sit here!"

"I will talk with him outside!"

Eun-sook was frustrated and she said,"Just please!"

"Stay here and I will wait outside!"

"I'm not going anywhere!"

"I will be standing right at the door!"

"Okay then!"

Eun-sook leaves suddenly,

Kang-dae to Jae-hwan,"Looks like she is angry with your behaviour!"

Jae-hwan,"Yes, why not!"

"As I'm confusing by pushing and pulling her again and again!"

Kang-dae,"What do you mean?"

Jae-hwan shows the parcel to Kang-dae

Kang-dae saw it and said,"What is this?"

"Isn't that this is your mother!"

He then saw the second picture and said,"Isn't that this is Eun-sook!"

"But why it's covered in blood?"

Jae-hwan,"Yes, that's the thing!"

"When I'm doing what he said!"

"Then just why?"

"Why? He is trying to harm her!"

"After the parcel he even called me and said...!"

"I can't even tell you what he said!"

"He is such a psycho!"

Kang-dae,"Yes, I also think he is planning something else!"

"Because he is trying to spy on Eun-sook through Jessie!"

"So, I think that his main target is not you but her!"

Jae-hwan heads down on the desk and said,"But why?"

Kang-dae noticed the pieces of the phone in the corner

He asked,"Isn't that yours phone!"

Jae-hwan heads up and said,"Yes!"

Kang-dae,"Then why?"

Jae-hwan,"I'm just too irritated with his voice!"

"So, I threw it after he crossed his limit!"

Kang-dae,"I will bring you the new phone then!"

Jae-hwan,"No, don't bring it!"

"Or that freak will call again!"

"And now I'm gonna handle the situation on my own!"

Kang-dae,"What do you mean?"

Jae-hwan,"I mean he thinks that she is my weakness but no, she is my strength!"

"So, I will find him by keeping her by my side!"

"And now I will see how he is gonna harm her when I will be with her!"

Kang-dae,"But how you are gonna keep her by your side after how you pushed her!"

Jae-hwan,"That's the only problem!"

"As if I'm gonna tell her the truth then she will be worried for me!"

"And if I'm not gonna tell her the truth then how am I gonna stop her!"

Kang-dae said,"Bro, I have an idea!"


Kang-dae whispers something in his ears

Jae-hwan,"Wow, that's good!"

Kang-dae,"Okay then I will leave for now!"


"And send her in!"

Kang-dae leaves and Eun-sook comes inside.

Jae-hwan,"Please lock the door!"

"So, that no one can come in!"

Eun-sook confused,"But why?"

"When I'm here too...!"

Jae-hwan said,"Please!"


While Eun-sook was standing near the desk, Jae-hwan puts off the blind and closes the window through the remote.

Eun-sook asked,"What are you doing?"

"Other employees will misunderstand!"

Jae-hwan stood up and comes closer to her.

He keeps his one hand around her waist and pulls her closer.

And after putting his another hand on her neck. He kissed her on lips before she speaks anything.

Eun-sook eyes were widened. She softly pushed him a little and while hesitating she asked,"W-What did you just do right now?"

"And why?"

"Did you forget?"

"That we are pretending to stay away from each other!!"

Jae-hwan said,"I did what you have told me!"

Eun-sook,"I didn't told you to kiss me!"

"I'm talking about that guy!"

He might be watching us!"

Jae-hwan,"No, I know!"


Jae-hwan makes her sit on his desk and said,"Kang-dae took out the camera!"

"So, now you can speak freely!"

Eun-sook relaxed,"Oh, then you should have told me before!"

Jae-hwan,"So, now tell me that how you know about it?"

Eun-sook,"The day I was leaving the house, when I fainted and you brought me inside the house!"

"You remember!"


"You were unconscious!"

Eun-sook,"Right I was unconscious but after a while I woke up and I saw that you were looking so stressed out while talking to Kang-dae!"

"So, I heard your conversation!"

Jae-hwan,"But this is wrong how can you pretend!"

Eun-sook,"Because I know that you can't do like this and the changes in your behaviour was something you could never do!"

"And also I know that I'm gonna leave you. so I wanted to be with you even for a little while!"

Jae-hwan,"I didn't got to know even for a second that you know about it all along!"

"And you told me when I hugged you today!"

Eun-sook,"Because before I wasn't getting the chance to tell you about it!"

"And when you hugged me you were looking so stressed out!"

"So, I told you!"

Jae-hwan,"Then you called Kang-dae to bring the detector!"

"And he found an hidden camera!"

Eun-sook,"To be honest, I was excited to accomplish this plan!"

Jae-hwan then saw her lips and said,"Can I continue please!"

Eun-sook stunned,"How can you be so straightforward!"

"You are making me nervous!"

Jae-hwan smiled and said,"I was nervous too but you made me chill out!"

"So, now I'm warning you beforehand!"