
Chapter 27

I managed not to insult him, I'm pretty proud of myself, but he doesn't really give me time to think, before continuing:

"Do you want to drive me crazy" He objects, pouting.

" No," I replied coldly, shaking my head. But I don't see how I could go to work if you have to be able to touch me whenever you want"

" Do you plan to become a courier again" He worries, bewildered.

I frown, trying to decipher his expression. I hesitate between anger and anguish.

"Of course " I replied, shrugging my shoulders. How long do you think I'm going to stay cloistered between  walls"

"What are you doing with Carlos and the vampire" He gets angry with concern. Do you think they'll let you go back to work"

Not wrong, but I'm not a pet.

" So what" I was annoyed. I remain locked here until death ensues.

He looks at me like some kind of enigma, while I feel like he's trying to figure out how I work. I wish him good luck since I walk upside down from the rest of the world.