
Chapter 13

Annoyed, I finally put my feet on the ground, and it's as if I turned on my brain. On the one hand I hear the screams of buyers, on the other I feel a vibration rising from the floor. It's something I've felt before. Heart pounding I look around me in search of those steel blue eyes that I miss so much. However, my father-in-law grabs me by the arm, forcing me backstage without my finding him, even though I'm sure he's in the room.

Unconcerned about me struggling, Carlos shakes me to remind me that he can hurt me effortlessly, leaving me bouncing painfully against the wall on my dizzying high heels, before dragging me unceremoniously behind him. After a few moments of crossing the dressing rooms as silent as it was unpleasant, he threw me into a small closed room where I landed on the ground on all fours, trying not to twist my ankle in my damn diabolical shoes.