
I will revenge

After a while, Leng Yunniu Shen sent a message asking, "Honestly admit it one by one, how many of you have taken care of it after seeing the photo?"

"Okay, I admit it, I masturbated! I just came out and haven't washed my hands yet!" The hairtail was the first to admit, and this courage truly deserves to be a great god

"Damn it, even the hairtail deity has admitted it, so I'm not too embarrassed. I masturbated too. I was about to come out soon, but now I've stopped and typed this message. I'll have to masturbate a little longer before I can come out!" said a great deity author named Jiutian, with a shy expression on his face.

"Hehehehe, I'm sorry, I didn't masturbate because my sister-in-law happened to be a guest at my house, so you guys understand... Hehehehe!" The god "Heaven and Earth understand my heart" said with a smile, followed by five proud expressions.

Ximen Yu looked at the group of people, one by one lewd and speechless with a smile.

Ximen Yu envies them very much, including Cold Cloud Cow God, Hairpin, Catching Fish in the Water, Jiutian, Martial Arts Idiot and Scholar, and Heaven and Earth Understanding My Heart. They are very active in the group, each more than a sleazy author.

They are all great gods, earning tens of thousands of yuan in monthly royalties, and mobile reading can earn hundreds of thousands of yuan every year. Ximen Yu doesn't envy them anything, Ximen Yu just envies their income. Ximen Yu often thinks, if he were also one of them, how good it would be. If he could also pay tens of thousands of yuan in writing fees to his parents every month, how good it would be! How happy parents should be!.

Ximen Yu sighed and closed the message window!, Vivi, no matter how beautiful she is, has nothing to do with herself. There cannot be any intersection with her.

At 8 pm, Ximenyu's parents went home.

"Dad, Mom, what's wrong with you?" Ximen Yu rushed forward and saw his dad bleeding from his nostrils, with bruises and bruises on his face, a big bump on his head, and a swollen eye. He knew he had been beaten!, Ximen Yu's mother also has many finger marks on her face!.

"Dad, Mom, who hit you?"

"Xiaoyu, just now Nanshuang asked you to help her clean up the garbage. You didn't do it and even hit her, didn't you?" Ximen Yu's mother quickly scolded and asked.

"I don't have it! fxxk! I'll go find them!" Ximen Yu was so angry!, When did he hit Nanshuang Po!.

"Xiaoyu, don't go!" Ximenyu's father grabbed Ximenyu!, "Nanshuangpo's two sons are both at home. Just now, we passed by his doorstep and were beaten by his two sons. They said you hit Nanshuangpo, but you are not a match for her two sons! Don't come and get beaten again!"

"Let's call the police!"

"Forget it!" Ximen Yu's father shook his head.

"Report to the police, at most you can take them to ask a question, and at most you can lock them up for a few days. They may become even more crazy in the future and seek revenge in secret, so there will be no peace in the future! The police are not our relatives, they have protected us for a while, but they cannot protect us for a moment.

If they take action in secret, the police will have no choice. Neighbors don't want to make enemies with them, so let's forget it! If you see them in the future, just take a detour!" Ximen Yu's father didn't want to report to the police!, The alarm won't solve the problem!.

"Xiaoyu, don't worry, go back to study!"

After applying the medicine, Ximen Yu's father casually ate a meal and rested early in bed!.

"I want revenge! I must seek revenge! I will never live such a life again!" Ximen Yu shouted inwardly.

"But how can I seek revenge?"

Ximen Yu stared at the computer screen in a daze.

Suddenly, a masked person appeared behind Ximenyu.