

Ximen Yu spent a day on the mountain!, At dawn, Ximen Yu woke up. Today, Ximen Yu is going home!, Ximen Yu shouted inwardly all night, "Dad, Mom, Sister, I'm back!"

Ximen Yu didn't sleep all night, he was too excited to sleep!.

But some people are happy, some are sad, and Ximen Yu's senior sister can't sleep all night. Ximen Yu is leaving, and she is very reluctant!.

The next day, everyone walked to the intersection to bid farewell!, Of course, the exception is for men with golden masks.

"Junior Brother, after returning home, continue to work hard! This is what your senior sister brought home for you to let your parents taste!" Senior Brother brought a snake skin bag to Ximen Yu, which contained a few wild animals!.

"Thank you, Senior Brother. Hey, where's Senior Sister? Where have you been?"

"Your senior sister is crying in the room! Don't pay attention to her!"

Ximen Yu felt sad for a moment and walked to the senior sister's room. As expected, the senior sister was crying!.

"Senior Sister!" Ximen Yu went up and hugged Senior Sister!, Senior sister takes care of him like his mother, and Ximen Yu is also very reluctant to part with this relationship, but Ximen Yu can't help but leave!.

Ximen Yu, wipe your senior sister's tears dry!, "Senior sister, I will come to see you in the future, or you can come find me too!"

"Well, it's okay, junior brother. Senior sister just couldn't bear to part with you for a while! It's okay! You go home quickly, your parents are all anxious waiting for you!" Senior sister escorted Ximen Yu out of the door!.

Ximenyu's fourth master patted Ximenyu's shoulder and said, "Kid, when you're back in the city, don't forget my expectations for you. Eat less and attract more girls! Do you hear me? I want to promote my shameless charm! Every year, I come down the mountain to randomly inspect you. If you are found to be unqualified again, I will immediately take you back to the mountain!"

"Yes, Fourth Master! The disciples won't forget it!"

Third Master also patted Ximen Yu's shoulder and said, "And me, don't forget! After returning, you must be arrogant! No matter who you are, you don't need to be afraid. Bravely step on them, and if you can't solve it, you can come to us. As long as your Master takes action, who else dares to touch your hair?" Second Master, in society, you also know many high-ranking officials and powerful officials, such as generals and generals, who will catch you in large numbers! In short, only others are afraid of you, and you are not afraid of others! Otherwise, you will lose your face as a teacher! I will often go down the mountain to conduct spot checks on you. If the spot checks show, I often get angry with others, so I will definitely catch you back and retake the makeup exam!

The excitement in Ximen Yu's heart!, How many bulls force their master to make a promise, and Ximen Yu is still afraid of being bullied?.

"I will remember it in my heart!"

Second Master also nodded and said, "Ximenyu, do as your Third Master said! Your First Master's strength is not something you can imagine. You don't have to be afraid of anyone, just dare to venture! Don't let yourself be wronged! If there is a need, we masters will also protect you! However, your First Master is the most annoying and useless man. So, if it's a trivial matter or an opponent that can be pinched with your fingers, you can even come to him for such a small matter, and he may scold you! Anyway, remember it yourself, dare to venture!, rely on your own strength!" "Breaking through a world! In the future, if my teachers get tired of living on the mountain, they will come down to you!"

"Okay!" Ximen Yu had a burst of ambition, even his second master wanted him to venture fiercely. How could Ximen Yu let them down!.