
Deep affection

Ximen Yu whispered, "Sister, don't worry, I will definitely help you! As long as you are not yet 25 years old, you can continue to grow taller. As for Princess Taiping and her face, this is not a problem! I must make you confident!"

During the meal, the family of four was restored

"Sister, when will you return to school?" Ximen Yu asked.

"Why are you in such a hurry? I just saw you!"

Ximen Yu's father hurriedly said, "Xiaoyun, it's almost over now. Hurry up and go back to school for class!"

"Yeah, Xiaoyun, after all, Xiaoyu has already returned and won't run away. There will be plenty of time in the future, but not reading a book is a lifelong thing!"

Ximen Yun nodded helplessly.

After dinner, Ximen Yu and his sister were listening to music together, lying in bed chatting. The two siblings used to do the same, lying down chatting, and their relationship was very good.

Ximen Yu kept asking his sister about her college life, and Ximen Yun was also willing to share her experiences with her younger brother.

As she spoke, the topic somehow shifted to Ximen Yun.

"Sister, is there anyone in college who calls you Princess Taiping?"

"No more! Is this a nickname from high school? How could it be passed down to college? Besides, when I go to college, I always stuff some cotton in, hahaha!" The two siblings laughed heartily, while Ximen Yu's laughter was a hint of bitterness.

Ximen Yun then said, "Besides, there is another sisters in my dormitory. She is Princess Taiping, just like me! So, we have company. However, the difference is that she is chased by many people!"

"Why?" Ximen Yu quickly asked.

"Although she is Princess Taiping, she is very beautiful, and we can't find anyone more beautiful than her in the entire courtyard! So, even though she is also Princess Taiping, there are still many people chasing her! She is also Princess Taiping, the difference is so big, and the reason is here!"

Ximen Yu said, "Sister, don't worry, I won't let you always be Princess Taiping! Please believe me!"


"Yeah, I'll use traditional Chinese medicine to help you with breast enlargement!"

"Stop fussing, traditional Chinese medicine is useless!"

"Sister, why are you so lacking in confidence in traditional Chinese medicine?"

"My roommate, her family is not short of money. No matter what kind of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture and moxibustion has been tried, it is not the same as Princess Taiping! Besides, I also took some traditional Chinese medicine in a traditional Chinese medicine shop, but it didn't work after drinking it!"

"Sister, what a traditional Chinese medicine shop! How can you compare me to those people?"

"You'll brag in front of my sister! I don't believe you can really help me!" Ximen Yun said, but her heart was filled with longing.

"Don't worry! A cup, B cup, C cup, D cup, you choose for yourself! What kind of person do you want to become?"

"When did you learn so badly? How could you even know this!" Ximen Yun tugged at her ear.

"Sister, why do you still consider me a child? If I didn't even know this, I wouldn't be normal. Besides, it's probably not long before I have a girlfriend!" Ximen Yun smiled apologetically.

"What, you have a girlfriend! You're still so young, how can you find a girlfriend!"

"I've told you many times that I've grown up."

"Alright, alright, my sister just hasn't changed yet. I can't believe that all of a sudden, that little snot bug who follows my sister long and short every day has grown up! Hehe, Xiaoyu, then show me your girlfriend!"

Ximen Yu smiled awkwardly and said, "We haven't caught up yet!"

"Take a look!"

"Actually, you've seen it before. The one that was pasted on the wall of my room was her! Her name is Tang Xian'er!"

"Isn't it that wealthy daughter?" Ximen Yun was surprised.

"Impossible, she is a wealthy and wealthy person. Will she take a liking to you? Our family and her family are not from the same world at all!"

"You don't have to worry about this anymore. One day, I will bring her to you and she will call you sister!" Ximen Yu smiled.

"I really don't believe it!"

"Alright, stop talking about me. I just asked you, but you didn't even answer me. abcd, which one do you want yourself?"

Ximen Yun blushed and whispered, "If that's really possible, I would like to choose D!"

"Hahaha!" Ximenyu laughed heartily when he saw his sister's blushing and shy expression.

Ximen Yun shyly glared at Ximen Yu and said, "If you laugh again, I'll pull your ear!"

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh anymore, sister. Don't worry, give me one year. By this time next year, you have already realized your dream!"


"Of course it's true! Even if you can't trust me, you should still trust my Second Master! If I really can't do it, I will personally go up the mountain to ask Second Master for you!"

"Okay, it's a deal! Don't lie to me, sister. If you let me have an empty celebration, I won't end up with you!"

"Hmm! However, my treatment plan is quite complicated. It can be divided into several steps, not just one dose of medicine! First, I will clean up the impurities in your meridians, and then cooperate with acupuncture and moxibustion, which is the premise. This process takes about 20 days! I will help you with acupuncture and moxibustion tonight, and I will write some more prescriptions for you. When you come back from the National Day holiday, I will help you with the second step!"

"Okay!" Ximen Yun's heart was in full bloom.

"Then, I also need to unblock your blocked meridians, expand the gaps between your bones, etc., so that you can grow taller!" Ximen Yu said again.

"Growing taller? Can we grow taller again?"

"Of course, I can. I don't even know who your younger brother is, a disciple of a divine doctor. There are so many that I dare not say. If you grow taller by * * cm, I am still confident!"

"Oh my goodness, * * cm, shouldn't I be able to exceed 1.6 meters?" Ximen Yun screamed, startling her parents.

"Hehe hehe, for the happiness of my sister's future, I will do my best. Finally, let your skin regain its youthful and beautiful white, tender, and smooth appearance. This is not a problem at all, I have 100% confidence!"

"Oh my goodness, you're so kind to me!" Ximen Yun hugged her younger brother and nibbled on his face a few times.

Ximen Yu wiped his face with saliva and smiled silently.

For the happiness of his sister's future, Ximen Yu must make her become "Bai Fumei", and let her go to the people who once mocked her and talked about her as Princess Taiping, raising her proud head towards them.

Ximen Yu immediately gave his sister acupuncture and moxibustion. His parents were also watching. Seeing his son's promising future, they couldn't stop laughing.

Ximen Yu wrote a few more prescriptions and instructed his sister to take the medicine herself, saying, "Remember, in order to make your weight gain plan effective, you must get up and exercise every morning, run for at least half an hour, and let your bones fully exercise!"

"Well, I will definitely do it!" Ximen Yun nodded hurriedly.