
Chapter 6

The kids were singing some songs Rue didn't know so she was just sitting quietly in the bus.

Miles was exercising some new magic tricks and he made it pretty clear that he didn't want to be disturbed.

Brandon was screaming the lyrics so he was just enjoying the ride. And Eleanor was reading something.

" Hey... psst "

Rue turned her head.

" Brandon. What do you want? " she asked him.

" Let's play something. It's getting boring "

" What do you want to play "

" Ask Miles to do some magic tricks "

" You know I can hear you, right? " saud Miles while turning to Brandon.

" Magic buddy, can you make some magic tricks? "

" Yes, I can "

Miles took out a piece of paper and wrote his name on it. He put it in his mouth and swallowed it.

" Wow... I am pretty sure that's called... gross " whispered Brandon disgusted.

Miles smiled.

" Check your damn pocket "

Brandon pulled out the piece of paper from his pocket. " Miles " was written on it.

They all started staring at Miles.

" Magic " Miles said and went back to exercising his new tricks.

" Eleanor, do you have secret talents? " demanded Brandon.

" No " she replied annoyed.

" No need to be rude "

Eleanor took a deep breath. She opened her mouth but it started raining. And then it escalated into a storm

Eleanor looked terrified but she just went back to reading. In less than a minute, the storm was over.

" That was quick " laughed Brandon.

After a few hours they arrived to camp. Rue saw a big wooden sign that read " Camp Redwood " on it.

The kids left the bus and took their luggages. Rue and Miles went ahead to admire the camp.

A large lake was in front of them. Al large lake with clean, shining water. There were multiple wooden cabins and a cafeteria.

Rue saw some targets arranged in frint of the lake.

The whole camp was surrounded by woods that didn't look terrifying like in horror movies. They looked just like in fairy tales.

They were supposed to go in the cafeteria for the training so they did.

Rue and Miles sat at a table with Brandon, Eleanor and another boy.

His skin was earth-brown and he had huge, sweet brown eyes. His hair was braided and he was looking forward at the guy that was standing in front of the tables.

" May I have your attention " the guy shouted.

Everyone stopped talking and started paying attention.

" Thank you " he continued " My name is Kane and I am the organiser of this camp. I want you to know that this is a big opportunity to make friends from other countries. "

He stopped and waited for soemthing that clearly didn't happen. Then he cleared his throat and continued.

" As I was saying. We are here to make new friendships. And of course to swim in the lake " everyone laughed " You will be divided into your cabins. "

Miles winked at Rue.

" Tomorrow we will start the activities. First of all, rules. You are not allowed into the water. Only if one of the coaches is watching you. You are not allowed into the woods alone. And just don't kill yourselves out there "

Everyone let out a laugh and left the cafeteria.

The coaches were there, each of them with a list.

" Monty Wang, Dean Blake, Brandon Walsh, Luna Griffin, Rufus Locke, Gina Henderson, Sarah Emerson, Connor Smith, Steve Wayfield and Lucas Wheeler in one cabin " one of the coaches said.

" We are going to stay with boys? " a girl protested.

" What's your name? " the coach asked.

" Gina.Henderson "

" Well Gina, we think this is the best way to create new friendships. I think we can all live with eachother "

Gina nodded annoyed and followed a guide to her cabin. Brandon turned his head and waved and Rue. She just rolled her eyes and watched him enter his cabin.

" Cabin number two" it was her coach. Tony. " Rue Hunter, Miles Atwood, Kaitlyn Harrison, Thomas Hill, Jasper Jones, Freya Green, Will Keith and John Lewis "

Rue and Miles high fived and followed Tony to their cabin.

There were 4 bunk beds and another room that led to a bathroom.

" Fancy " said a girl.

" Yeah we thought you didn't want the bathroom in the woods " responded their coach.

Miles and Rue chose a bunk. They sat right next to a window.

Next to them two girl took the other bunk. Freya amd Kaitlyn but they jad no idea which one was Kaitlyn and which one was Freya.

" That guy is looking at you " whispered Miles into Rue's ear.

Rue turned her head and a guy on one of the top beds was looking at her.

" Oh grow up " she told Miles.

Miles laughed and disappeared leaving Rue on the bottom bed alone.

" Kaitlyn " the girl next to her said, helding out her hand

Rue shook her hand.

" Rue " she replied.

" I hope there is going to be a place where I can skate "

" Oh you brought your skateboard ? "

" Yeah, I thought it would be fun"

" Bet you didn't know we were going to stay in the middle of the woods "

Kaitlyn laughed.

" No, not really " she replied smiling.

" I saw with that guy that stays in cabin with my friend Monty " Kaitlyn continued.

" Brandon? Oh yeah "

" Yeah, him. Do you mind if I join your table at the cafeteria? "

" Oh not at all. Actually let me introduce you to my other friend. My lazy friend "

Miles poked out his head.

" I heard my name " he said.

" Miles, this is Kaitlyn. "

" Well hello miss Kaitlyn. "

" Hey "

They shook hands and Miles joined Rue on her bed.

" What are we talking about? " the boy asked.

" I told Kaitlyn she could sit with us at the cafeteria. "

They sat and talked for a few minutes and then they went outside.

Brandon was talking to other guys including the guy that sat next to them at the cafeteria.

Kaitlyn had short black hair and faintly cruel brown eyes. She was wearing an oversized shirt with the infinity symbol on it and some black wide jeans.

They couldn't spot Eleanor so they headed towards Brandon.

" I knew you would come to see me " Brandon smirked.

" Right. This is Kaitlyn. She will be sitting with us at the cafeteria " Rue replied.

Brandon looked at Kaitlyn and smiled. He shook her hand and looked into her eyes and smiled again.

" Does he... does he like her?" Rue thought.

" Pleasure to meet you " Brandon said.

" That was incredibly polite " the voice in Rue's haid said again.

Kaitlyn nodded and started a conversation about how she wants to skate.

" Oh I almost forgot. These are Dean, Rufus, Connor and Lucas " Brandon said pointing at the guys he was talking to.

Lucas was the one who sat next to them.

Dean had long blonde hair and dreamy blue eyes. He also had freckes and he was just a but taller than Miles. He was wearing a green t-shirt and some short jeans.

Connor had short curly black hair and large and pale green eyes. He was wearing a white shirt that was  tucked in his black pants. He was also wearing a necklace with a locket on it.

And Rufus had really short white hair and big grey eyes. He was really pale compared to the others. He was wearing a black t-shirt and red shorts.

Rue shook hands with all of them.

" Well, I'll see you at dinner " said Brandon after 10 minutes of talking about the camp.

" Sure " said Miles and left.

Rue and Kaitlyn followed him and they went back in their cabin, waiting for dinner.