
Chapter 5

The alarm went off and Rue got out of her bed. She looked at the clock and then she dressed in some black sweatpants and a red t-shirt with a white cloud on it.

She opened the window and sneaked out. And then she started running towards the pool.

The nature was still.

She couldn't hear or see anything. The stars were sparkling in the sky watching her heading to the pool.

In about 15 minutes, Rue got there.

Nobody was waiting for her. The pool was closed and Brandon wasn't there.

'' Great '' she said '' Now I have to wait ''

'' Climb up the gate '' it was Brandon's voice . It was coming from the other side of the fence.

Rue sighed and tried. She failed.

'' Oh come on! You can shoot arrows but can't climb a little fence? '' Brandon mocked her.

'' It's not that easy! '' she responded, annoyed.

She succeeded this time but she fell from the top of the gate. Brandon caught her and then he threw her on the ground .

'' Bastard '' she whispered.

Brandon smiled and headed towards the pool. Miles and Eleanor were already there.

They waved at Rue and she gave them a fake smile. Eleanor didn't notice but Miles definetly did.

'' Can you tell us why are we here? '' Rue demanded.

Brandon looked at her and said

'' We are here to swim. ''

They all looked at eachother.

'' We will swim if you tell us what the hell happened to you at the pool. Who was that? '' it was... Eleanor.

Miles looked at her as if he saw an alien. Brandon looked shocked too.

'' Ugh... sure '' Brandon responded '' That was my... cousin ''

'' That's how you treat your cousin? '' laughed Miles.

'' Yeah. The thing is we kinda hate eachother. ''

'' No shit. I didn't notice '' responded Rue ironically.

'' Yeah... he deserved it. ''

'' What did he do? ''

'' He umm.... burnt down my house. He is crazy, I'm telling you ''

'' Oh... I'm sorry to hear that '' said Miles.

'' It's fine. Nobody got hurt so it's fine. Just stay away from him. He is not a sane person ''

'' I guess it's in the genes '' responded Rue.

Brandon smiled and clapped his hand

'' Now, in the pool. ''

They all shook their heads and remained on their chairs.

Brandon shrugged and threw Eleanor into the water. Then Miles and Rue.

'' The water is freezing! '' shouted Miles.

Brandon came from behind and put Rue's head under the water.

When she came out she splashed Brandon and then they all started playing.

'' Wait wait wait '' said Rue stopping the game.

'' What? '' asked Brandon

'' We are going to camp tomorrow. ''

'' Yeah so? Tomorrow, not today. ''

'' Brandon what's the time''

Brandon got out of the water and looked at his watch.

'' Damn! It's 5:42 ''

'' My parents wake up at 6 ''

'' Oh that's bad '' exclaimed Miles.

Rue got out of the water too and rushed towards the gate.

Her friends were just behind her. She climbed the gate and looked behind her.

'' See you tomorrow '' smiled Miles.

Rue smiled back, waved at the others and started running towards her house.

She sneaked back through her window and changed her clothes.

She tried to dry her hair as much as possible and looked at the clock. It was 6:05.

She heard her parents' bedroom door opening. She went to bed and covered herself in the blanket.

Her mom walked in, took something from her nighstand and left. The girl sighed in relief and fell asleep.

She woke up again at 11:09. Rue crawled out of her bed and took a shower.

She put on some short blue jeans with a black belt and a red crop with black stripes.

Camp was the next day and she didn't even pack so she started to.

She put some crops and t-shirts. Jeans, shorts, swimming suit, a cap and also some hoodies. And then toothbrush and all the other normal stuff.

None of her parents were home so she went outside.

The sun was shining and the rays of sunshine were merciless. They were burning her eyes.

She went back in her house and ate a sandwhich. Then she checked her phone and played some games on it.

After a few moments the sun hid behind the clouds and now she could go outside without being burnt. But then it started raining ad the rain turned into a big storm.

'' What on earth is going on? '' she said to herself.

Someone started knocking at the door. She flinched and ran to open it. It was Brandon and he was shaking.

'' Can I come in? '' was the only thing he said.

Rue let him in the house and showed him the way to her room. He sat on a chair and took started shaking.

Rue gave him a blanket and sat in front of him.

'' What are you doing here? ''

'' I was just passing by''

'' Passing... what? Stalker ! ''

He let out a laugh.

'' Yeah, so much for my cover. I was on my way to buy something. ''

Rue raised a brow.

'' I wanted to buy a hoodie for camp. So much for that too. ''

They both laughed. Brandon saw the luggage and looked at Rue in surprise.

'' Have you already packed? ''

'' Yeah, just this morning '' she replied. ''You know camp in tomorrow. ''

'' I'm not dumb ''

'' Debateable. Why are you buying things just now ? ''

'' I don't know. ''

Rue smiled and looked through the window.

'' Oh no '' she exclaimed.

'' What? ''

'' My parents are home ''

'' So ? ''

'' So I let you in. ''

'' Your point? ''

'' They kinda told me that you are shady and to stay away from you ''

'' Great advice ''

Rue rolled her eyes. She went to greet her parents .

'' What a storm, huh? '' said her dad.

'' Yeah ''

Brandon left her room and came to her parents.

'' Hi, mister and misses Hunter '' he smiled.

Rue's mother looked at her daugheter in a way she has never looked nefore.

A mix of anger and dissapointment.

'' Brandon, what are you doing here? '' she asked still looking at Rue.

'' I was passing by and the storm caught me off guard. Rue was kind enough to let me in ''

Mom invited Brandon to sit with them for some lunch.

They were all sitting at the table in silence. Only the storm could be heard.

'' So Brandon, how's school going? '' her dad asked.

'' Very good, actually ''

'' I heard you met at the pool yesterday'' said her mother

'' Yes. They didn'y want to get into the water so I threw them in ''

Her parents laughed. Then the whole meal went surprisingly well. Brandon and Rue's parents laughed and talked.

After that the storm stopped.

'' Then I should get going. I need to pack for camp '' Brandon stated.

'' Ok, sure '' Rue said while leading him out.

After she closed the door she started talking with her parents.

'' I am so sor - '' she started

'' No need. I guess when I saw him I caught him in a bad mood. As you said Rue, he is not that bad '' her mother interrupted her, smiling.

The girl sighed in relief and helped with the dishes. When she finished she went back to her room.

Rue checked her luggage again just to be sure she didn't forget something and  looked at the clock. It was already 9PM .

'' Wow. That was fast '' she muttered.

She read something for another 2 hours and then she went to sleep.

She couldn't remember what her dream was but when she woke up she was in a good mood.

She combed her hair, took a shower, her daily routine and then she put on some red shorts with some stars on them and a black crop that had the word '' dreamer '' written on the right top of it.

She took a deep breath, hugged her parents and went on her way to the bus.

'' Camp. Finally. '' she thought while walking.