
Chapter 16

It was still raining when they got back and no one seemed to suspect that they were gone. Eleanor said she wanted to clear her head a bit and went to talk to Jasper. Her new friend, actually.

Gina approached them a few moments later, her dark and silver hair wet, dressed in a white simple t-shirt and grey sweatpants.

'' Jeez, aren't you cold? '' asked Kaitlyn. Gina llooked at her clothes '' No, not really '' . Brandon took off his jacket and handed it to her. The girl put it on and thanked him. That's weird thought Rue.

Harvey was enjoying the rain and shaking his head, making water flow from his hair. Kaitlyn stopped him by grabbing his arm '' Harvey honey- no. '' she said and laughed. Gina smiled and then rolled her eyes and gave Brandon his jacket back, followed by her leaving them.

Rue went back to her cabin and found that poor young man still on the floor, reading an article. She didn't want to talk to him so she just went to bed so she could rest.

Rue was awakened by Miles slowly touching her face with his finger. The action became faster and faster until the girl finally opened her eyes and put her hands on Miles's face trying to stop him. They used to do that when they were kids. She didn't know why all this memories came flashing before her eyes but she remembered everything.

 Even Brandon, but that was later. He was the rich kid in her school. Rue had known about him since she was ten years old. He never really talked to her, because even back then he had a lot more friends than she did. Rue only had Miles, and the two of them were in the same class, one different from Brandon's. He had moved last year at the same one, and even then they had no interactions with him or his friends. When Brandon was ten, Rue remembered him as a happy kid, but the happiness seemed fake now. Maybe. She had actually known him for about a few weeks now and she had considered that his happiness might have been a lie.

Kaitlyn wasn't there and Miles pulled his friend out of her bed. '' Get up!! '' . She grunted '' Be gone, stranger. Let me have my sleep and I shall see you in a few hours. '' . Her friend laughed '' The detectives want to give an announcement '' .

She looked at him for a few seconds and then got up immediatly, rushing towards the cafetarie.Kaitlyn and her friends were already there, except for Eleanor. Then, Rue saw her at the same table with Jasper, Steve, Dean, Rufus and Connor. Why is everyone acting so odd? Rue asked herself before sitting at the table. Harvey had a towel around his shoulder, his messy hair wet, and his green eyes filled with hope and joy again. Gina was there too. Now, does she have to ruin my day? .

 Kaitlyn was staring at Gina, a new look on her face. Rue couldn't tell but she had never seen Kaitlyn looking at someone that way. Hatred, maybe.

Rue looked away at Eleanor. She never really thought about her. Never really know how to describe her. But seeing her smile was different. She was always wearing her long, straight red hair with a middle path, letting it run down her shoulders. Her sweet brown eyes were sparkling, her smile matched her eyes. 

Eleanor always seemed to hide something behind her face. Like a cave. People know it's a cave but don't know what it's inside it. A treasure or a monster.

Miles was laughing with Brandon, which was yet again, unexpected. And they couldn't see any detectives. The kids were sure they were going to talk about the missing evidence, so they should be prepared. Gunter came, wiping away some sweat from his forehead, followed by Ganty, Ryder and Woods. All the kids stopped talking and payed attention to them.

'' Thank you '' started Ganty '' We have been informed that some of you '' he looked towards their table '' took mister Gunter for granted. We just wanted to clarify that this is not a joke. This is not a movie where teenagers can do whatever they want, this is an active crime scene. '' Woods took over '' Something happened lately, we were certain of it and we were prepared. We just wanted to inform you that we think we are close to catching the killer - '' Gina interrupted '' What happened ''

'' I'm afraid that is confidential information miss Henderson ''

She scoffed and looked away. The detectives inclined their heads and left the kids in the cafeteria.

Brandon showed no emotion, probably a good idea, considering Gina was around. Miles was holding his hands together, scratching his left hand. Harvey shook his towel through his hair and Kaitlyn was still looking at Gina, that same look on her face. The girl didn't make eye contact, she just stood and left.

'' They're bluffing. We threw the evidence '' Brandon whispered. Harvey put his towel back on his shoulders '' What if it was a test? They didn't tell us about the evidence for nothing'' . Rue admitted '' You're right. But we did throw it away. How could they be close to catching us? ''Kaitlyn finally blinked '' Guys, relax. '' and left. Miles pointed towards her '' Something's off ''

'' Definetly '' Eleanor sat beside him. 

'' Well look who decided to sit with us '' Miles cocked his head. Eleanor ran a hand through her hair '' Sorry, I needed some space '' Rue cut her off '' Right, 'cause we would definetly do the same- oh wait... we didn't. '' Eleanor glared at her, and Brandon said '' You can sit with anyone you want. But right now, just not with us, because if you haven't payed attention, they are about to catch the criminals. ''

Eleanor stood up and said '' Sorry- I '' Harvey stopped her with a wave from his hand '' Just- go '' . So she left. Miles had a sad look on his face so Rue ran her hand through his hair '' It's fine ''

'' We should stick together, you know ''

Brandon put his head on his fist '' Right, but she clearly didn't want to be around me '' and with that, he left too. Harvey smiled '' We should do something ''

'' Like what? '' Rue asked. The boy smiled '' Like fun ''

Harvey took Miles and Rue by their hands and dragged them outside. It wasn't raining anymore so Harvey took off his hoodie and placed it on his arm, holding it like a waiter. They saw Lucas and Dean approaching them so they threw eachother meaningful looks so they kept quiet. Lucas put his arm around Rue's shoulder and Dean on her other one.

'' Want to go in the woods? '' Lucas asked.

'' It will be fun '' Dean continued.

'' We promise''

Rue looked at Harvey who was trying not to burst into laughter '' Fine, we'll come. But who else is coming? '' Dean seemed to count something in his head and then said '' Brandon, Eleanor, Kaitlyn, Jasper and that hot- umm Gina '' Lucas and Harvey started laughing and couldn't stop, while Dean's face was all red. Harvey patted his back '' Don't tell me you have a crush on Gina! '' 

Dean slapped his arm away '' Shut up, man '' Miles made his puppy eyes '' Poor Dean has a crush on that soulless person '' Dean clenched his fist '' Don't talk about her like that, it's not funny '' Rue looked him in the eyes and said '' You're right, it's not funny. I bet she already showed you her soft side, right? '' And all of them laughed again, making Dean really angry. And soon enough, he left.

Lucas high-fived Harvey and Miles and took Rue's hand and kissed it '' M'lady '' but Rue pushed him away from her. Lucas started laughing and made a gesture just like he was in the army. He saluted ''Yes miss. '' and left.

Harvey chuckled '' Fun '' and dissapeared. Now there was only Rue and Miles left so they decided to go together in the woods. No one told them where the 'fun' it's going to be but they suspected it was going to take place at the same location where they were when all the boys came wearing suits. As they were walking, strands of hair kept coming in Rue's eyes even though there was no wind blowing.

'' Miles, I swear to god '' she laughed. he put his arms around her '' Sorry '' . They walked through the woods a while, Miles making objects levitate, like a leaf or rock and Rue exclaiming in surprise every single time. The boy did something he didn't do for a long time. He kissed his friend's forehead '' Thank you. For everything '' . Rue kissed his cheek and said '' Thank you, for everything '' . So they just remained their, their foreheads touching and looking at eachother. 

Pain, joy, nostalgia and every single emotion that they felt was surrounding them. They had to keep going, so they wouldn't get caught. None of them were mad ad Brndon anymore. Not even scared of him. Maybe it was because Rue knew that she had her demons too. Everyone has. But some of hide them better. It wasn't an excuse for everything that Brandon did, but she didn't want to think that her friend was a killer. And she didn't want to think Miles was different. 

Because those earth-brown eyes were the same.That smile didn't change. But she knew he was. Maybe not on the outside, but he was definetly suffering.

The boy took her in his arms and ran with her until they reached that place in the woods. They stopped laughing when they saw Gina and Kaitlyn there. Kaitlyn on the other side of the place from Gina.

Their friend came up to them and thanked them for coming. '' Also sorry for earlier. '' Rue pulled her into a hug '' Don't worry about it '' Miles cupped Kaitlyn's cheeks '' Yeah, don't worry '' . Gina wasn't wearing that simple outfit anymore. She had short white jeans, a white short-sleeved crop and a black leather jacket. She was alone but she definetly was trying to hide that it bothered her.

'' Hey, Gina '' said Miles and Kaitlyn threw him a killer-look. Gina looked up and smirked '' Hey '' . 

Kaitlyn went back on her log, polar opposite to Gina's, Miles and Rue sitting on either side of her. Gina seemed like she wanted to join them, but she didn't.

After a few minutes of silence, Harvey made his entrance. He was wearing a black turtle-neck shirt with black and grey checkered pants, a silver chain clinging to them. Rue rolled her eyes and started a conversation with Kaitlyn '' Where did you go? After leaving the cafeteria? '' Before she could answer, Harvey came jumping towards them '' Hello, hello, dear friends '' . He said without even looking at Gina.

'' Harvey, can you just - '' Rue said waving her hand so he would go away. The boy came closer '' Oh, come on, I though we were friends '' Rue let out a laugh '' That's an overestatement. We are hardly friends '' and waved her hand again. Harvey sighed and left, dusting imaginary dust from his shirt. Kaitlyn laughed and said '' Cruel. I love that '' .

Brandon arrived, also dressed up. He had a white chemise and a sleeveless grey vest on top of it. And some black pants, no chains this time. He sat right next to Miles and places his elbow on his knee.

'' So I see Dean and Lucas got to you too ''

Kaitlyn waved her hair '' Yes they did and I believe they told me first '' Brandon looked her in the eyes '' I bet they did, you are the party's soul. Can't say the same thing about poor Gina, though '' . Miles laughed and pointed to Gina in a subtle way '' Come on, let's be honest. She dresses really good and we should stop being mean- sorry I can't be serious about this '' and they all started laughing. 

Brandon threw a look towards Harvey '' What's wrong with him? ''

'' Rue banished him '' Kailtyn said and Brandon smirked.

'' Rue come on, you just put him on Gina torture. Go get the poor boy out of there '' Brandon grinned. Rue threw her hands out in desperation '' Fine. But only because Gina torture is just way too cruel. '' and with that she went to talk to him. The boy had a grumpy face on his look and frowned when he saw his so-called 'friend' .

'' What'' was all he said. They definetly caught Gina's attention because she seemed like she was listening.

'' Well- just wanted to say that I'm- urgh I'm sorry. If you want to come and sit with us-''

'' Right, such an honour. I thought we were cool ''

'' We are ''

'' Apparently we are not ''

'' We are. I just had a really bad day. ''

'' Guess what, Sherlock. Me too. ''

Gina looked ashamed that she was listening.

'' We are friends. Sort of ''

Harvey smiled '' Sort of. And why aren't we friends ''

'' No idea. I guess I can't stand you ''

'' Oh. That's interesting. Guess what. I can't stand you either ''

Gina was trying so hard not to smile.

'' I'm glad we agree '' Rue said. '' Also, why won't you tell me your last name. I should at least know how to call you '' . His smile was gone, and it was replaced with a cold look on his face. Harvey realised and put that smile on again '' Harvey's just fine. No need for my last name, love ''

'' Oh, mistery guy. That's another thing I hate about you ''

'' Good. Because I hate you too ''

He said and stood up. They hugged eachother and left towards their other friends. Harvey looked back and said '' Gina, come sit with us. I see that's the new trend, right? ''

Rue wanted to murder him right now. Gina torture didn't work apparently. So she had to kill him now. The girl smiled and took a sit right next to Rue, while Harvey was next to Brandon.

Miles was looking like he wanted to kill Harvey too. So did Brandon. And Kailtyn. They were all silent until Gina decided to let out an annoyed sound and said '' If this is your 'fun' culb, then I don't want it '' .

Harvey rolled his eyes '' It's not, come on, let's talk about something '' Kaitlyn shook her head '' I believe I have the right to remain silent '' Brandon nodded '' Interesting choice of words '' . Gina sighed '' So you guys, just sit in silence all the time? '' .

Dean and Lucas saved the day and rushed towards them. They put music and winked at all of them. Gina went to the boys and before that she said '' Saved by the bell ''

Kaitlyn let out a sound of relief '' Ugh, thank God '' . Brandon didn't look particulary satisfied as he said '' We do need to dance, though '' Kaitlyn stuck out her tongue .

Miles and Rue stood up at the same time, gave all the others a sad look and went to the 'dancing floor' .

 Gina was dancing with Lucas and Dean. Her moves elegant, slow and sensitive. Harvey followed them, then Brandon and finally Kaitlyn.

Dean was only looking at Gina, who was running her hands through her hair and dancing with Lucas. She is definetly playing with him thought Rue. Eleanor came a few minutes later, dressed in a pink skirt and a white t-shirt. She joined her friends and started dancing with them, like nothing had happened. Jasper came last and now the party oficially started.

Harvey spinned Rue and put his hands around her '' I thought you couldn't stand me ''

The boy turned her so he looked her in the eyes '' Doesn't mean we can't have fun ''

Damn, he's annoying said Rue to herself. '' If you tell me your last name, I will consider being your friend ''

'' I am not that desperate ''

'' Harvey, seriously now. What's such a big deal? ''

'' Nothing, I just don't like it ''

Brandon came from behind and took Rue out of Harvey's arms.

'' You are very welcome '' he winked. Kaitlyn and Miles joined and started jumping and dancing. Rue was spinning Kaitlyn and dancing with her, Eleanor joined and danced with Miles, and 

Brandon was just jumping alone until Gina came too.

For a moment all the dancing stopped and then Gina started jumping too. And the dancing continued. Dean was still looking at Gina, Lucas cracking of laughter.

The kids stopped. They were all exhausted, so they sat down. Not on a log, but on the grass, all of them in a circle.

Jasper started '' So, Dean how are you holding up? '' they all smiled. '' Good '' . But Jasper wasn't enough just yet '' I say we play 'truth or dare' '' . Lucas exploded of laughter and said '' I'm sorry, but that's just boring. Dean, man, you can do it. ''

Gina lifted an eyebrow '' Do what, precisely? ''

Dean took a deep breath and said '' Fine... I-I like... I like you '' Nobody was laughing anymore. Not even Lucas. All of them were waiting for her answer. Dean was sweating, his face was red, and he was holding his hands. Gina let out a laugh but masked it with a cough. Not very well, unfortunately. '' Dean-honey... you have known me for- what? Two weeks? '' .

'' We-we go to the same school '' he spat out.

'' I know, but you've known me for two weeks. ''

'' That's not- ''

'' How do I say this? I hope a simple 'no' it's enough. You are a great dancer though ''

Dean swallowed once- twice and left, running. Lucas's face was all anger as he drawled '' Nice one, Henderson. '' and rushed after his friend. And so did Jasper.

'' What the hell did I do? '' she asked in frustration.

'' Noth- '' Kaitlyn started but stopped. They all looked at her, confused. She seemed surprised about what she was about to say too. But she continued '' You didn't do anything '' . Gina bowed her head as a 'thank you' and left.

Soon, the kids were on their way too.

'' Poor Dean '' said Eleanor

'' Come on, Gina wouldn't be with anyone. She has no soul ''

'' That's not- '' Kaitlyn again. The girl covered her mouth and hurried her steps until they couldn't see her anymore.

'' What's wrong with that one? '' asked Harvey.

'' Maybe she is trying to be nice. '' responed Miles and ran towards were Kaitlyn went. Eleanor went in another direction, the one that lead to her cabin and so did Brandon.

And Rue and Harvey were left alone in the woods. Great Rue pondered.

'' And then they were two '' Harvey said in a ghost voice that made Rue giggle.

'' I need to get back to my cabin '' she said.

'' You hate me? That much? ''

'' I don't hate you, I just can't stand you ''

Harvey stepped closer and closer until they were only a few inches between their faces. Rue infuriated and pushed him away '' Weirdo ''

'' Come on, be my friend! ''

'' Staring at me won't help, you know ''

Harvey sat in one knee in the ground and bowed his head '' Rue Hunter, will you be kind enough and be my friend? ''

The girl laughed '' Yes, Harvey. If you tell me your last name ''

'' Why is it so important? ''

'' Spill it out ''

'' It's Nightfall. Harvey Nightfall ''

Rue gasped and covered her mouth '' What a terrible secret! '' Harvey stood up and said '' I just don't like it ''

Rue shook her head and continued her way. They reached her cabin and the boy made a low bow before saying '' Thank you for accepting my offer, mis Hunter''

'' My pleasure, mister Nightfall ''