
Chapter 12

" Brandon! " Kaitlyn was running in her pyjamas, her cold feet leaving marks on the ground.


The forest was dark green, watching them as they were chasing their friend.

" Brandon! " Rue shouted.

The boy was running, screaming and gasping for air. He stopped. They all stopped. Miles, Kaitlyn and Rue were at about twenty feet from Brandon. He collapsed on the ground, his hands brued in the ground, growling.

Miles ran but stopped right next to him. He looked back at the girls with his eyes wide open and his face pale.

Rue ran first, followed by Kaitlyn and stopped right next to Brandon whose hands were... black.

His hands were digging in the ground his voice squeaking of pain.

" Rue- some- something's wrong " was all he managed to say.

His eyes were a mix of pain, anger and something else. Something like a black spiderweb was growing on his arms, extending to his shoulders. With each inch, Brandon was shrieking in pain.

His body was sweaty, his pants were ripped.

With one last scream, his hands exploded darkness, filling the air, their lungs, everything.

" Get out of here! " Kaitlyn yelled, and as Rue looked she saw Eleanor, her hair braided and her face just like someone who has been shot.

Brandon was laying on the ground, crying, his arms coiled around his knees.

The forest was black, like a fog made of the night sky.

Miles looked at it and said in a low voice " What the hell is this "

Eleanor approached them and suddenly Brandon's body started shaking, his hands deep down in the mud all over again.

He howled and a blast of darkness hit all of them and they flew in different places, not far from Brandon, but ut hit hard enough.

Rue smashes into a tree and fell on the ground. She couldn't really feel anything, just a whizzing in her ears.

Miles and Kaitlyn were fine so she got up too and ran back to Brandon. Eleanor hadn't been hit by that wave. She was just standing there, looking at him.

And suddenly it started snowing. During... summer.

Eleanor didn't look surprised. Brandon didn't look surprised.

" What is going on? " Kaitlyn whispered. Miles shook his head and continued watching Eleanor and Brandon.

The boy with his hands on the ground, screamed again and stopped. His body collapsed once again.

Eleanor turned her gaze to Rue and faintly smiled.

They dared to come closer and help their friends. Brandon's arms were stil black, a pattern on them. Like a tree bark. It fel just like a tree bark.

It reached just below his sboulders.

" I think we really need to discus this " Miles pointed at the woods. Kaitlyn nodded " Right. And the fact that is just snowed. During summer. "

" I'm good. Thanks for asking. " A hand rose from behind a rock and Harvey appeared, dusting his clothes. He looked at them and said, with worrying eyes " I'm scared " .

Brandon woke up and started gasping for air and grabbing the grass near him  His whole body taking quick breaths that slowly became deep. He looked at Eleanor and nodded, right before saying with a hoarse voice " Thank you " .

Miles shook his head " Now I'm confused "

Rue smiled and went up to Brandon, who immediately pulled her in a hug. " I am so sorry, Rue " . The girl started crying and whispered " It's going to be fine. I promise. "

Her friend rose to his feet, looked at his web-like arms and crossed them behind his back.

" You both have some serious explanation to do " Kaitlyn demanded.

" Isn't it obvious? " Harvey grinned " Mister Walsh here has some weird magic darkness thing and miss Moore can control the weather. "

They all turned at his last words " She can what? "

Eleanor shrugged " Yeah that's a way to say it. " . She said it like it was the most normal thing ever. Such sweetness in her voice.

Kaitlyn raised her eyebrows " So- so... so. You " she cleared her throat " You two... have - have umm some powers thing? "

Brandon rolled his eyes " I don't- I " he let out a sound of pain " I don't know what's wrong with me "

Eleanor scratched the back of her head " Well... I don't know how to control it... it just- just happens. "

Miles let out a quiet laugh " Right. So we three " he pointed at Rue and Kaitlyn " Are in this- this... madness because you- you have some Merlin thing. Great! "

Harvey punched his arm " You forgot me " Miles pushed back " Aren't you enjoying this? " . The other boy looked hurt. No smile... no pushing back. Just pain in his eyes. Loneliness.

Rue pressed her hand on her chest " We need to- ... stick together. " She gestured at Eleanor and Brandon " But you two have a lot of explanations to make "

They both nodded.

Eleanor and Brandon were talking about something while Miles was still panicking and trying to explain everything to himself.

Kaitlyn was just looking at Brandon, her eyes dancing with pitty.

" Are you ok? " Harvey prowled towards Rue. She swallowed " I mean... no. " he chuckled and looked her in the eye " It's going to be fine. " The girl shook her head " How are you so calm?"

He didn't respond for a few moemnt and then he said " I don't know. Maybe it's because nothing surprises me anymore. "

Kaitlyn came, her eyes cold but full of tears " Even after all this madness, I still manage to act cool " Rue laughed " Indeed. " Her friend looked at Harvey " Well, aren't you a big detective? " Harvey inclined his head and brushed his hair on his shoulder. Kaitlyn just laughed.

Brandon and Eleanor returned, their faces showing pain and shame.

Brandon looked at them and smiled sadly " I- I don't know what to do. Or what just happened " he cleared his throat while tears were rolling down his cheeks " I don't know what's wrong with me- I- I need help " He looked at Rue and blinked away a tear " I'm sorry... "

Harvey put his hands behind his back and finally said " You know, you two " he gestured at them " You two having weird... powers or whatever... it's actually really cool. I mean think about it. You are feeling to hot? Just snow it off." then he pointed at Brandon " i don't know what on Earth is wrong with you, but you have some pretty cool things too. Except with the part where your weird darky thing kills us. "

Brandon rolled his eyes " It is funny how you still can make fun of us " Harvey clicked his tongue " I will always be able to do that "

Miles decided to intervene " Sure, I am all for the ... " he looked at Brandon's hands " But this is still dangerous. And I'm scared. Like- like " his voice was shaking " Actually scared. Is this some sort of punishment for what we did? "

Rue took his hand in hers and stared at his glorious brown eyes, which were glittering with pain and joy and everything that made Miles the one he was today. But right now, his eyes were aching with fear.

Rue smiled to him " We are going to get through this. Together. " He smiled back " Thank you "

Eleanor took a deep breath and cut them off " It will all be fine. I - I promise "

Kaitlyn hugged her tight and then went up to Brandon and she pulled him in a hug too. " Damn it, boy. I will always take care of you "

Brandon hold her tight and kep thanking her over and over again while Eleanor was talking to Miles and Harvey was stiffly sitting next to Rue.

The boy covered his mouth, trying to hide his smile and then he told everyone that they had to go. Kaitlyn was ahead with Eleanor and behind them, the rest of the criminals.

Walking in the mooight seemed surprisingly inocent. Like the moon was wiping away their sins and bad memories. And everything was back to normal. Even though it wouldn't last long. They had real lives. When they weren't protected by the silvery light.

When they were all lying and trying to survive the golden rays which now seemed like a punishment. Every day, another blinding light. Back to reality.

They the camp and everyone went to their cabins.

Brandon followed Rue, Kaitlyn and Miles.

" Why did you come here? " Rue asked him.

He ran a cold, muddy hand through his hair. " Just... thank you. "

She didn't respond, just waved away his thanks with a gesture of her hand.

Rue tucked herself to bed, but she couldn't sleep. None of them could.

None of them could still comprehend what was going on, none of them wanted to believe it.

At the end of day, all of it was just...
