
Call Me Brook

Woke up in a new world in someone else body but when things were looking up some bombs dropped and he found himself dead. now he is a spooky spooky skeleton. tell me if you can guess what would were in. note this is a side story until I can think of something fun to write

chaoticCatholic · TV
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99 Chs

Chapter 94: The Last Scholar Of Golb

"CHARGE, MY BROTHERS! ELIMINATE THIS VERMIN TIDE!" A knight from the Sacred Flame screamed, raising their blade above their head. A blazing flame burned upon the blade as it was driven through another Ratman, which sported a large cannon as its right arm. The beast screeched as it was burnt into a pile of charcoal by the sacred flame knights sword.

"Mages, create shields and block the attacks from the enemy's ranged units!" Another knight screamed, this one from the Ivory Cross. He commanded the nearby mages to erect barriers and heal any injured troops.

The battle itself was chaotic, as the rat tide numbering in the tens of thousands clashed against the solid line of troops of the Ice Kingdom. The soldiers quickly gained ground against the vermin tide, pushing them back into the mountain from which they swarmed. The tide blended into the snow with their pristine white fur, only broken by the magic of the shamans and warlocks, or the green ooze from the abominations or engineers' weapons.

"My king, not to sound presumptuous, but are you sure this is the main base for the Ratmen and their so-called under empire?" There I sat atop a hill, watching my troops do battle—something I only agreed to because my soldiers wanted a chance to prove their capabilities. The one who spoke was the captain of the Ivory Cross, who chose to take up a post beside me, while the captain of the Sacred Flame took command on the battlefield.

"Remember what I taught you, Captain?" Instead of answering the question, I asked one myself. I didn't even bother to turn my head to look at the captain, who stood behind me in her resplendent armor, as I rested on my throne of soul ice.

"That the next time I underestimate an enemy, we would have a fistfight?" The captain spoke, her words leaving me slightly embarrassed as I let out a small cough of embarrassment as I quickly corrected her.

"No, I mean the other thing," I said, slightly adjusting my sitting position. As I did so, the soul ice chair adjusted to be a bit more comfortable, though it was slightly pointless considering I couldn't feel discomfort. Still, it did add a certain cool factor, having a living throne and all.

"Oh, that even a baby could kill you if you give it a chance?" The captain spoke, seemingly slightly amused by the idea. Nonetheless, she took what I had said seriously. For the next hour, she went quiet as she stood next to me, watching the army push back the ratmen into the mountain.

"Seems we will need to go inside to see more," I said, watching as the soldiers, with the assistance of earth magic, expanded the path into the ratmen's tunnels and began storming inside. But just as quickly as the troops stormed in, they came running back out as a massive green plume of fire exploded from the holes and tunnels, covering the mountains, which began to crumble under the force of the flames.

'What the heck?' I was shocked to see the mountain burst into flames, my people fleeing to avoid getting burned by the malevolent green flames. Though the flames burned brightly, not a single sound accompanied them.

"Pathetic imitation," came a voice from the flames. It slithered like an icy serpent through the air, each syllable carrying the weight of centuries-old grudges. It echoed with sinister whispers of forgotten age and promised a silent next.

"Damn, it can't be—" Before I could finish my sentence, the mountain exploded, scattering fire and debris everywhere. I attempted to utilize my magic to minimize the damage to my army by erecting a massive barrier to block the debris and flames.

"weak body, imperfect soul, weak soul, just a disgusting imitation of my incomplete art," the voice whispered from behind me, causing me to jump. Quickly, I leaped away, using an ice chain to grab the captain of the ivory cross and fling her away. I coalesced the black ice to cover my body just in time to block a blast of green flames.

"Behold me, you pathetic thing," the Lich declared, towering over even me. Its withered, haggard form was cloaked in threadbare robes. Its bones and flesh seemed ancient and weathered, adorned with cracks and fissures that hinted at times gone by. Wisps of dark energy coiled and writhed around its form, hinting at the unfathomable power that lay within. Its presence exuded a palpable aura of dread, freezing the hearts of those who dared to gaze upon it as its eyes which burned with a chilling green flame that burned with the souls of all those the lich has killed and will kill.


Sudden lich introduction but hey what can you do?