
Call Me Brook

Woke up in a new world in someone else body but when things were looking up some bombs dropped and he found himself dead. now he is a spooky spooky skeleton. tell me if you can guess what would were in. note this is a side story until I can think of something fun to write

chaoticCatholic · TV
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99 Chs

Chapter 83: 200 AMV

Returning to Wizard City, I diligently continued my lessons for the next year, striving to meet the expectations of all three of my masters. Mordo, in particular, relished our sparring sessions, while Yuno remained convinced that I still had much to learn—an assessment with which I couldn't disagree. And then there was McGonagall, who relished our discussions on magical theory.

Despite their sadness at my departure, I bid farewell to my mentors and swiftly returned to Bastion. Here, I resumed my role as the leader of the nation, which had expanded to encompass twelve cities and nearly a hundred villages and towns. Positioned at the northern edge of the continent, our territories had been strategically located due to the shifting of the land caused by the returning magic, which at the time stood at 4%.

Years later, around 40 years After the Mushroom War (AMW), peace prevailed in our realm. My mastery of the Chilled servitude skill had reached its maximum level, seemingly removing the cap for the skill. However, I refrained from immediately taking advantage of this newfound power. Instead of indiscriminately transforming everyone into servants, I sought to preserve humanity by granting this privilege only to those who had earned it.

Unfortunately, tranquility was shattered when the rainicorns attacked. These creatures were truly formidable foes, possessing intelligence and abilities that far surpassed our own. The first encounter occurred when some humans in a village attempted to communicate with them, only to be met with a deadly response. The rainicorns unleashed beams of rainbow-colored light, piercing through their chests and devouring their bodies. What made matters worse was our inability to prevent their entry into our borders. Utilizing portals, they could infiltrate our territories at will. The only saving grace was that their numbers remained relatively low.

The rainicorns wreaked havoc largely unchecked until I deployed the Blood Knights, a formidable unit composed of surviving vampires. These vampires, possessing superior physical abilities and a lack of magical aptitude, focused on mounted combat and wore heavily enchanted armor, rendering them nearly immune to the rainicorns' attacks. Gifted with horses by the Grand Wizard, who had begun grooming McGonagall as his successor, the Blood Knights proved highly effective in chasing down and eliminating their elusive foes.

Initially, their heavy bows and mobility enabled them to slay many rainicorns, and the tradition of using their horns as spear tips emerged from these encounters. However, the rainicorns soon retaliated with increased aggression, prompting a shift in tactics. When a rainicorn was captured, I seized the opportunity to learn their language through a combination of interrogation and torture, which ultimately granted me the space magic needed to access the rainicorn dimension.

As for what transpired upon my arrival there, it is best left unspoken, lets just say I gained a level.

Around the year 100 After the Mushroom War (AMW), an unexpected phenomenon swept across the continent: new races or species began emerging, populating the ruined landscape. Some appeared to be mutated humans, while the origins of others remained a mystery.

Fortunately, my people remained relatively unaffected by the chaos unfolding across the continent. Situated north of where the future Ice King would reside, we were relatively remote. However, we were not entirely immune to the emergence of these new races. In recent years, my servants began showing signs of aging, and some even found partners with whom they had children. These offspring, dubbed "Ghouls" by my scrutinize skill, exhibited unique traits. Among them was Duke's son, Billy, who, despite being 15 years old, retained the appearance of a child of just five.

The shifting culture of my nation evolved into something akin to the Spartans, where honor and skill took precedence. This transformation was personally satisfying, as I took pleasure in hosting yearly fight tournaments. Even Marceline found enjoyment in the arena, occasionally participating in the matches herself.

Moreover, the belief in "paying it forward" became deeply ingrained in the ethos of my people. They held that every kindness should be repaid twofold. This philosophy helped balance out their battle-thirsty nature, which, truth be told, even gave me pause at times. It was due to this culture that I found Mordo's students frequently setting up shop in my nation, still lacking a name of its own.

The most significant change occurred in the year 149 After the Mushroom War (AMW) when magic fully returned to the land. This marked the beginning of a rapid recovery process, with the landscape quickly regenerating and the weather becoming even more erratic. The world entered a phase of fast and swift change, as the land underwent a rapid recovery.

From my estimations, it appeared that the land would be fully recovered within the next 50 to 100 years. With my eternal lifespan, this timeframe didn't seem quite as daunting, and I looked forward to witnessing the world's rejuvenation unfold before me.

like that I continued on for the next 200 years staying in the north taking care of my nation and people forgetting that important events would be unfolding in the mean time not to far south of where my nation was located.


Didn't put much effort into the time skip but next chapter I feel like something epic is coming


[Name: Brook. D .Newport]

[Race: Undead]

[Species: Withering skeleton warrior]

[Class: Death Knight{Frost}]

[Rank: 2]

[Level: 46](20,002/5,000,000)

[Health: 375/375]

[Mana points: 104/104]

[Stat points: 0]

[Strength: 126]

[Endurance: 125]

[Agility: 125]

[Wisdom: 52]

[Intelligence: 52]

[skills: [Scrutinize: Lv Max], [Frost Strike: Lv Max] [Chains of Ice: Lv Max] [Permafrost: Lv Max], [Cold Breath: Lv Max], [Frozen Fortitude: Lv Max],[Chilled Servitude: Lv Max], [Glacial Dread: Lv Max], [Desolate aura: Lv 8], [Vitality steal: Lv 7], [Soul Ice]

[Note: ...]
