

The Story of the Filipino tribe and mythical creatures of the Philippines followed by the 5 elements.

CALIPH · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Ep.02: Knowledge and Companion

Twelve years ago, Caliph got skilled at defending himself at a very young age. It is also natural for him to have an agile and strong body and rarely feel tired due to the amount of his natural strength. Magallan immediately saw Caliph's potential, and so Magallan did one last thing with him, hoping that Caliph would open up his full potential to himself. Caliph says: Are you referring to the box that my mother gave you? So, what now? You didn't even let me touch that box Magallan says, "Yes, that box. When Queen Likas gave this box to me, she said I should give it to you at the right time." And now, when you get to the end and you see me, that's the right time for me to give you this box, and it's up to you to decide what to do with it, understand? Caliph says: "Do I even have to do this?!" HUHH!?  (started to feel sad and started to cry) Magallan says: Don't ask too many questions; it's for you too! Do you know that you have hidden an inexplicable power in your body? I personally did not think that there was such a power, and I did not see it in your mother. I don't know why it's so hard for now to identify what I've seen, and every time I accidentally watch you sleep, it will be gone shortly. I think every time you have a deep sleep, it comes out a little bit. Caliph says: What do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about, old man! Magallan says: "You are the only one who can bring out the full potential of your inherited power, maybe from your parents, and now I have seen that, so this last test of yours is very valuable; this is the only way I have seen that you should do this for your better development! Caliph says: How many years before I reach the end? because I think it will take years to reach the end of that jungle! Magallan says: Yes, it will take years before we meet again, and I believe you can reach it within ten years, because those in the jungle are no joke, but if you rush to get to the end right away, it may take you longer to get there at the end, but if you don't rush all the processes, this may be the reason you can reach the end of this forest faster. Caliph says, "How about you?" How many years will it take you to reach the end of this forest? I'm sure I'll catch up with you when you're still in the jungle, because you're old and slow! hahahaha!. Magallan says: Don't underestimate me, kid. Isn't it because I'm old and slow? haha!  That's where you made a mistake because it only took me two years, and I just enjoyed it! like I was just playing in the grass Hahaha! Caliph says, "So what, shall we start?" I'm excited to see my full potential Magallan says: Just relax, kid! As long as you remember this, just enjoy it and always be careful You must be ready for everything that might happen. Caliph says: "Yes!" Yes!  old man!  I know that Come on, let's start! HEHE! Magallan says: "But I think it will only take you eight years, and I think you will develop quickly, kid!" hahahahaha!  And now get ready, kid And now the final test for Caliph has begun! But?—unexpectedly, Datu did something that surprised Caliph. Datu's hand suddenly grew and grabbed Caliph and threw him in another direction, making him even further away from the forest.

Caliph says: WWHHHAAATT! The!

Magallan says: "Bye, kid!" HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Caliph says: "You're so stupid, old maaaaan!" AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!

Magal says: Take good care of yourself, kid! , just!  don't die!  promise me that! I'm counting on you! whisper to self: "I know only you can defeat that evil! monster" who destroyed our tribe, I wish I could see that time. Get better, kid!

Caliph's final test had begun, but Magallan's hand suddenly grew and grabbed Caliph, throwing him in the opposite direction of the jungle to push Caliph further away from the jungle. When Caliph was about to fall, he closed his eyes.

Caliph says: AAAAHHH! Daammnnn it! .. (And as he was about to fall, he closed his eyes and heard and felt a net, which seemed to catch him.)

After he fell, he slowly opened his one eye only and was surprised by what he saw.

Caliph says: What did I see? Why do I feel like I've been caught in a spider's web? (while only one eye was used)...whaaatt! Why does it light up? What's wrong with it? (while the two eyes widened in shock.)

Caliph says: "But I'm not hurt, and the.. the!?" softness!!  woohhhooww!  (while he took advantage of the softness of the spider's web)

But suddenly it disappeared, and his face fell to the ground. And there was a momentary voice that Caliph heard at the same time as the spider's web was gone.

Caliph says: "Ouch, it hurts!" (while I was wondering why it suddenly disappeared).

He fell down and quickly stood up because he remembered that he heard a little noise and that it was only for a short time, at the same time as the spider's web disappeared.

Caliph says, "Who is that!? Show yourself!" (while calm but ready for any attack).

Stranger says: Who are you!? (soft female voice) What are you doing here? Are you my enemy!? (while hiding in the tree). 

Caliph says: "I'm not a bad person. Maybe you are!"  Hmmm!  Who are you? And why do you sound like a girl? Are you really a girl?

Caliph says: "I'm Caliph; I'm from the Sama-ba tribe, but I was still a baby when I was separated from our tribe because it was destroyed."

The stranger says: Sama-ba? HUH!? wawhat!  "a whispering voice and shock", master! (in a slow voice)

Caliph says: What!? (Word in the brain: what does it say?) Hey, come out! Now!.. what is your name!?

But the stranger quickly left when he heard the caliph's last words. Caliph immediately realized that the strange girl had run away, and he chased after her.

Caliph says: "Hooey!" Where are you going? I'm still asking you! "This girl is very fast". WAIT!

Suddenly the girl disappeared, but Caliph saw something that looked like reflections formed a big circle, but Caliph could not see it very well, and Caliph began to wonder, and he tried to touch it when suddenly Caliph felt something warm and pushed his hand away.

Caliph says: What is this thing and why do I feel so weird? What does that girl really like—does she also have power? strange girl! shhhhs!

Caliph says: Take care of yourself; I'm leaving! I have something more important to do!

When Caliph was leaving, someone suddenly came out of the said strange reflection who was almost invisible.

A man about Magallan's age came out with a girl who was Caliph's age.

An old stranger says: "Wait a minute, kid!" Is it true that you are from the Sama-ba tribe?

Caliph says: (turning around) Yes, that's what my teacher said, but why do you care!? Who are you?

An old stranger says:  I'll guess, is your teacher's name Magallan!? Am I right!? HEHEHE!!

Caliph says: How do you know the old man's name, and what is your name? And by the way, who is the girl with you? Is she the one who caught me when I was about to fall?

An old stranger says: "You've grown up, kid!" haha!  It's been a long time since we last met! So, he named you Caliph; by the way, I am "LAPU", and Magallan is my younger brother, this girl is my student, her name is Glamorous.

Glamorous says: You can also call me Glam. And yes, I did catch you, and it was part of my power, the "web net."

Lapu says: It's a good thing you don't seem to know anything about me; maybe Magallan didn't mention anything to you about me, but anyways, what is the reason why you came here?

And now Caliph met someone new, in the middle of his training in different directions, because of what Magallan did. And he met Magallan's older brother, "LAPU", and Lapu's student, Glamorous. 

They talked for a while, and Lapu asked, "Why did you end up in the place where we are?"

Caliph says: "Master said that we should start with my last test, and I don't know what that old man ate or why he suddenly threw me here, and it was in a different direction from the test I was going to take."

Lapu says: "Haha, the smell of that fool is really strong!" I'm sure he knew that I was close!

Glamorous says: how about you, master?, you also know that they are also close?

Lapu says: "No, no! That person's smell is really strong." Even if my presence is hidden, he can still smell me and find me. And when you've been with him, he'll know whether you're near or far; he immediately recognizes the smell; that's one of his skills.

Glamorous says: But which of you two is stronger, teacher?

Caliph says, "But which of you two is stronger?"

Laksa says: You asked at the same time, huh!? hahaha  I expected that—of course, I'm the stronger of the two of us—and I taught him how to fight when we are at your age.

Laksa says: I think Magallan meant for us to meet today, Caliph. What do you think?

Caliph says: "I don't know, maybe!" All I know is that I hate him! Why did he do that to me? the only thing I'm wondering is why his hand grew so fast and I could have avoided it but I couldn't tssk!.

Lapu says: I think he did the same thing Glam did to you—suddenly Glam disappeared from your sight, right? After you finished chasing him?

Caliph says: "Yes, and I saw something like a reflection; but I almost couldn't see it. Why? Does that have anything to do with what the old man did?"

Lapu says: It's just the same as what Magallan did to you; Show him glam.

Glamorous says, "Yes!" to the teacher.

Glamorous stood up, then Glam went in front of the two of them and stood normally, but suddenly Caliph's hand was tied to the broken wood he was sitting on, and the rope used was similar to Glamorous's "web net."

Caliph says: "What!?" How did this happen!? She's not doing anything but just standing there!

Lapu says: "Right!" because you only looked at what was in front of you, which was doing nothing or not even moving. You didn't realize that while Glam was going in front of us, he made a barrier similar to the reflection you touched earlier, and all you see is what is behind it, and it's hanging on to what she wants to do or show in front of you or even to the enemy using the circle reflection you just saw. Just like what you see, it looks like she is just standing in front of you doing nothing.

Caliph says: Why didn't I see that she was already working on the reflection circle?

Lapu says: That's a good question, In order to create a barrier that will not be noticed and hardly felt by anyone you want to use it on, it is necessary that the person you want to use it be looking at you. You can create the barrier using vision and intense concentration.

Lapu says: For example, if you look at Glam while she's walking towards us, that's one of the distractions that Glam made so you don't realize what she's going to do. Then what Glam did was he looked behind you; when you looked into Glam's eyes, it was as if he was also looking at you but Glam was really looking behind you and at the same time, Glamorous created a barrier behind you and after he did it, he made the barrier cross your body, going right in front of Glam.

Caliph says: and why can't I feel it, but in the portal earlier I was able to touch it!?

Lapu says: there are two types of barriers, one is actually a portal that can be passed through and depends on the creator who and what he wants to let in or out and to do this you will use your own strength and power, and the other is a invisible barrier like Glam did today, the reason you didn't feel it is because the invisible barrier is made of an imagination and intense concentration.

Glam says: but it is more difficult or impossible to make a portal that is used as a passageway, because the only one who can do it, is if it was since birth, you had potential to create portals. because me?, i only capable of making barriers only not portals.

Lapu says: right!, because you can only get the talent to make a portal if you have an ancestor who can do it, and also your portal will be more stronger if your parents can do portals

Caliph says: why didn't I even see the rope going to my hand and it still managed to tie my hand? but I strongly feel any attack approaching me.

Lapu says: because after crossing the barrier in front of you, Glam immediately followed up with an attack using his "endless rope" power and he could also control it by passing it under the barrier that passed through your blind spots and so your hand didn't feel it, it also passed through the barrier created by Glam's imagination.

Lapybsays: this is also the reason why you didn't immediately realize what Magallan did to you, I guess Magallan said a lot to you so that you don't realize what he is doing or what he plans to do.

Lapu says: This barrier has some weaknesses, but it requires experience especially in real battles. I'll give you an example, when your opponent knows this and intends to use it on you and you don't know where and when he will use it, what should you do?.

Caliph says: I will go in different directions while we fight until I can get close to him and go to the back, because the weakness is in the back, because the barrier should be done in front of the user right!?

Caliph says: but how do i know my opponent knows how to use the barrier?

Lapu says: that's another good question hahaha!. You need to experience or be hit by his attack using the barrier. this is all I can say to you two that you need to practice more and expand your fighting experience!

Lapu says: I suddenly thought of something! hahahha! brother!, you really think differently! that's why!.. okay! listen!, especially you Glamorous!.. I want both of you to practice together okay!? and I think this is also Magallan's plan.Hmm! I know that Dato wants you to cross the big forest, right Caliph!?.

Caliph says: Yes!.

Lapu says: please listen to me Glam, I want you to go with Caliph to cross the jungle and I want you to help each other as partners, don't leave each other behind, you must cross together no matter what happens okay!? you Caliph I know that one day you will be strong and I hope you will never leave Glam for me!?, understand!?

Glam says: It's clear, master, I'll do everything for you... I think this Caliph is kind even if he's naughty, and I know he won't abandon me either.

Caliph says: yes thank you very much and I learned something new thank you teacher!. I promise I won't leave Glam no matter what happens, we will cross together I promise that to you two old teachers hahahaha!

Lapu says: You can start now! and I'm going to see someone I've known for a long time! you two will get better!.. Good luck!

Because Lapu suddenly thought of what Magallan wanted to convey to him, after explaining what Caliph had just learned, he told the two that they should join the last test to cross the big forest which was Caliph's test and the two immediately agreed. in order to develop their fighting potentials! they started to travel. But the two of them know nothing about the dangers that await them both in the forest.

To be continued..