
Calamity Blood (BL)

Arima Tensei, a boy whose change of fate would decide the fate of the country of Neo Argos. Amidst monsters named Calamities and human eating vamps the madness will unleash. All this while he would struggle to live in peace with his childhood best friend, whom he fell in love with.

angelspyx · LGBT+
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20 Chs


"LEAVE HIM ALONE..." Arima shouted at the soldiers who were taking Evan away as he struggled to loosen himself. "LEAVE HIM... HE DIDN'T DESERVE ANY OF THIS. HE JUST WANTED TO HELP ME. PLEAASE...."

"Arima Tensei captured. Evan Mitchell captured. Vixen captured. Awaiting further orders." A soldier said on his communicator. Evan was weakened from anaemia because of heavy blood loss. Arima was in tears as he saw Evan getting tied up and taken inside the jeeps.

"KILL..." The sharp voice in Arima's head said. "KILL EVERYONE"








The sounds of siren grew faint.

"That's right..." Arima whispered to himself as he was being taken away. His head bowed low. "I should kill everyone..." He looked straight up to reveal his infected eye glowing red. A weird smile spread across his face. Tears of deep red blood rolled down his cheeks. "You all...ARE FUCKING GONNA DIE." He shouted as he pulled out his hands.

Arima's hands morphed into beastly claws. He jumped forward and killed the two soldiers who took Evan away with the claws. He went on killing four more soldiers until the EMRGs were engaged. Still his agility was unmatched as he dodged each one of the shots. Just like a carnal beast his movements were unpredictable yet lethal. He jumped at the fifth soldier be laid his eyes on and bit into his eyes, eating it and then killed him. The soldiers started panicking. Messages of "MAYDAY" were bombarded at the CPF HQ. After a while of Arima's killing spree not a single soldier was left alive. The only survivors were those in the search aircraft. They soon flew back to the HQ with nothing but casualties.

Arima jumped on the next human that he could find but that was Evan.

Evan smiled at Arima "Gonna kill me?" Arima growled and raised his claws. Evan accepted it and closed his eyes. Arima plunged his claws at Evan and just before touching him, the claws morphed into human hands. Arima hugged Evan and fell unconscious.