
byebye everyone no more

Can't find how to deleted

giou_sora · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Case1 Four Families - epilogue

Once ... I was happy.

Father and Mother love me very much. Sometimes they are strict and angry when I do wrong but also kinder than anyone. The servants were all kind to me. When Travis came, I was happier. I have a lovely family in a big house. Each night when I close my eyes, I never thought that this happiness would disappear.

Until the day when happiness collapses.

I was with my mother because that day my father had guests. Until I heard a strange sound mixed with my father's cry, my mother told me to wait, but I secretly followed. I saw my father lying on the floor, a reek and red spread on his chest. In that room, aside from the guests, there are two devils. Mother cried out as I froze. When the strange creature pounced on the mother, a terrifying red scattered across the room. The devil stared at me. But I don't feel anything. The image in front of me is blurry; even the sound seems from afar.

When I heard the maid ask what happened ...


... A devil has taken away my happiness ...

I could hardly hear my voice. Inability to move the mouth. That's when I realized I was in a big chest. The chest that kept me in there. Let me not have to feel the pain that will never heal. Because I couldn't get out of the chest to face the fact that I would never see Father and Mother again.

Each day passed that I was in the box, I saw the other servants' attitude had changed. Although I could not say anything, I heard what the people said that the Blake family was ending.

When things seem so hopeless and despair, Travis was the only one who never left me. He is still a friend to take care of me, who does not say anything. Travis is a good man. I feel bad he had to stick with me. I, who have not been able to do anything.

'Seamus, there are beautiful things in the world. You can't lose that hope.'

A woman said this to me. But shortly after saying that sentence, her important brother was also killed. But she is different from me, can do what I can't. She chooses to accept the intense pain and move forward to make things better.

That was the first time I tried to get out of the chest.

"Seamus, what are you thinking?"

The woman, Scarlet Rosevelt, asked, hold on to my shoulder. The warmth that I haven't felt in a long time. I raised my head, made eye contact, and smiled at her. The muscles in my face were probably all stiff, but I gave her a smile from my heart.

"I'm ... fine."

"Could you speak more? Someone wants to hear your voice." Scarlet said and turned to smile at Travis.

Now I have successfully left the chest. The pain that once thought to be terrible relief when I was sitting in the middle of the two.

From now on ... I'm going to be happy.

The horse suddenly roared. The horse-drawn carriage to Rosevelt home was halted.

"Young master, Scarlet, I'll go out and look, stay here," said Travis and opened the door.

My eyes wild open; there was something that evoked that day. Hear the cries of Travis. And Travis's body was pushed back into the carriage. The eyes of the one I love the most wide-open, the red liquid emits a foul smell.

It comes back ...

Scarlett screamed and held me tight. Then someone poked her face into the carriage. A woman holding a small sword. The second she smiled and moved the hand that held the sword. I felt a warm liquid dripping on my head, and Scarlet's tight arms loosened. As I sat still, my eyes wide open like that day.

The woman shook the blood from the sword and flicked towards the diamond necklace around my neck Scarlet had worn. She smiled as she saw the sparkle of diamonds.

"Unfortunately, the crown has disappeared, poor little boy. Do you think these treasures are more suitable for our boss?"

The woman stroked my hair with her free hand as she leaned her face next to my ear. Whispered words that made me scream hysterically without a sound

"No matter how you struggle, you can never be happy, Seamus Blake, the calamity child!"


'Perfect human.'

It aims to bring together the unique people of fame, power, money, and extraordinary ability in society under FREE MAN HAND, named by the founder's surname's first letter. An organization is hidden in the shadow of light. See everything from the shadows. Creating everything that is not available in the world of light. The ultimate goal is to create the perfect human being.

Watson doll, a human weapon without emotion. Superhuman physical abilities. It has the power to heal an injured body and the precise memory system. Is the first step of the perfect.

In that place, there are large round tables and 11 chairs. Each chair is engraved with the first letter of the founder's surname, starting from the letter F and circulating counterclockwise to D.

"It's good today everyone comes together."

The person seated in the letter D chair spoke in a warm voice. Make eye contact with everyone around instead of greeting. And stopped at the owner of the H seat.

"Sherlock Holmes, the doll you brought. How is it, after opened eyes? "

There was no need to wonder why the other party knew that Watson had opened his eyes. Holmes gave a calm smile on his face. In his heart, he thought of the silver-haired man who was not followed. Think of the case they've been involved in together.

"If it about daily life, no problem hide identity. No one around him was able to catch he wasn't human," Holmes answered the question.

"As for Watson's progress, He began to learn things he never knew before. He can continue to develop himself."

"Because there is still a need to develop That guy is not perfect. Useless," said someone.

"As a human weapon, he really isn't perfect. Because he doesn't have a lid that holds perfection. But he is an empty box that can fill things up to improve himself, even better than yesterday."

The other members listened to Holmes's words and whispered to the people sitting next to them. Others made expressions as if Holmes exaggerated. Lester Ashton, sitting next to Holmes, chose not to comment and not make eye contact. At the same time, James Moriarty, who sat away, only folded his arms, no objection or agreement.

"Then I offer Mr. Holmes to take charge of the doll. But must come to report the development to us every time, is this alright? "

"I do not object," Holmes replied.

Many people nodded in agreement. Today's topic of the Watson doll meeting ended just like this.

"Next, Moriarty, you said you found an intriguing move."

"I still don't know the purpose of that group. They are not considered a threat or enemy to us, for now. But a 'woman' has made a prominent movement in society. It better to keep an eye on them."

Sherlock Holmes was listening to the report of his best friend. On this land, Free Man Hand is not the only underground organization. But even if there were other groups, they don't interfere with each other more than necessary. Unless there is a cause for conflict, compete for benefits or overlap the same path.

And that path has formed like the gentle wind before the great storm.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

case one closed, let me know what you think pls

case two, There are certain man and woman waiting for you, guess who ><

giou_soracreators' thoughts