
Bye! Bye! You Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town!

After the Battle with Josuke Higashikata, Yoshikage Kira successfully activates his Stand ability Bites the Dust, finds himself in a bewildering alternate reality rather than going back in time as intended, finding himself in the MY Hero Academia Universe. Confused and disoriented, he reaches out to a stranger, who angrily accuses him of attempted theft. In his panic, Kira stumbles onto the road and narrowly avoids being hit by a car, thanks to his Stand, Killer Queen. As Kira flees the scene, he grapples with the stark reality of his situation. Initially overwhelmed, he soon realizes that this new world might be a blessing in disguise—a place where he can live anonymously and free from the constant threat of discovery. With no one knowing his true identity, Kira sees an opportunity to live a quiet, peaceful life without fear of being unmasked.

ZatyaIsten · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

- A New life awaits

In the heart of Morioh, an eerie calm settled over the quaint neighborhood as the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the streets. Suddenly, an earth-shattering explosion ripped through the silence, emanating from the Rio residence. The force of the blast shattered the wooden staircase and sent tremors through the ground.

Outside the house, Yoshikage Kira stood in an his alternate body, his hand tightly gripping his phone as he held it close to his ear. His eyes were wide with a mixture of disbelief and manic glee, a twisted smile spreading across his face. Blood trickled from the corners of his mouth, a testament to the injuries he had sustained in his relentless pursuit of his twisted desires.

Kira's body trembled with excitement, his heart pounding in his chest as he reveled in the realization that he had finally achieved his goal. He had eliminated the thorn in his side, the one person who had been a constant threat to his carefully crafted facade of normalcy - Higashikata Josuke, along with his meddlesome friend.

Unable to contain his elation any longer, Kira threw his head back and let out a maniacal laugh. "Ahaha..." he cackled, his voice echoing through the destroyed room. The pain from his wounds was nothing compared to the sheer euphoria coursing through his veins. He could feel it deep within his very being - the sensation of a soul being obliterated, reduced to mere fragments scattered across the ether.

"AHAHAHA!" Kira's laughter grew louder and more unhinged, his eyes wide with a crazed fervor. He had emerged victorious, his luck once again proving to be an unstoppable force. But he needed confirmation, a final assurance that his triumph was complete.

With trembling hands, Kira pulled the phone closer to his mouth, his voice dripping with anticipation as he spoke. "IS HE DEAD!? JOSUKE'S BEEN BLOWN TO PIECES, HASN'T HE?" he demanded, his tone laced with an unwavering confidence that Josuke had been successfully blown to pieces, thanks to the unwavering support of his father, who had always wanted the best for him.

Kira's gaze darted back to the silent, broken house, eagerly awaiting his father's confirmation. The voice on the other end of the line finally reached his ears, calm and tender. "Yeah... There's not a scrap left..." the voice affirmed, sending a surge of triumph through Kira's being.

However, as the voice continued, Kira's smile began to falter. "You've blown him all the way into the afterlife, just like I told you to..." The words hung in the air, and a creeping realization began to dawn on Kira. Something was amiss with his father's voice, a subtle discrepancy that sent a chill down his spine.

"Well, he was already a ghost, so maybe he is just back where he belongs now..." The words struck Kira like a thunderbolt, and in that moment, he understood the terrible truth. He had been deceived, bamboozled from the very beginning. The one he had blown up was not Josuke, but his own father.

Kira's eyes widened in horror as he stared at the phone, his mind reeling from the revelation. "... Josuke," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the pounding of his own heart.

But before he could react, before he could even begin to process the depths of his miscalculation, a glint of light caught his eye. A shard of glass, propelled by an unseen force, hurtled towards him with lightning speed, emerging from the shattered remains of the house.

Time seemed to slow down as Kira's gaze locked onto the approaching shard, his body frozen in place, unable to move. In that fractured moment, he knew that his luck had finally run out, that the cosmic scales had tipped against him. The shard closed in, an unstoppable force fueled by the rage and determination of the one he had so gravely underestimated - Higashikata Josuke.

As the glass shard found its mark, piercing through Kira's body with a sickening crunch, the world around him began to fade away. The phone slipped from his grasp, clattering to the ground as his strength ebbed away. As the glass shard embedded itself into Kira's back, he felt an intense, searing pain radiate through his body. The world around him seemed to slow to a crawl as his mind grappled with the weight of his own defeat. His fingers twitched involuntarily, the phone slipping from his grasp and clattering to the ground with a hollow thud. Kira's eyes, wide with shock and dawning horror, as he fall onto the stone wall that separated him and the house apart.

Kira's body slowly slumped against the stone wall, his breath ragged and labored. Every shallow inhale felt like fire in his lungs, and the gaping wound in his back continued to bleed profusely, draining his strength with each passing second. He reached out with trembling fingers, trying to steady himself against the rough surface of the wall, but his limbs felt like lead, and his vision blurred at the edges.

"Th-This is all..." he stammered, his voice a strained whisper. He could barely muster the strength to speak, but the words fought their way out, driven by sheer willpower. "... Some sort of... mistake..."

His mind raced, desperately trying to process what had gone wrong. How could this have happened? He, Yoshikage Kira, had always been so meticulous, so careful. Yet here he was, bleeding out in the midst of his supposed victory. The irony was almost too bitter to bear. With a grunt of effort, he managed to push himself up slightly, his fingers digging into the stone as he tried to pull himself to his feet.

"This is too... awful..." he panted, his voice tinged with disbelief and desperation. "I, Yoshikage Kira, just want to live a tranquil, vegetative life..." Blood bubbled up from his mouth, staining his lips a deep crimson. He wiped it away with a shaky hand, each movement a monumental effort.

Summoning every ounce of his remaining strength, Kira gripped the edge of the stone wall and hauled himself upright. His legs wobbled beneath him, threatening to give way at any moment, but he refused to fall. He clung to the wall, his lifeline in this moment of utter despair.

"Something so awful... can't be happening to me." He forced himself to stand straight, though every muscle in his body screamed in protest. He stumbled, nearly collapsing again, but his determination burned brighter than his pain. He would not be defeated, not like this.

"But there is one thing that I must not forget right now," he thought, his mind racing as he tried to focus through the haze of agony. "The lessons from my past... that it's exactly at awful moments like these... at the darkest hours of my life! That is when an opportunity comes to me, when I've got my back to the wall... Just calmly deal with the situation and find an opportunity to take advantage of!"

Kira straightened himself, a grim resolve settling over him. This was not the end. He had faced impossible odds before and emerged victorious. This time would be no different. "This is how Yoshikage Kira's life works out... I've never faced any hardship that I couldn't overcome..."

But then he heard it - the unmistakable sound of approaching footsteps, accompanied by the soft, rhythmic drip of blood. His heart pounded in his chest, a growing dread threatening to consume him. He forced himself to move, each step a monumental effort, as he edged along the stone wall. He had to see, had to confirm his worst fears.

As he reached the end of the wall, his eyes widened in horror. There, standing before him, was the one person he had hoped never to see again. Higashikata Josuke. His hair, that ridiculous pompadour, and his purple school uniform were unmistakable. The boy's face was etched with a mixture of determination and righteous fury dripping with blood as his tigh and abdoment is pierced through with wooden remnants of something, perhaps the staircase's handrail, his eyes locked onto Kira with an intensity that made Kira's blood run cold.

Josuke's eyes locked onto Kira with an intensity that sent shivers down the latter's spine. Blood streamed down Josuke's face, dripping onto the ground with each labored breath he took. Despite the wooden shards protruding from his thigh and abdomen, he stood resolute, his gaze unwavering.

"I've got you within... my range..." Josuke declared through gritted teeth, each word laced with the promise of retribution. His voice, though strained, was a harbinger of the storm that was about to be unleashed. "YOSHIKAGE KIRA!"

Kira could only stare back in disbelief. How was Josuke still standing? He was pierced by not one but two wooden pieces, his blood gushing out without any restraint. Just who the hell is this brat?! The question echoed in Kira's mind, a testament to the surreal nature of the moment. How could someone so gravely injured still possess such unyielding determination?

As Kira continued to eye Josuke, another figure appeared at the scene. Hayato Kawajiri, a child far wiser than his years, arrived just in time to witness the tense standoff. His eyes widened in shock as he took in the sight before him: Josuke and Kira, both struggling to remain upright, both panting and frowning at each other with murderous intent.

Hayato's thoughts raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. "I can't believe he's done it... He has finally closed in on Kira... In melee combat... the battle will end in just moments! Josuke might have the better skills, but... If Kira touches him, he'll get turned into a bomb! A-And to make matters worse! Those bombs have done a number on Josuke's leg and stomach. Normally, he shouldn't even be standing!"

Josuke's voice cut through Hayato's frantic analysis, filled with raw determination and an unyielding will to fight. "BRING OUT... YOUR 「KILLER QUEEN」!"

Kira's heart pounded in his chest, a mix of fear and anger boiling within him. There was no turning back now. With a snarl, he summoned his Stand, Killer Queen, the embodiment of his lethal intent

. The sleek, feline-like figure materialized beside him, its eyes gleaming with a deadly light."「KILLER QUEEN」" Kira shouted as Killer Queen lunged forward, its hand outstretched to deliver a fatal blow. But Josuke was ready.

"「CRAZY DIAMOND」!" he shouted, and his Stand burst forth, a manifestation of his indomitable spirit. "DORARARARARARA!" Crazy Diamond's barrage of fists began to rain down on Killer Queen, who deflected them with precise movements. The air filled with the sound of rapid, thunderous blows, each one a testament to Josuke's relentless fury.

Kira's eyes widened in panic as he struggled to keep up with the onslaught. Killer Queen managed to parry most of the strikes, but Josuke's relentless assault found its mark. Crazy Diamond's left fist flew straight at Killer Queen's face, the impact cracking the Stand's visage and sending shockwaves through Kira's body.

"Ugh!" Kira grunted as his face deformed from the hit. His left cheek was blunted by Crazy Diamond's powerful strike, and he stumbled backward, blood gushing from his mouth. Hayato watched with an open mouth, hope blossoming in his chest. "H-HE GOT HIM!" he declared, his voice tinged with excitement. "Alright! Josuke may be hurt, but he's still more than a match for Kira!"

Desperate to turn the tide, Killer Queen lashed out with its right arm, aiming to punch Crazy Diamond in the face and turn him into a bomb. But Crazy Diamond's reflexes were too fast. With a swift movement, Crazy Diamond deflected the punch, breaking Killer Queen's wrist with a sickening crunch.

"GAAAAH!" Kira screamed in agony, but he refused to give up. He used the momentary distraction to try and touch Josuke from both sides, hoping to set off an explosion. However, Crazy Diamond's speed was overwhelming. With a blur of motion, Crazy Diamond slammed Killer Queen's arms together, breaking them with a resounding crack.

"He's strong!..." Kira murmured, his voice filled with a mix of disbelief and pain. He tried to think of a strategy, some way to turn the battle in his favor, but the relentless assault from Crazy Diamond left him no time to formulate a plan. Josuke's Stand was a blur of motion, its fists a whirlwind of destruction.

Josuke's eyes burned with determination as he prepared to end the fight. "This is it, Kira!" he shouted, his voice echoing with finality. "This is for everyone you've hurt!"

"OOOOOOOOHHHH!" Crazy Diamond raised its fists, the air crackling with energy as it surged toward Kira. The sheer force of its approach radiated terror, and Kira could only watch in horror as the Stand closed in.

"The moment move that's where he strikes! I... I can't even touch him! I'm going to lose! Yosikage Kira is going to lose!" he thought to himself as he saw the approaching stand.

In a desperate final move, Kira tried to summon the last vestiges of his strength. Killer Queen's remaining functional hand reached out, but it was too late. Crazy Diamond's fists descended in a final, devastating barrage.

"DORARARARARARA!" The punches landed with earth-shattering force, each one driving Kira. However Josuke seem to notice something was off... The punches wasn't connecting at all?!

As Crazy Diamond's fists descended toward Kira in a flurry of furious blows, Josuke's eyes widened in disbelief. The punches that should have connected with devastating force seemed to be absorbed by an invisible barrier, their impact nullified by an unseen force. Kira's face, battered and bruised, suddenly lit up with a glimmer of hope, a desperate man grasping at a newfound lifeline.

Hayato, watching from the sidelines, gasped in horror, his body trembling as he witnessed the inexplicable turn of events. Sweat poured down his face, his eyes wide with fear and confusion. "W-Why?!" he exclaimed, his voice quivering with desperation. "Why is this happening?! He was so close! Josuke's stronger than him!"

Hayato's mind raced, trying to comprehend the sudden shift in the battle's tide. Though he couldn't perceive the stands themselves, he had seen the toll the fight had taken on Kira, the way Josuke's relentless assault had pushed the serial killer to the brink of defeat. And yet, in this critical moment, fate seemed to have intervened, siding with the murderer who had brought so much pain and suffering to Morioh.

Kira, his face twisted into a triumphant smirk, watched as Crazy Diamond's fists buried themselves in a series of translucent air bubbles that had materialized around him. "Crazy Diamond's fists... aren't hitting!" Josuke exclaimed, his voice tinged with a growing sense of hopelessness as he stared at his nemesis in disbelief.

"These are Air Bullets!" Kira declared, his voice filled with a manic glee. "They're acting like cushions! However, I'm not guarding out of my own will... Killer Queen cannot afford to divert any attention from Crazy Diamond's speed!"

"Then..." He thought. "It must be..." As the realization dawned on him, Kira's smile grew wider, a predatory grin that sent shivers down Hayato's spine. From within Killer Queen's abdomen, a strange, cat-like creature emerged, its head peeking out as it hissed incessantly. The creature's instincts had taken over, desperately trying to defend itself from Crazy Diamond's relentless onslaught.

"「STRAY CAT」!" Kira exclaimed, his voice ringing with triumph. "It is guarding me! It thought it was under attack and guarded instinctively!"

Kira watched as the air bullets began to drift towards Josuke, his mind racing with the possibilities that had suddenly opened up before him. "There's an opportunity!" he thought to himself, his inner voice tinged with a manic excitement. "I knew an opportunity would come to me in the darkest hour!"

With a swift motion, Kira pointed towards the air bullets, Killer Queen's aura shimmering with an otherworldly light. "「Killer Queen」, turn that air bullet into a bomb!" he commanded, his voice filled with a twisted determination.

Killer Queen's hand shot out, its touch transforming the innocuous air bullet into a deadly explosive. Kira's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with sadistic joy as he pointed towards Josuke. "I WON!" he declared, his voice echoing across the battlefield. "I've made a contact bomb! It'll blow you apart as soon as you touch it, Josuke! And at point-blank range! With your injuries!... You have no strength left to dodge!"

Josuke, his body battered and bleeding, could only stare at Kira with a mixture of anger and desperation. The wounds he had sustained during the fight were taking their toll, and he found himself kneeling, his strength rapidly fading. Blood gushed from his injuries, painting the ground beneath him a vivid crimson.

"Yoshikage... Kira!" Josuke growled, his voice filled with a seething hatred for the man who had caused so much pain and suffering. He struggled to rise, to muster the strength for one final attack, but his body refused to cooperate.

Hayato watched in horror, his heart pounding in his chest as he realized the gravity of the situation. Josuke was in no condition to defend himself, and Kira's trap seemed inescapable. The air bullet hovered menacingly, waiting for the slightest touch to detonate and engulf Josuke in a devastating explosion.

Josuke's heart raced as he stared at the menacing air bullets, his mind desperately searching for a way out of Kira's deadly trap. The seconds ticked by, each one feeling like an eternity as he struggled to find a solution. Just as despair began to take hold, a familiar voice cut through the tension, filling the battlefield with renewed hope.

"Well... I've always wondered... where all the shit go when I scrape them away?" Okuyasu said calmly, his figure emerging from the shadows, his Stand, The Hand, at the ready. Josuke's eyes widened in disbelief, tears welling up as he saw his friend, alive and well, rushing to his aid.

"Why You...!" Kira exclaimed in frustration as he looked at him as shocked as Hayato and Josuke. "What's THIS!" He demanded answer with fury in his voice.

"No way! I thought...!" Hayato shouted as well as he realized who it is. "I- I don't believe it! He wasn't breathing at all! He didn't even had the slightest pulse!"

"Okuyasu!" Josuke cried out, his voice cracking with emotion. "You're alive! But how? I thought... I thought you were already dead!"

Okuyasu grinned, his eyes shining with determination as he approached the air bullets. "You know, I had this totally jacked dream... I saw my brother, Keicho, when I was knocked out," he explained, his voice filled with a newfound sense of purpose. "He asked me where I was going, and I told him I wanted to go with him, 'cause he always made the best descisions. But he said something that stuck with me... He said, 'You have to choose your own destination this time.' And after a long time, I knew what I had to do. I answered, 'I'm going back to Morioh.' And then I woke up."

With a fierce cry, Okuyasu summoned The Hand, its right arm glowing with an otherworldly light. In a swift motion, The Hand swiped at the air bullets, erasing them from existence. The menacing projectiles vanished, leaving Josuke and Hayato stunned and relieved.ű

Josuke's eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed in a mix of frustration and joy. "You... Motherfucker... Now is not the time for you to be lying on your ass dreaming!" he shouted, his voice cracking as blood continued to gush from his wounds.

Okuyasu stared at him with wide eyes, a mix of confusion and relief washing over his face. He bowed slightly, a sheepish grin spreading across his lips. "Woah! Talk about bad attitude! All that blood had me worried for a sec, but you sound healthy to me..." he replied, his tone dumbfounded yet warm.

"Shut your fucking mouth! If you were alive this entire time, then you shoulda gotten up sooner, goddamn it!" Josuke cried, his harsh words undercut by the tears of happiness welling up in his eyes.

Kira, his face twisted in pain and frustration, stumbled back, his wounds bleeding heavily. His expression contorted with rage and disbelief. "This can't be... Fate is supposed to have sided with Yoshikage Kira... Opportunity should have come to me!" he muttered, his voice trembling with desperation. "「Stray Cat」" he ordered, his voice a frantic plea. "Give them another shot!"

Kira attempted to use Stray Cat to launch another volley of air bullets, but Okuyasu was too quick. The Hand erased the air between Stray Cat and itself, closing the distance in an instant. With a triumphant shout, Okuyasu grabbed the cat-like creature. Stray Cat wobbled and struggled, clawing and hissing as if it were still in its feline body.

"Whoa, there!" Okuyasu said, trying to calm it down by petting it, only for Stray Cat to lash out at him. He held it firmly, his eyes narrowing with determination. Kira watched them, his face a mask of pain and defiance, still clinging to the hope that an opportunity would present itself.

"NOT ONCE IN MY LIFE," Kira bellowed, his voice echoing with a manic resolve, "HAVE I EVER FACED A HARDSHIP I COULDN'T ESCAPE!"

However, a familiar voice rang out, freezing Kira's blood.

"Look, Jotaro! That huge noise just came from that house... it's smoking, what happened? Was it gas?" Koichi's voice was filled with concern and curiosity.

Rohan cut in, his tone impatient. "Forget about that, Koichi. I'm not waiting for that asshole Josuke any longer! I'll be looking for Hayato Kawajiri at his school." Kira and Koichi locked eyes, the latter's shock evident as he took in Kira's bloodied form.

"L-Look over there... That man's hurt!" Koichi exclaimed, his voice tinged with shock and confusion. Kira's heart pounded in his chest as he realized his predicament was dire.

"It's over, Kira!" Josuke declared, his voice filled with renewed strength as he struggled to his feet. He, Okuyasu, and Hayato stared Kira down, their faces set in grim determination. "You've got nowhere left to run!"

Kira, desperate and cornered, retreated further, his eyes darting around wildly in search of an escape. He stumbled into the middle of the road, noticing the growing crowd—the people of Morioh gathering to witness the final confrontation.

Hayato stepped forward, his small frame shaking with a mixture of fear and resolve. "Luck's on your side? You think you're gonna get some opportunity? That's nothing compared to the righteous spirits gathered here! They are right here!" His voice grew stronger, echoing with conviction. "And you know you are no match for their spirits!"

Kira's eyes flickered with a fleeting hope, but as he looked around, the faces of Morioh's citizens mirrored the determination and defiance he saw in Josuke, Okuyasu, and Hayato. His smirk faltered, replaced by a grimace of realization. The walls were closing in, and for the first time, Yoshikage Kira felt the inescapable grip of justice tightening around him.

Koichi's eyes widened as he quickly pointed towards the familiar figures in the distance. "There's Josuke and Okuyasu!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of relief and urgency.

Rohan's gaze followed Koichi's finger, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized the scene before him. He glanced down at the photo clutched in his hand, recognition dawning on his face. "That kid is... Hayato Kawajiri, from the picture!" he remarked, his voice tinged with realization.

Jotaro's eyes locked onto the bloodied figure standing amidst the chaos. "And the man is Kosaku Kawajiri... now, the pieces are coming together...he must be... Yoshikage Kira!" Jotaro's voice boomed across the battlefield, carrying a weight of authority and certainty.

Kira's mind raced, a storm of desperation and fear clawing at his thoughts. He had to activate "Bites the Dust," turn back time, and erase his impending defeat.

But with Stray Cat firmly in Okuyasu's grasp and his own injuries sapping his strength, he knew his chances were slipping away like sand through his fingers

Kira's legs gave out from under him, and he collapsed onto the pavement, his body wracked with pain and exhaustion. The crowd of Morioh's citizens, previously watching with a mix of curiosity and concern, now surged forward, chaos brewing in their midst. Firefighters, nurses, and medics, who had arrived on the scene due to the earlier explosion, rushed toward the fallen man, unaware of his true identity.

"There's an injured man! Get the ambulance here! Bring a stretcher as well!" A woman paramedic, her face etched with worry, broke through the throng. She knelt beside Kira, mistaking his bloodied and battered form for another victim of the supposed gas explosion.

"Sir, stay where you are. The ambulance is on its way, stay with me, we're here to help," she said soothingly, her hands steady as she began to administer first aid. "It looks bad, but you're going to be okay."

Kira's eyes flickered open, his vision hazy. He felt the woman's hands on his wounds, her touch gentle but firm. His mind, however, was a whirlwind of panic. He had to act. He had to activate "Bites the Dust." The thought of rewinding time and erasing his defeat was the only thing keeping him conscious.

Hayato, seeing the woman trying to help Kira, screamed in terror. "No! Get away from him! He'll turn you into a bomb!" His voice was shrill with fear, cutting through the din of the crowd.

Josuke, clutching his side where blood still seeped from his injuries, turned to Jotaro, desperation in his eyes. "Okuyasu! We cannot let him use her as a hostage!"

Hayato turned to Josuke, his face pale and eyes wide with urgency. "Josuke, you don't understand! It's not just about him using her as a hostage!" He grabbed the hem of Josuke's jacket, tugging desperately. "Bites the Dust is an ability, his third bomb, that can turn back time by one hour if Kira's cornered. If he activates it, everything we've done, all our efforts to stop him—it will be like they never happened!"

Josuke's brow furrowed in confusion and alarm. "Turn back time? How does that even work?"

Hayato nodded vigorously, his voice trembling but insistent. "He plants it on someone, and when that person dies by activating it, time rewinds by an hour. But it doesn't stop there—anyone who learns about Kira during that hour gets killed instantly, and time rewinds again. It's a loop we can't escape from unless we stop it now."

The realization hit Josuke like a freight train. "WE NEED TO STOP HIM, NOW! OKUYASU!"

Okuyasu, eyes wide with horror, stepped forward, his Stand, The Hand, materializing at his side. "I'll erase the space around him!" he yelled, determination in his voice. "That'll keep him from triggering anything!"

Jotaro's voice cut through the panic, cold and commanding as he heard what Hayato said, and if it was true, then there is no time to waste, he rushed towards Kira. "「Star Platinum:」" he bellowed, preparing to stop time. "「The-」"

But before Jotaro could act, Kira's voice, weak but filled with a twisted sense of triumph, rose above the chaos. "The fate has still chosen me as its partner!" he declared, his eyes gleaming with a manic intensity, making Jotaro stop on his track. He looked at the approaching group, a victorious smirk creeping across his bloodied face.

"Just try to walk closer to me, and it will be enough to reach my limit, activating Bites the Dust!"

Josuke's heart pounded in his chest as he saw Killer Queen manifest behind Kira. The Stand's menacing presence loomed over the paramedic, its deadly fingers already touching her. Josuke's eyes widened in horror as he realized what was happening. "No! He's already done it! He's turned her into a bomb!"

The paramedic, unaware of the Stand's presence, continued to focus on Kira, her touch gentle yet firm. "Sir, stay with me. Help is on the way," she repeated, her voice a steady anchor in the chaos around her.

Kira's smile widened, his eyes filled with a dark satisfaction. "You see," he said, his voice barely above a whisper, yet carrying a weight that chilled the air. "It's already too late. Killer Queen has touched her. Bites the Dust is set."

Jotaro's eyes narrowed, his muscles tensing as he prepared to act. "We can't let him activate it!" he shouted, his voice carrying over the growing din. "Everyone, stay back!"

Okuyasu's face was a mask of determination and fear. "I'll erase the space around him!" he repeated, stepping forward with resolve.

"No!" Hayato screamed, his voice raw with urgency. "If you get too close, you'll trigger it! We have to-"

Kira, sensing the urgency and desperation in his opponents, let out a low, sinister chuckle. "NOW! YOU HIT MY LIMIT! I CAN ACTIVATE IT!" he shouted, his voice dripping with malevolent glee. He raised his hand slowly, his thumb poised above his finger, mimicking the motion of pressing a switch. "This... is the end for you all."

"「KILLER QUEEN... THIRD BOMB: BITES THE DUST」!" Kira's voice echoed as his thumb fell onto his finger with a decisive click. The sound reverberated through the air, followed immediately by a deafening boom. The world seemed to shudder as the explosion tore through the fabric of reality itself.

Jotaro, Josuke, Hayato, and Okuyasu watched in horror as the paramedic, still oblivious to the Stand's presence, was consumed by a blinding light. The explosion was not a physical one, but a temporal detonation, rippling through time and space. The air around them warped and twisted, reality itself bending under the strain of Kira's horrific ability.

Kira felt a rush of exhilaration as the temporal explosion engulfed him, the blinding light consuming everything in sight. The sensation was unlike anything he had ever experienced—a mixture of weightlessness and a powerful tug as if he were being pulled through a vortex of time and space. The world around him disintegrated into a swirling maelstrom of colors and shapes, each fragment a distorted echo of reality.

In the heart of this cosmic storm, Kira floated, his body seemingly suspended in an ethereal void. His vision flickered with images of the past hour, scenes replaying in reverse with dizzying speed. He saw the moments of his defeat, the faces of his enemies twisted with determination and fear, all unraveling like a spool of thread being pulled back into its original form.

"Y-yes!" Kira's voice trembled with a mixture of triumph and disbelief as he felt the power of Bites the Dust coursing through him. "I did it! It worked! I managed to activate it!" His words echoed in the void, carried by the currents of time itself.

As he traveled through the temporal vortex, Kira's consciousness drifted between moments, each second peeling away layers of reality. He saw glimpses of his own life, fragments of his mundane existence in Morioh, interspersed with the sinister acts he had committed to maintain his facade. The faces of his victims flashed before him, their expressions frozen in terror and confusion, each one a testament to his dark desires.

The sensation of moving through time was both exhilarating and disorienting. It was as if he were simultaneously everywhere and nowhere, his essence scattered across the continuum. The colors around him shifted and pulsed, a kaleidoscope of hues and patterns that defied comprehension. He felt as if he were traveling through a tunnel made of light, the walls shimmering with iridescent brilliance.

As he neared the point of convergence, Kira's vision cleared, as he touched himself and looked around seeing if everything is alright with him. He still cannot believe he managed to do it. Despite the odds. The fate really choose him. The world around him solidified, time snapping back into place like a rubber band released from tension. The transition was seamless, the shift from the ethereal void to solid ground instantaneous.

Kira found himself standing in a road, the sun casting long shadows across the pavement. The familiar sounds of bustling streets echoed, the hum of life continuing uninterrupted. He took a deep breath, the air filling his lungs with a sense of normalcy that belied the extraordinary events he had just experienced.


As the initial euphoria of his triumph began to fade, Kira found himself engulfed by an unsettling sensation, a creeping realization that something was amiss. The once familiar streets of Morioh were nowhere to be seen, replaced instead by an alien landscape of towering skyscrapers and garish neon lights that cast an eerie, pulsating glow across the pavement. The very air seemed to hum with an unfamiliar energy, a discordant frequency that set Kira's teeth on edge and raised the hairs on the back of his neck.

"What... what is this place?" Kira whispered, his voice trembling with a mixture of awe and trepidation. "This isn't Morioh. This isn't my home."

He spun around, his eyes darting from one unfamiliar sight to the next, trying to make sense of the bizarre tableaux that surrounded him. The people who milled about the streets were unlike any he had ever seen before, their appearances so outlandish and varied that they seemed to defy the very laws of nature. Some had features that were almost animalistic, with cat-like ears or reptilian scales, while others possessed physical attributes that defied explanation, such as limbs that stretched and contorted in ways that should have been impossible.

"Is this... is this some kind of hallucination? A-Am I dreaming!?" Kira muttered to himself, his mind reeling as he tried to process the sheer absurdity of his situation. "Did Bites the Dust malfunction? Did it send me to some kind of alternate reality?"

He reached out with a trembling hand, half-expecting his fingers to pass through the strange figures that surrounded him like ghosts.

As Kira reached out with a trembling hand, his fingers brushed against the shoulder of a nearby pedestrian. The man, a burly figure with a gruff expression, whirled around, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" the man barked, his voice laced with annoyance. "You trying to steal from me or something?"

Kira stumbled backwards, his mind still reeling from the realization that this was no dream or hallucination. The solid, unyielding presence of the man before him only served to reinforce the terrifying reality of his situation.

"N-no, I..." Kira stammered, his usually composed demeanor crumbling under the weight of his confusion and fear. "I didn't mean to..."

But the man was not listening. He advanced on Kira, his fists clenched and his face twisted into a scowl. "You picked the wrong guy to mess with, pal," he growled, his voice dripping with menace.

Kira's eyes widened in panic as he stumbled backwards, his feet tangling beneath him. He fell, his back slamming against the hard pavement of the road. The sudden impact knocked the wind from his lungs, leaving him gasping for air.

Through the haze of pain and disorientation, Kira heard the sound of screeching tires and blaring horns. He looked up, his heart leaping into his throat as he saw a car bearing down on him, its headlights blinding in their intensity.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Kira's mind raced, desperately searching for a way out of this nightmarish situation. Instinctively, he summoned Killer Queen, the Stand appearing at his side in a flash of pink light.

With a burst of superhuman strength, Killer Queen grabbed Kira by the collar and yanked him out of the path of the oncoming car. The vehicle swerved, its tires screeching against the pavement as the driver slammed on the brakes, narrowly avoiding a collision.

Kira landed in a heap on the sidewalk, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he tried to process the near-death experience. The pedestrian who had confronted him looked on in shock and confusion, his anger momentarily forgotten in the face of this bizarre spectacle.

Seizing the opportunity, Kira staggered to his feet and took off running, his mind a whirlwind of panic and desperation. He weaved through the crowded streets, his eyes darting from side to side as he searched for some sign of familiarity, some landmark that might guide him back to the world he knew.

"This can't be happening," he gasped, his voice rising in pitch as panic began to set in. "I activated 「Bites the Dust」. I was supposed to go back in time, not... not here. Wherever here is." he gasped, his voice barely audible over the pounding of his own heartbeat. 

Kira finally stopped for a moment after running like crazy, he didn't even know why he did that, but it seemed right, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. The adrenaline that surged through his veins made his heart feel like it was about to burst out of his chest, and his mind raced with a thousand unanswered questions.

"What have I done?" he whispered, his voice barely audible above the chaos of the city. "What madness have I unleashed upon myself?"

He pushed himself to his feet, wincing as the movement sent a jolt of pain through his battered body. The people on the street were staring at him now, their expressions a mix of curiosity and fear. Kira could feel their eyes upon him, boring into his skin like hot needles.

"I have to get out of here," he muttered, his voice tinged with desperation. But even as the words left his lips, Kira knew that it was easier said than done. He was lost, adrift in a sea of unfamiliarity, with no idea of how to navigate his way back to the shores of his former existence. 

"I have to find a way back, back to Morioh, back to my life... Back to my peaceful..." He suddenly realized... "...life..." There is no reason for him to go back to Morioh... Where is his quite life? Where is his peaceful routine? Where are his beautiful hands that he could hold onto?

As the realization began to dawn on Kira, a flicker of hope sparked within his troubled mind. Perhaps this strange, unfamiliar world was not a curse, but a blessing in disguise. A chance to start anew, to shed the shackles of his past and embrace a future free from the constant threat of discovery and ruin.

"Could it be?... Fate?" Kira whispered, his voice trembling with a mixture of disbelief and cautious optimism. "A world where I am truly free? Where my secrets remain hidden, my true nature concealed from prying eyes?"

He looked down at his hands, marveling at the power that thrummed beneath his skin. Bites the Dust had been his trump card, his ultimate weapon against those who would seek to unmask him. He didn't know this could be such a blessing... Maybe this is also its ability to travel between worlds, or dimensions, as this is sure not the Japan where he was borned.

He looked around at the alien cityscape, seeing it now not as a labyrinth of confusion and fear, but as a blank canvas upon which he could paint the life he had always dreamed of. A life of quiet anonymity, where he could indulge his darkest desires without fear of consequence or retribution.

"No more meddlesome brats, no more self-righteous adults seeking to unravel the tapestry of my existence," Kira mused, a smile slowly spreading across his face. "In this world, I am a ghost, a phantom. My past erased, my identity unwritten."

He threw back his head and laughed, a sound of pure, unbridled joy that echoed through the sunlit streets. The people around him stared, their expressions a mixture of confusion and unease, but Kira paid them no mind. For the first time in his life, he felt truly alive, truly free.

"Fate, you capricious mistress," Kira declared, his voice ringing with a newfound sense of purpose. "Is this the path you have chosen for me? A world where I can live the life I have always yearned for, without fear of discovery or retribution?"

"In this world, I... I am not Yoshikage Kira, the serial killer," he proclaimed, his voice filled with fierce determination. "I am simply a man, free to live as I choose, to pursue my own happiness without the weight of my sins from my past dragging me down as they don't exist in this world!"

Kira turned his face to the sky, feeling the cool afternoon air caress his skin like a lover's touch. The sun above seemed to twinkle with a newfound brilliance, as if the very universe itself was conspiring to guide him towards his ultimate fate.

"I will make this world my own," Kira vowed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I will carve out a life of peace and tranquility, far from the prying eyes of those who would seek to destroy me. And if any should dare to stand in my way, they will feel the full force of my wrath." His stand appeared right next to him as Killer Queen only looked at his owner waiting for orders.

With a final, triumphant glance at the city around him, Kira strode off into the city, his heart filled with a sense of purpose and his mind alight with the possibilities of this brave new world. He didn't know what challenges lay ahead, but he knew that he would live a happy, peaceful life here... without a doubt.

"Goodbye, Morioh," Kira whispered a final farewell to the life he had left behind. "And hello, freedom. Hello, Destiny. Hello, to the world that fate has chosen for me."