
By the Contract

Things are not what they appear to be at first, especially things we dislike at first glance and this is not your regular romance! Alexandra Whaite might seem to have every lady's dream job – the personal assistant to the one and only Eros Heartwood, CEO and billionaire playboy but things are not as they seem. Handsome, rich but grumpy Eros Heartwood is just like Hades in human form. His unbeatable record of being a top playboy irks no one else but Alexandra. Things take a huge turn when Alexandra receives an impossible task; make Eros find love in Sixty Days or lose all she's worked for. But where does she start from? Eros doesn't look like someone who was ready to love neither does Alexandra think he's capable of loving — what else, he's an unbeatable playboy. But what happens when two opposites attract in the least possible way? Alexandra finds out she's falling in love with the person she hates most in the world, making it a perfect case of "she fell first, he fell harder." Will she get him to find love in Sixty Days? Will she let him know? And will she be able to let Eros see that there's a different way to look at life?

Bluebear53 · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter Two

"So how's it going Lexie? Has he met anyone yet? How's she like? What's she like?" Asia asked impatiently. 

Alexandra took a long drink from her coffee and took a deep breath. "Asia, It's not as easy as you think it is."

"What's the problem? Has he not been seeing anyone lately?" Asia asked again, "it's so unlike my brother."

"I think he's seeing someone but I don't know who she is yet." Alexandra replied as she began to eat her fries.


"He talked about going on a date yesterday morning but had to attend a meeting." 

"Lexie! You should have asked about her. You know, try to know who she is."

"That would seem suspicious. I will get gifts for her too, it's been my job since he started dating these women. Oh God, it's tiring to think of gifts that fit each women." Alexandra stared into space as memories of the task flooded her mind.

"Do you think I should open a gift shop or begin a blog or something?" 

"Lexie! Be serious!" Asia said and burst into laughter. "It wouldn't be bad though. You can title it 'Gift ideas for your multiple girlfriends'. " 

"Or 'How to buy gifts for your many girlfriends without getting them the same thing." Alexandra replied jokingly and the two of them laughed. 

"That must be kinda tasking." Asia shrugged and sipped her drink. "But did you know where he went after the meeting?"

"He told me he had plans for the rest of the day and I was free." Alexandra replied innocently. 

"That son of a gun is always too sneaky. I wonder how many women he saw yesterday." Asia hissed.

Alexandra's typical day outside work was usually quiet and boring. After setting schedules, reminders and organizing important documents, she spent little time to herself. She lived fine, earned enough to get her dream house but still didn't have enough time with herself.

On days she wasn't working with her underworld sent boss, she usually say at the cafe downstairs for her regular coffee. 

"You have to ask him about his date and get to know her. When did he say he's going to meet her?" Asia asked with urgency in her voice.

"Today?" Alexandra replied. "It's Saturday. He was supposed to have a golf meeting with one of the investors but he rescheduled it. So I'm guessing he'll be at the new fancy… "

"Call him now!" Asia said, sitting upright and close to Alexandra.

"Are you crazy? What should I say?" Alexandra asked in shock. "Hi Eros, are you with your escapades? I'd like to join?"

"But I thought you were smart? Are you thinking from your butt?" Asia asked with sarcasm laced in her voice.

"I guess I am. It's a shame it's not as big as yours so it's normal if I think like that." Alexandra replied with a snort.

"That's why I told you to follow me to the gym. Thinking would have been easier if it was coming from a more rounder ass." Asia said and they burst into laughter.

"Okay, okay Lexie. Let's be for real. You'll call him and ask him where he is then we'll come up with something… " Asia paused then continued. "Ah, ah! You can ask him where he is and say you have to discuss something urgent with him. What do you think?" She asked, looking at Alexandra.

"Hmm. I didn't know you were this smart Asia. What a genius plan." Alexandra clapped her hands with all seriousness.

"I see what you're doing there Lexie. Sarcastic goat!" Asia grabbed her hands and continued. "Or you come up with something else. Maybe a fake schedule or message or something. You know how you do these things Lexie."

Alexandra sat back and folded her arms. Eros was a very smart person and trying to know where he was would mean she had to come up with something believable.

"Well, what if I tell him… "

"That you miss him!" Asia cut in, causing Alexandra to stare at her in shock.

"Why the heck will I miss Eros?"

"You can just say that to know where he is. We both know he won't tell you just like that but you can take him by surprise."

"That can never work, Asia. He'll definitely know something is up if I tell him out of the blue that I miss him. And why will I ever miss him?" She said, angry. Missing Eros? Him? Not today, not ever and not even in her lifetime.

Eros was a flirt. He was so gentlemanly that it would make any woman melt at his words but not her. The fact that he was involved in too many scandals with different women and that he sleeps with them disgusted her to the core. 

'Miss him? Am I crazy?'

"What if I say I've got a gift for his new fling? That's much better than telling him I miss… ugh." Alexandra shivered and quickly downed her drink.

"Yes! You're a genius Lexie. Tell me whatever you want and I'm gonna get it for you!" Asia said, slamming her card on the table and looking away.

"You sure? Anything?" Alexandra asked with a smile, her hand swiftly grabbing the card.

Asia nodded and moved her chair closer. "Yup yup."

"You know what we're gonna do first?" Alexandra asked mischievously. "Let's. Go. Shopping."

If she was going to know where he was, she had to prepare a gift and she knew the perfect one for the occasion. 


His phone rang a few times before finally picking up. It was Alexandra. It was odd, she never called unless it was work and on weekdays. He ran his hand through his hair, got up gently, careful not to wake the naked blonde woman sitting next to him.

"Hello." He said as he rested on the railing on the balcony.

"Hello, sir. Where are you?" She asked, her tone sounding more natural than normal. Alexandra had never spoken to him like that before. She was usually so rigid and strict whenever she spoke to him and her tone was usually professional, blunt and serious.

"I… " Eros was lost for words. It was the first time she had ever asked him that kind of question with the way she was speaking to him.

"Is anything wrong?" He asked finally, trying to wrap his head around what might be going on.

"No! Nothing. Are you in town?" 

"Yes I am. Is anything wrong Alexandra?" He asked, worry laced in his voice. "Are you okay? Is everything okay with you?"

"Everything is okay. Well, the thing is… " she paused.

Eros felt someone wrap their arms around him and turned to see who it was.

"Who's that?" She asked, resting her head on his arm.

Eros turned the screen for her to see and she hissed immediately.

"What does she want?"

"Can you go back inside? I'll sort things out and come in." He said and kissed her on the head.

He could hear Alexandra take a deep breath and continue with what she was saying.

"Sorry about that." Eros apologized as he watched his fling go back inside.

"I wanted to discuss something with you." She said hesitantly, definitely unsure of what she wanted to say.

"What's the problem?" He asked.

"... "

"Alexandra? Are you there?"

"I wanted to tell you that I miss you!"

Eros' eyes opened wide in shock as he was left speechless. Had he heard wrong? Was Alexandra drunk? Was something going on?

"Alexandra?" He said but she had hung up. 

Eros put the phone down in surprise. It was surprising, unbelievable to be precise. Alexandra was definitely drunk because it all felt impossible. 

Eros knew Alexandra didn't have any tiny bit of feelings for him and he respected it. She was the first woman that never got swayed by his charm. She kept everything professional, talked professionally with him although she's been working with him for long. The only person he knew she talked to normally was his sister Asia and he had never seen her smile in her friendly self. 

Something was wrong.

He went back in but her words kept boggling his mind.

'I miss you.'


"Oh shit! Oh shit! What the hell did I just say?" She cried out loud, pulling her hair as she stood on her bed, mouth wide open.

'Are you crazy Alexandra? What the heck did you just say to him?' She asked herself. 

Her phone rang and her skipped a beat as she saw the caller. It was him! 

'What do I say? I don't know why I said that bullshit out loud? Oh what do I say?' Her thoughts were running wild. 

She declined the call immediately and sat down. This was bad. The last thing she wanted to happen was to make Eros think she had feelings for him.

She didn't, she couldn't and could never picture herself having feelings for Eros Heartwood. He was with a woman, obviously, she heard her hiss while she was on a call with him and as much as she tried not to be disgusted, she couldn't get it out of her mind that he slept with her. 

But she just fucked up.

She had to call Asia and tell her about what just happened. She wasn't thinking when she was talking to him or was that what was on her mind? 

"That's even better! You know I told you to say you missed him." Asia squealed in delight over the phone.

"Are you crazy? How will I ever miss Eros? It's awkward enough calling him out of the blue. I never call him on free days no matter how urgent it is." Alexandra explained biting her fingernails.

"It doesn't matter Lexie. This makes it even better because he'll be curious and then you can ask who his new girlfriend is and then do your work. Boom! Easy peasy."

"That's not possible Asia. We both know your brother gets curious at the slightest thing. He definitely knows something's wrong and I don't know how I'm gonna explain myself."

"Tell him you were drunk!" Asia's tone went higher, like she was hit with ideas. "Tell him you drunk called him and then you ask who the new girl is. It's that simple!"

Alexandra took a deep breath and threw herself back on the bed, her eyes fixed on the ceiling. This was a mess, a big one at that. She had promised herself not to get tangled in any of Eros' affairs but this was so strange.

Was she actually missing havung him around since they were always together for work? Or she was just really really crazy?

"He's calling me back." She said to Asia.

"That's great! Don't forget to tell him you were drunk and then ask him the question." Asia's replied, her voice showing she was smiling.


Asia hung up before Alexandra could finish. Her phone continued vibrating as the name glowed boldly on the screen. 

It was all or nothing now. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up! please

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