
Chapter 2: Thomson II

The receptionist put all the data and double-checked it before uploading it to the guild server.

As soon as the information was uploaded, the guild servers pulled Thomson's biodata to confirm his identity.

After going through all the compiled data about Thomson's life, the server created his profile and uploaded it to the Awakens database. 

"Okay, it's done!" The receptionist said in a somewhat proud voice, as this was her first time doing something like this.

Printing the new profile of Thomson that the guild server created, the receptionist handed it to him.

"Here take this. Please give it to anyone at the front desk before leaving. In two to three business days, you will receive your Awakens certificate as well as the benefits."

Saying so, the receptionist went back to typing something on the computer.

Taking the papers from the receptionist's hand, Thomson left the testing room.

Leaving the room, Thomson walked along the hallway and reached the guild hall.

Handling the papers over to a lady at the front desk, Thomson left the guild.

Along the way back to his house, Thomson kept thinking about his past.

Now it's almost been a year since he left his home and ran away. Since then no one from his family has tried to contact him.

But he can't blame anyone for doing that. After all, he was the one who ran away without even intending his grandfather's funeral.

And before that after his parent's death, he became a shut-in and cut himself off from the rest of the world.

"Why is it so hard for me to accept something like death?" Mumbling out loud, Thomson looked toward the sky and thought about how his parents died.

Around nine years ago, when the Werebeast invasion began and the whole world was in chaos. His parents were the earliest humans to have awakened their abilities.

Both his parents awakened powerful esper abilities, his father awakened electrokinesis and his mother had teleportation.

Because of their powerful abilities, they were always at the front lines fending off the invaders.

With his powerful electrokinesis, Thomson's father was often known as Lightning Deity by many on the battlefield. He by himself was more deadly than any Battalion of allied military forces.

As for his mother, she was famous throughout the battlefield as Lady Santa-Claus. Because she could transport ammunition, weapons, emergency aid and food anywhere on the battlefield in a matter of seconds.

But all that changed on March 12, 2014. An Elder of the Weretiger race crossed over from his homeworld.

This Elder of Weretigers possessed immense strength and he could easily kill humans with supernatural abilities.

With the arrival of an Elder rank powerhouse, the tide of the battle shifted toward the Werebeast and humans went into defence.

On March 18, 2014, after seeing the destructive power of the Elder. The allied forces came up with a plan to kill the Elder once and for all.

And unfortunately, his parents were also involved in this plan. In fact, they played an important role in it.

On the night of March 18, 2014, before tucking him in the bed his parents promised to be back before breakfast. But after that night they never returned.

Both of them died on the mission.

Since then, Thomson's life hasn't been the same. He dropped out of school and became a shut-in, practising swordsmanship the whole day.

He believed that with enough strength he could have his revenge. He dedicated eight years of his life, to perfecting his sword style and waiting for the day when he finally awakens his ability.

But then out of nowhere, his grandfather died and something inside him broke. Apart from his parents, his grandfather was the only person he cared about in this world.

He didn't die because of a Werebeast attack or by my type of disease, he simply died of old age.

This was the moment when his whole world crumbled. Does it matter if one dies at the hands of a Werebeast or by some disease, at the end of the day everyone is going to die.

This thought has been stuck in his head for almost a year now. Everywhere he looked he saw nothing but walking corpses, waiting for the day their graves would be dug.

But yesterday when he awakened his ability, the fire of revenge lying dormant within him started to burn once more.

His mind changed from not caring about a thing in the world to taking revenge.

But a few minutes ago, his path to revenge was completely cut off.

Thinking about his past, Thomson reached his house.

"What is wrong with me? Why can't I be like everyone else and move on?" Sighing at himself, Thomson opened the door to his house.

Upon entering the house, Thomson closed the door behind him and walked toward the living room.

Upon entering the living room, he found a thin man in a formal suit waiting for him.

"What are you doing here!!?" Thomson cried out in shock as he saw the man sitting on the couch.

"That's all you have to say." Getting up, the man walked toward Thomson with a smile on his face.

Coming close to Thomson, the man opened his arms trying to hug him. But Thomson moved to the side and said while pushing him aside.

"Yes, that's all. Now Welson, tell me the real reason why you are here."

Seeing Thomson's firm attitude, the smile on the man's face disappeared and he spoke in a serious tone.

"As you know, the awakening has stopped for quite a while now. Ever since then, I have been trying my best to come up with a solution to this problem. After countless false starts and experiments, I came up with a solution. Lo and behold!"

With excitement in his eyes, Welson took out a potion vial and placed it on the table beside him.

"This vial contains Mana in its purest form. Taking one of these can boost anyone's stats by 10-15 points. And did I mention even normal humans take this potion?"

Saying so, Welson stopped and looked at his cousin. Although he had no idea why he ran away a year ago, he knows how much he wants to avenge his parents. And right now, with his Mana Potion, he was giving him that chance.

'Come on, I know you want this.'