

I wish we never met! This story revolves around the obstacles we face in love ......and the opposite nature of us we have in every sense as a cherry on the cake :)........by the way love is not easy .....specially in india !

Anushka_singh11 · Teenager
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The result

Feb /2016

Ok now let m start from the begining ... it was the final exams of class 7th ...today the result was about to come ....u must be wondering which result ...obviously how could u come to know .....let me tell u..... about the week back we ( me my sister and my father )went to attend a entrance exam of another school ...( he was willing to change our school ) .....we give the exam and the result of that was expected to come today .....which will decides ....our destiny !

The result arrives ....that says no school changing...couse i lost it ...(i failed ) though my sister passed it .....my father decides to let us in the previous one ....!

We were happy ...actually we were getting mad (couse of happiness )

But who knows this was not luck ....to be honest my bad luck !

Who knows from 8th my life will become totally messed up !?