

I wish we never met! This story revolves around the obstacles we face in love ......and the opposite nature of us we have in every sense as a cherry on the cake :)........by the way love is not easy .....specially in india !

Anushka_singh11 · Teenager
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2 Chs


so now after a whole 1.5 month it was time for the new session of my 8th standard .......ahh! too quick !

anyways ....lets start .....

on the 1st day a person (totally unknown stranger ) actually new admission enters the building just after morning prayer......he was just too cute ! his eyes was brown with a little bit yellow shade his hairs was jet black .....lips like rose ......skinny personality but too attractive too see ....he was in a hurry cause he was late on a very first day .......he was just pushing everyone too reach his class row that heading towards the building ...and now let me tell u the truth or we can say a astonishing love triangle .....he was in 6th .....speechless huh?

yeah .....he was ...tbh ...he was in my sister's class actually in another section (B) and by chance or by luck whatever .....he joins my sister's row ....and asked her to let him join so that he can catchup to his class on time before anyteacher arrives ..........and after this the school begins ........today i was like i don't know but i feeled actually new scary excitement for some reason!