
Burst to power

Muperi_T · Fantasie
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11 Chs


When Arnour had given up all hope of survival, an event that could only be described as miraculous happened. First, there was bright green light that shone ever so brightly that it illuminated the entire pit which was once dark. After that, Arnour found himself suspended in midair defying gravity without even doing a thing.

He rubbed his eyes to scratch the irritation that had been caused too much exposure to light off. He then looked around and when the events finally registered in his mind, a loud gasp of astonishment left his mouth and his eyes went round like saucers.


He looked below him and saw nothing but a seemingly endless expanse of green light which made his eyes hurt just from looking at it for a couple of seconds. He slowly opened his eyes and blinked a couple of times to clear the blurriness from his vision.

"Where is this?" he could not help but wonder as he looked around. Surely, he knew that he had fallen into a pit but looking at the surroundings, it felt like he had fallen to an immortal realm of some sort.

"Hmm?" as he was busy trying to figure out where he was and what was going on, the green light suddenly started to intensify. He squinted his eyes and looked below but before he could see a think, his vision was completely destroyed by the light.

"Ahhh!"he screamed in pain as he rubbed his eyes trying to make the pain end.


As Arnour had gone blind, he failed to see a beautiful big gemstone about the size of an adult man's which was responsible for the light. The gemstone moved upwards heading for Arnour and stopped when it was just a few inches from touching him.

Suddenly, a majestic green aura which was a little bit on the darker side compared to the gem stone was unleashed. Like the flames of a rocket, the aura pushed the gemstone and it penetrated into Arnour's head leaving a big hole at the back of his head. Blood mixed with a little bit of brain matter fell into the pit and Arnour's cries seized.

But, as if a miracle, the hole started closing up covering the gem inside until not even a speck of evidence of his injury was left.

His body started glowing surrounded by a green aura and started to descend. Its speed was slow at first, however, as he continued to descend, it increased and increased till he even surpassed the speed of light. What was even more shocking than him going at impossible speeds was how deep the hole was. Despite his crazy speed, it took four hours for him to reach the floor of the pit.


A loud and destructive explosion happened when he landed on the ground. The walls of the pit shook so violently that large debris and rocks fell and landed on top of Arnour's body which was unaffected.

His body was completely fine despite the crazy fall and the heap of debris that fell on him. Arnour was completely buried under the debris but the green aura from his body got bigger and thicker.

A small amount of it shot high up the pit and continued going and something big happened when it got out of the pit and reached cloud level.


"Hmmm" Yvonne slowly opened her eyes and the first thing that greeted her vision was a beautiful white ceiling with a brightly shining chandelier on the center. Her body hurt all over especially her stomach but she still raised her upper half and leaned on the bed leaner. She held her head which was aching as she tried to remember the events that had transpired.

Bits and bits of memories started returning to her and she finally remembered what had happened. She had been beaten in two blows by the scary man who was supposedly her sister's so called perfect and responsible man.

"What a beast, I cannot believe sister called such a man perfect and responsible" she cursed the man out loudly as a way to vent her frustration. If she wasn't weaker than him, she would have surely taught him a thing or two about how to treat a lady. First, he made her feel scared and then went as far as punching and kidnapping her which was not how a gentleman would act. Only a barbarian or a thug would do such a thing to a woman and a beautiful one at that.

Yvonne lifted her head and looked around. The room although inferior to the ones of their houses was very neat and beautifully decorated. The walls were adorned with beautiful nature paintings and the furniture was top class for sure.

"At least he has good taste in buying furniture" she could not help but compliment his taste in buying furniture.

As she continued looking around, her eagle like eyes saw a tiny shiny circular object which was colored such that it blended with the walls. She squinted her eyes as the possibility of what it was entered her mind.

"It's a c..."

*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*

A loud sound of clapping was heard before she could even finish her sentence. She immediately looked at the direction of the door where the sound had come from.

*tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*

Sounds of shoes hitting the ground approaching her room rang making her heart panic. As the sound got louder, her heartbeat also hastened and beat like the drums of war. Her instincts screamed danger all over and her hairs stood to their ends in fear.


The door knob was turned and a handsome man walked in while clapping his hands. On his face was a dark smile that seemed ominous at first glance.

"You have quite the sharp eyesight, just like your sister" he spoke.

Yvonne was still scared and shaking that she had no courage to respond. She had cursed his name a few minutes before but that was only because he was not present. She had no courage to even say a word. Despite his aura being absent, Yvonne had already developed great fear of him. He surely would make a great threat to make her obedient. Just saying his name alone was enough to make her freeze.

"Ok, why don't you start telling me what I need to know and I will let you go" seeing her condition made him just want to skip to the chase. His eyes which were covered by his hair turned a cold and slight killing intent oozed from his body. This made Yvonne even more scared that she peed herself.

"W-What do you w-want from me?" knowing that she would be freed if she cooperated, she decided to strengthen herself and answer his questions to the best of her ability.

"Nothing much, I just want to know where Yvan is" he replied.

"Yvan, why do you want to know that?" her eyes squinted and all her fear disappeared like it had never existed in the first place. When it came to her sister or any other member of her family, Yvonne couldn't care less about the other party's strength. She would rather die than bring danger upon them.

"Oh, how fierce, now I am more than a hundred percent sure that you are her sister" an amused smile appeared on his face when he saw her expression, he could relate it to his former wife who left him years ago.

Without a doubt, the girl was his golden ticket of getting to his target but first, he had to find a way to make her speak. The look on her face was surely that of someone who would not speak.

"Answer my question, why do you want to know about my sister?" Yvonne questioned with her voice rising.

"I just want to talk to her about our child, we need to decide who should have custody of him" Damien replied.

Hearing what he had said, Yvonne's mind remembered the face of the small boy she had encountered. His face had some similarities to her sister and some to the man standing before her.

She then looked at him and replied:

"I will take you to where sister is but first, let me see him just once" Yvonne spoke. She loved her sister and knew that big trouble was going to befall her if such a big secret was to be revealed. However, she still decided to expose it.

She could not be unfair to her nephew either.

"I sent some of my men to look for him in the forest he had run off into, I'm sure they will bring him by dusk," Damien replied casually and added "let's start our journey before night falls"

"What!? How can you say that so casually, we have to go and find him first. He is also coming with us to see his mother and the rest of the family" Yvonne screamed at Damien. She also felt guilty since she was the reason he had run away.

"No" retorted Damien "only the two of us are going, your sister will only see him if she wants to take him, that too in court"

"But...." Yvonne was hesitant of leaving without him. She didn't know why her sister had left him but seeing the fierce expression on Damien's face, she knew that it was bad.

Damien helped her off the bed and gave her some of his current wife's clothes to change into. Since her body hurt every time she moved, he called some maids to dress her up. Afterwards, they went to the garage to get another one of Damien's multiple expensive cars and drove off heading to Yvonne's family house.

While on their way, Yvonne and Damien spotted a bright green light ascending to the clouds. Its brilliance was so majestic and charming that Yvonne's eyes were stuck on it the whole way.